JUST IN: pro-Palestinian protesters storm US Capitol..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) July 23, 2024
DEVELOPING.. pic.twitter.com/jK8xJzePBr
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Any body think the DOJ will bring charges against any one of these uninvited folks ?
Now we have the July 23, 2024 democrat Inserection and where are the national guard, the capitol police and that big mouth Whore Pelosi and the rest of her vermin scum to clear the building. Where is Garland, FBI and the whore media to the gather all the cell phone data and get the names by triangulation of the demon rat insurrectionists to have all of them thrown into a D.C. gulag prison, to be treated like the dogs they all are. Why isn’t mike Johnson putting up all the fencing around the capitol like the whore pig Pelosi had done, where is Johnson to clear the rotunda using the police. What we will here from the fake communist media is, it was their first amendment right to take the capitol building and express their feelings and the whore media will advance their cause on all the useless networks, you can bank on that. this smells of the same players AOC, Ilhan, Talib, the entire squad and let’s not leave out HARRIS.
As FDR told us… Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way.
There was a communist coup a while back, moose out front shoulda told ya.
Now that’s a great reference! God Bless you for invoking John Candy memories at a time like this!
The capitol police didn’t shoot any? Must be worse than Pearl Harbor, must be worse than…………………………..Wanna bet the Cap PO’s didn’t invite these fools in?
Well hells-bells, you get thrown into the gulag for disrupting politics in this country. I mean, that’s what we saw a few years ago, right?
It would appear that Covid is raging again. I notice they’re all wearing masks. Good way to defeat facial identity.
Grey man uniform gets an addition! Blue disposable paper mask!