Iran sends monkeys into space – so can place nukes anywhere on earth

Monkey in space

Monkey in space

Iran will parade its ballistic rocket achievements by sending monkeys into space next month. Hamid Fazeli, head of the country’s space agency said Tuesday, Jan. 15 that the launch would be part of the celebrations leading up to the 34th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution on Feb. 10 and part of the program for putting humans in orbit in 2020.

Five monkeys in a capsule named Pishgam (Pioneer) will be carried into orbit by a Kavoshgar rocket and orbit earth 120-130 kilometers in space, he said. Western space experts are dubious about Iran’s ability to send a capsule into orbit and expect the monkeys to come down to earth quite soon.

This is not the first such attempt to be touted by Tehran. Last October, Iran acknowledged that an attempt to send a live monkey into space on August 1 was a failure.

DEBKAfile reports that the Iranians habitually mask the advances in their nuclear and missile programs by claiming they are purely in the interests of scientific research.


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Disgusted Patriot
Disgusted Patriot
12 years ago

Good!!! No reason at all Iran should not have missiles, bombs, nukes and monkeys in space. Somebody needs to stand up and admit this simple fact. A fully armed Iran does not concern me one bit. I do not live there. I do not travel there. I am not threatened by Iran whatsoever and never will be. They have the same right to self-defense as any nation, including this fucked mess of a nation.

Tommy Simpson
Tommy Simpson
12 years ago

They don’t want self defense weapons! They want the total destruction of the state of Isreal! And putting your head in the ground wont help, when with ICBM’s’s they can visit your back yard with a peaceful, defensive,animal friendly nuke. you are daft!!