Illegal President = Treason

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
21 days ago

It is an absolute necessity that anyone found guilty of treason against one’s nation be executed in the most horrific and ugly manner possible, so as to serve as sufficient deterrent to future would-be treasonous members of this nation.
If you’re some dumb monkey that came in from the jungle because you were promised some free banana’s, I can see being lenient. You’re just not bright enough to understand. If however you swore an oath of allegiance to this nation, The Constitution, and it’s citizens, and you still committed treason against them, you deserve to twist and wiggle for 25 minutes while you are slowly strangled by your own weight while you hang by your neck. Your bones will be left to hang to serve as a warning for any future would be tyrants. Your bones shall never be buried, but ground to dust beneath the soles of its citizens.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
21 days ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

and add the tyrants complete family line to the rope necktie party.

tom finley
tom finley
21 days ago

The Sign Of The Statue | Jonathan Cahn -- YouTube We are also suffering under this globohomo regime and will until we stand and remove this evil.