Is Generation X Our Hope?

Very soon we will reach a point where clown world cannot be ended in a nonviolent fashion.

Among Gen Xers, a huge percentage are ready to burn this mother fucker to the ground. We’re not happy about it, it just seems inevitable. As much as we’d like to save our beautiful country for our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I don’t see it happening.

But we honor the old social contract: we sacrifice ourselves so younger generations have a better life, and have a chance to be born.

We have to destroy clown world so those still capable of having children can build back better. Not political posturing bullshit better, but a fundamental change in the way we all live.

Read it all …

ht: Vox Popoli

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Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

I left home at 13! I spent my 17th birthday in bootcamp. I Honor the vets that were sacrificed at Pearl Harbor, Dec 7 1941.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

I too spent my time in boot camp, one month after turning 17, God bless our veterans.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

It took Veterans to make this Country, it will take Veterans to save it or remake it! We’re close I think we should talk?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

I have thought about this Irod, the stazi are monitoring all sites, they already know who we are. We also get a fair number of trolls, that cannot be helped. putting our personal e-mail or phone number here would open us up to constant attack, any suggestions?

2 years ago

I’m x’er and ready to burn this mofo to the ground too!
As soon as my youngest kid finishes her private HS and gets into a good college. And then I can sell my real estate business. I just need to make some more money so I can leave this suburban blue hellhole on my terms. Plus, the market here is still on fire. When we go, we plan to go somewhere red and rural. Like Bozeman or Nashville.
Then my wife can quit her job at the law firm. And her long commute into that liberal shithole city. Maybe we could start a homesteading yout*be channel to help other people make the move.
We already have a really good brand idea and logo that we designed while working from home during covid and traveling all over in our Sprinter van. My wife has a pretty good following on instagram from her photoblog of all our travel during the lockdowns, so we should be able to get up and running pretty quickly.
We also picked up a Generac whole house ginny. The guys in our culdesac thought I was crazy for spending that much, but I know civil war 2 is coming. Which is why I also just picked up a Nemo Arms Titanium AR. F*ck those boomers. Let’s roll!

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

And Bozeman is a literal liberal hell hole too!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Yep, all the maggot infested commies have infected every city.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55


2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Right. Haha.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Lost me at “when the kids finish college “

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

Well I am a boomer, not one of the maggot infested hippies of the 1960s, I joined the Army in 1968 while commies protested. I have been wanting to burn this mofo down, long before you got to kindergarten, just saying. Kill em all let God sort them out.

Last edited 2 years ago by tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

Respectfully, you sound like you were red-pilled…YESTERDAY.
Grasshopper, you have a lot to learn and a long way to go. Slow down and start reading. I’d start with the Civil Defense Manual by Jack Lawson. Not cheap but, worth every dime. I think once you get into a few chapters you will also agree that right at the moment, you are green as a gourd with your thinking.

I hope you see this as constructive as we need as many on this side as we can get.

2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Good work, man.

2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Well said

2 years ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

I hope it works out timing wise, being able to bug out on your terms. Homesteading is easier than it looks, but harder than you think. One bit of advice-look into county politics before picking a landing spot-a simple search like “corruption in xxx county”, or “corrupt sheriff of xxx county” might solve some problems no matter how “red” the state you’re moving to is. I appreciate your enthusiasm and self starter attitude, but I hope you didn’t really spend money on a TI AR. I have my thoughts on a minimum, efficient battery, but will reserve those thoughts on that matter as a hedge against curious trolls. A whole house generator if you have a WELL PUMP makes a ton of sense. If you’re living in a “cul de sac” in the ‘burbs, having a generator to run your lights and electronics, not so much from a security perspective-you’ll want plywood and blackout curtains more than a beacon in the night saying “come rob me”. That said, we live in the sticks and do have a well pump, so we have a whole house generator in place and fuel sufficient for SEVERAL months as well as catchment. If your generator is hooked up to city gas, uh, that could be a problem when the grid goes down/gets shut down anyway. In a suburban situation I have typically advised folks to focus on water storage (like catchment) and kit for a last minute install of a wood stove for heat and cooking (unless your plan is to bug out), and a boatload of wood to burn. If you are planning to bug out, vehicles like 70’s to late 90’s suburbans, and four door diesel pickups pre DEF are good bets. We chip our diesel pickups, and you can add an in bed fuel tank with a transfer pump if you’re needing extra range. Our 3/4 ton diesel has a 75 gal aux tank and a 2000 mile range depending on terrain. Chipping trucks/suv’s assures max fuel economy and mind blowing power/speed should you need it for emergency egress. Another near-requisite is night vision, which can get spendy fast, but will put you on equal footing against OPFOR. Lastly, you are NOT homesteading unless you have a steady, voluminous supply of manure. Chickens are manageable in arid climates, goats and sheep and beef all work in climates where more forage is available. All will make good barter as the food supply is exhausted, and if you generate enough eggs from the chickens you can stretch kibble for your security team.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Admin, can you cancel all my comments on this post? After re-reading SL’s comment, I am pretty sure this sirlawrence is spinning a yarn, and I’m a little embarrassed I fell for it.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

We all did realwesterner.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

I wish there were options for deleting our own replies to posts. The edit feature disappears after a while too.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Brewer55, I have stepped in the chit on my posts more than a couple of times.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirLawrence

obviously, the ironic caricature was far too subtle for this crowd. Though it is all word for word collage of “red pilled” x’ers I know.
The generational stuff is fun and all but rather pointless in terms of real-life action. If x’ers want to differentiate from the boomers, they should resist patting themselves on the back too hard or else inherit their own version of “bootstraps!”. Especially before the fourth turning mythology actually asks them to step up to the plate and lean into that fastball.
Sure, there are some of us x-ers who are putting in the reps, who have turned away from the beast even if it means making less money and having fewer shiny things and being exiled from the prog hive, but most x’ers are just not that different than their favored targets of ridicule.
The materialism, debt-fueled conspicuous consumption, divorces, self-indulgence masked as self-improvement, individualism, blank-slate civnat delusions, etc. Sure, their kids may not be latchkey ferals, but instead they are helicoptered private school pussies. In the end it’s all about status and all these pipe-hitting x’ers are still huffing the same tailpipe of Progress as the boomers.
So yeah, “I’m gonna join the Revolution [as soon as I finish getting mine]” is the battle cry I hear most often. Followed by “I hate the beast, but I just can’t separate from the beast because [REASONS]”.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

Gen X here, born in 76. Agree with the article. We have been beyond patient. That time is nigh close to an end.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

At work now, had a little more time to think on that article and Gen X. We are the peculiar generation that God raised specifically for this time and this problem. That is where the globalist scumbags f*cked up their calculus. Had they waited another 20-25 years, they would have likely succeeded in bringing the whole planet onto a 1984 nightmare. But they got greedy and impatient. Now they have to deal with an entire generation of independent loners who will NEVER bow to the collective. That is where we win, they lose, and hopefully liberty is restored.

2 years ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

The got impatient because several of the architects that signed on with Lucifer are getting old; like mid-80’s old.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Lots of new names here. Hmmm. And on other posts, also.

2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

You must be new OR, more senile than me! hehe.
Every name but one on here are pretty much regular posters.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

More senile probably.