What is the value of life in this country? Abortions, untested vaccinations, placing infected people in nursing homes to kill off the elderly and drug overdoses are all caused by the government. Whether the fault is directly or indirectly caused by “our” government, the end result is that the value of life is nothing to them. People like the woman in the above video are the product of their agenda where morality and virtue are just part of our culture that must be cancelled.
David DeGerolamo
h/t CFP
An intriguing question is this … Who is behind the war on white people? Encouraging interracial marriage, demonizing the great men who built our civilization, ranting that anything good and virtuous is ‘white’ and to be vilified and discarded is everywhere we look. It is being taught to our children, preached in our pulpits, and encoded in ‘law’. It is a death cult. Learn to hate ones self for being ‘white’, hate the history of one’s people, cease having children to the point of killing them. Who, pray tell, is pushing this from behind the scenes? I believe I know, but I’d be called a bad name should I speak it.
Name the (((jew))) and you are a NAZIRACISTANTISEMITE!!!
Funny how that Meme is losing its effectiveness, as more Whites are becoming Aware of What is happening to them, and (((who))) is Doing it.
Am I the only one that thinks not only should she get an abortion, she should be sterilized at the same time? Let them abort the liberals away since we don’t want to deal with the “parents”.
I was thinking self-induced euthanasia might be a good option.
I thought maybe she should try fentanyl.
The Rabbi wins.
Exactly NC Rob.
We must go after the root cause and exterminate it, then work on rebuilding moral foundation and personal responsibility.
Observe, a Soulless Creature, that looks ‘human’.
I Wonder what corner of the Strange-Matter Universe it crawled out of?
More importantly…what idiot crawled into it?
I smell a troll.