Iran Gold Imports From Turkey Surge To $8 Billion YTD – $3.2 Billion Worth Of Bullion In Q2 2012

Today’s AM fix was USD 1,731.00, EUR 1,352.77 and GBP 1,081.33 per ounce.
Yesterday’s AM fix was USD 1,732.75, EUR 1,355.09 and GBP 1,082.63 per ounce.

Silver is trading at $33.57/oz, €26.36/oz and £21.02/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,602.75/oz, palladium at $668.20/oz and rhodium at $1,025/oz.

Gold fell $8.80 or 0.506% in New York yesterday and closed at $1,729.20. Silver closed in New York at $33.57 down 0.06%.

Cross Currency Table – (Bloomberg)

Gold inched higher on Tuesday as investors await the German ruling on the eurozone’s bailout fund and a possible US Fed decision on QE3. There are expectations of a pullback by market participants, including clients, but what tends to happen after break outs like this is that gold continues to surprise to the upside and buyers only buy with conviction after gold is at record highs in dollar terms and again making some headlines.


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