
Matthew 6:24

King James Bible
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.


Our government is serving two masters: their personal lust for power (in any form) and Israel. Both serve evil. I do not believe that the current government and military in Israel reflects the chosen people as outlined in the Old Testament. You may disagree and that is fine: we are entitled to our opinions (for the time being).

There is no way to elect a government that will return our Liberty. The path is clear but the willing are few. It would be easier if our government at least pretended to serve the people but this is not the case. The fact that the SAVE act will not be enacted prior to the selection in November is the proof.

David DeGerolamo

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6 months ago

I would agree…

6 months ago

I agree with you as well, the republic-rats are just grandstanding and acting like they always do into having us believe they are trying to secure the integrity of our elections. They have already known Biden would do just what he claimed he would, veto it. we can’t vote our way out of this mess any longer. These evil minions of satan are deconstructing our constitution right before our eyes and all of us who think alike on this issue and other similar issues will be dragged into conflict against them, the bureaucracy and the illegal alien army they have amassed over the last four years. Pray our good Lord will protect and preserve us for this fight, our fight must be just and moral for us to retake back our nation. This behemoth of an enemy mut be vanquished in its entirety or else it will overtake us and destroy us and our families. I would rather give up my life in protection of the Gospel of Christ and my family than to be taken slaves by this wicked government and placed into there demonic controlled Fema camps only to be gassed to death or have my head cut off on a guillotine which they have set up in all of their Fema camps across the United States. This is now a very serious situation, and we are at the highest devcon point we can be at.

God Bless and Maranatha.

6 months ago

Every Act in D.C. is Kabuki Theater.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
6 months ago

Agreed, the house only passed it to (try to) fool us and say, “well, we did something!”

6 months ago

Agree about Israel. Sad. Read 2 Corinthians 3:12-16 to understand its condition. It’s everyone’s condition, until they have Jesus as Savior and Lord.