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I purchased a copy of police state, not that I did not know where we are at, but as support for the producers. We are in dire straits as this video states, no way out of what is coming and I hope you are prepared for it. Survival is what it boils down to.
if you can, go visit an Amish Community. You will see that you can do just fine without the grid. And we need to learn their ways if we are to survive. Except that unlike the Amish, we must be willing to defend ourselves, our family and our Community.
And learn how to make soap! Amish make lye soap for washing dishes and washing clothes; and lovely bath and hand soap from goat’s milk and herbs. You don’t need Dial soap! And grow garlic, etc., to put on cuts. Lots of herbs have antibiotic properties. Honey does, sugar does.
Our present culture is so rotten, it isn’t worth preserving. We’re not losing anything of real value. Our Country has been so corrupt for so long, that the death of this Country is overdue.
Be adaptable to whatever comes.
I know that me and my little group do not have the time and Amish manpower to spend the time learning to make soap right now. Im opting for a few cases of dial soap and use the time for us to train and prep..
This it. Make no mistake where we are.
This IS it.
Matt is spot on. He talked about this in his books 15 years ago. He has the best advice that is out there.
This is America. NEVER FORGET!¤tTweetUser=RealJamesWoods
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring