Intelligence Made Easy…


Here’s the bottom line up front…

I’m going to spend a couple hours each month sitting down with you, and I’m going to show you how easy it is to incorporate Intelligence skills into your preparedness plan to make you more secure.

I think some folks tend to get scared off because it seems like so much work, and maybe they don’t have enough time to do it, or maybe they don’t understand it enough to attend one of my classes, or maybe they just don’t see the value in becoming the community’s Intelligence expert, or maybe they’re afraid of being one of the most important people a team or community can have post-SHTF…

I’m going to boil down 12 critical topics that Patriots and Preppers need to know into a series of lectures, and I’m going to teach you exactly what you need to know.

In the 2015 Forward Observer Lecture Series, You’ll Learn:


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