Inadvertant intravenous injections: when the needle lands in a blood vessel and not muscle tissue, the poison gets to the heart almost instantly.

Per the excellent video below, not only are “death injection technicians” NOT aspirating the needle, but… wait for it… the FDA, WHO and the UK drug approval body have SPECIFICALLY given instructions to NOT aspirate the needle. This is PROOF of malicious, murderous intent. What POSSIBLE reason could there be to NOT do what is day one nursing and med school protocol: to aspirate the needle when injecting intramuscularly, to ensure that the injection is NOT going into the bloodstream?

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3 years ago

Need to see actual written proof that the FDA etc. are specifically telling those giving the injections to NOT aspirate prior to injecting. Sorry but aspirating to be sure is essentially SECOND NATURE to those who give IM injections as part of their job.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I found this: “Aspirating for blood to rule out injecting into a blood vessel is not recommended by the US CDC, Public Health Agency of Canada, or Norway Institute of Public Health, as the injection sites do not contain large blood vessels and aspiration results in greater pain.[18][19][20] There is no evidence that aspiration is useful to increase safety of intramuscular injections when injecting in a site other than the dorsogluteal site.”[7]