When I was studying history and sociology as an undergraduate, I realized how much the two disciplines completed each other. I was fascinated with warfare strategies, however, as a subset, I discovered the strategies behind civil war.

My studies and subsequent analysis reveals that we are involved in an asymmetrical civil war. This civil war, however, is different from most in that there does not need to be a winner and a loser. For the revolutionary forces behind the civil war to succeed, there only needs to be death and destruction to a high degree. Death and destruction is not just measured in body counts, although this is coming too. Death and destruction primarily refers to our culture, our core family values, the preservation of all of our civil liberties without exception, our morals, our history our institutions, our health and our economic well-being.  

This is a civil war that is much more about the destruction of the American culture than it is the body count. When General Lee won the first and second battles of Bull Run, he made it possible for the South to win the Civil War before it even started. With the Union troops in full retreat, Washington DC was open for occupation. The South could have captured the city and imposed a negotiated a settlement that would have created two Americas. However, Lee committed the fatal military flaw of failing to follow up on his victories and he would never get another chance to achieve complete victory. In a bizarre irony, today’s radical leftists are General Lee. They have taken the murder of one man and turned him into the impetus for the complete overthrow of the United States. Unlike Robert E. Lee, the Bolsheviks revolutionaries will follow up on their victories to the point of committing genocide!

Statues are toppling all over the country. History is being rewritten. The First Amendment is gone. Cisco holds a “race-baiting” conference with its employees. And when the employees express opinions about the tactics of Black Lives Matter, they are immediately fired for having the wrong opinions. People are de-platformed everyday for calling out the leftist groups for their violence. Random attacks, mostly on white people, are now common. America has lost control over two major cities, Seattle and Portland. The government is intimidated from bringing its full power to bear in order to establish the peace. Before America can be overthrown, it must first be destabilized and nowhere do we find that endeavor in full scale operational mode than we do with the largely unwarranted COVID-19 lockdown of millions of Americans primarily by Democrat mayors and governors. America is teetering. It is vulnerable to a full-scale civil war. It is vulnerable to invasion. America has been betrayed by Americans.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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4 years ago

You know,it’s getting pretty redundant reading opinion after opinion about how Americans have failed or patriots have let everyone down for not putting a stop to all the goings on by the leftists,communists,queers and of course BLM.
Let’s be a little more direct.The Americans or patriots failed to act in those areas where these riots took place.Not all Americans and patriots.
We are not organized nor do we have a leader to organize us and what you have are lone Americans and patriots spread out,without the funds to travel and take part(thanks partly to the fake shutdowns) in taking a stand against these vile persons trying to destroy our country’s security.
We are locked and loaded,overly prepped,and mad as hell.We don’t fear these conflicts or the possibility that many of us may have to give our lives to save this Nation.
If the fight comes to our neck of the woods,make no mistake.There won’t be any hesitation to do what needs done but don’t expect a big show on tv about it.
Sometimes people just disappear.
So what I am saying is don’t put all of us into the failed box you seem to stuff everyone else in.
We are here,everywhere and waiting to defend ourselves and or our loved ones and neighbors.
Country folk can survive.

4 years ago
Reply to  David

I understand your point. I have been fighting since becoming “woke” in 2008. There are problems with our side and its successful organization. At this point, our only option is a partisan type offensive.

4 years ago

The difference between the Revolution against the English King and the current bolshevik-run civil war (War for control of the State) is that the Revolution was Instigated and Led by a group of Rich Men (Agribusiness Owners) who were able to Organize and Finance the War.

Today, the “Moneyed Interests” (you Know who they are) are the ones Organizing a communist takeover of the (former) Republic. For the communists to be Defeated, it will have to be One Bullet at a Time, One Dead communist at a Time. The government does not have the resources to “Control” the entire Country. The Cities NEED to Burn, as they are the Hives where the communists have their Headquarters.

If (maybe) or when the communists try to invade and control areas outside of the Cities, it will become ‘open season’ on all elements of the communist system, and the government that protects them.

You don’t have enough Ammo.
4 years ago

The author, Dave Hodge, may know a little about the Civil War, but not much. Lee did not command one Confederate soldier at First Bull Run which was fought in July 1861. Joe Johnston was the Confederate commander. Yes, many historians blame Johnston for not chasing the Federals, but Johnston said that his army was in as much disarray as the Federals were after the battle but, then, Johnston was the sort of man who had an excuse for everything.

Over a year later, in August 1862, Lee won a smashing victory at Second Bull Run, or as it is more commonly called, Second Manassas. While Union forces were badly beaten, their retreat did not present the same opportunity for Lee to march on Washington like Dave Hodge indicates.

Just sayin’.

4 years ago

There is no saving the country. The country, as in the ideals people think it does, or should, stand for us DEAD. The republic is DEAD. We are not going to be fighting a war in the name of those bastard politicians in office for the purpose of keeping them in office. Our option is to build a new republic on those ideals. In order to do that, the existing regime has to collapse. It will and is currently doing just that. We should be working to further that collapse, by being subversive insurrectionists at every chance we get. Do not support the current regime, fight it.

Also use this time to build your own community and self sufficiency. Build your local defensive, and offensive, forces. Times will be rough and the cities with the communist hordes will not die quietly. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Prepare now. Be ready.