It Is Time To Get Very UnComfortable. It Is Time To Quit Letting Fear Control Our Lives.

This was my first written article here on NCRenegade back on June 12th, 2018. This is my most recent article April 6th, 2023.

Take a couple minutes and read them both.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve been in this fight a lot longer than just here at NCRenegade, and I feel as though I have accomplished nothing. We have fallen deeper and deeper into the darkness.

I’ve been extremely busy with my family over the last couple of months. Coaching Softball and Baseball. I gotta say, Coaching Girls Softball has been a lot more fun than Coaching Boys Baseball. Them girls listen! The boys are causing me to turn more grey by the game. I’ve been in the woods with my son Chasing Thunder, while we heard gobbling, we never got to put eyes on one this season. I’ve been trying to stay busy and keep my mind off of the fact that I am indeed a coward.

There’s more and more talk of Civil War. More people are finally saying that spark could fly at any time to set it all off. More people are coming around to the fact that there is no voting our way out of this mess.

Yet we wait.

We Continue to Talk.

I’ve written so much on this very subject over the last five plus years I don’t know what else can be said about it.

We are failing our children. They don’t deserve the future we are leaving them.

I honestly hope and pray every day for an EMP or anything severe that would force our hand to clean up this mess.

We are complacent. Apathy will not defeat the evil we are faced with. Voting will not defeat the evil we are faced with. We are left with only one option and it is an option we refuse to accept. We Must FIGHT!!!

I apologize for not writing as much. I feel so alone in the things that I am willing to do to restore Liberty for the future generations. But alone I can do nothing.

We are under attack, on multiple fronts, and we can’t back any further into the corner we are in. It’s time for the pushback. It’s time to say enough. It’s time to destroy this evil.

I can only escape a couple of hours a day and forget about the troubles we are faced with. It’s wearing on me. How do we unite? How do we begin? I don’t know? What I do know is that I’m tired of the coward and failure I see staring back at me when I look in the mirror.

It’s time to quit letting fear control our lives. It’s time to harden up and do what needs doing. It’s time to get very uncomfortable.


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1 year ago

If you really feel that way then organize, create safe houses, a network of allies and targets. Start recruiting.
Otherwise all you’re doing is asking people to be martyrs and all the risk of shooting at law enforcement themselves. This is guaranteed suicide for the person and their family or a lifetime in prison.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

Prison or death. Yes. That’s the price. Until enough do it. Then it becomes maybe. Then if more do it, it becomes probably not. Then the system breaks. Then it’s every body on board. Pay back time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I think you’re saying almost the same thing I was.
Articles like this are just calling for random people to be martyrs, which nobody is going to do.
If you want individuals to join your cause you can’t just scream at them “do something cowards”. You need plans.

1 year ago

What we are lacking, in my opinion, is a clear way forward. We do need that “spark” whether it be an EMP, economic collapse, or a federal action. Something galvanizing is needed. I refer to it as our coming Lexington moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

You are correct. I confronted the Tenth Amendment Center folks a couple of weeks ago. I’m a newbie to them. Tons of great historical and conceptual information on Nullification -- but absolutely nothing on how to get it going.
I’ve managed to talk to TWO NC state legislators. Neither one was aware of the connection between FEDNOW and the full on slavery of CBDC… or the 22 highly toxic ingredients in the C19 bio-weapon injection or the FACT that the injections are contagious, or much else. They were still focused on very narrow state issues that while valid and worthy in peace time -- weren’t going to protect us from the federal government that is openly killing us. So I’ve been doing mailings to legislators of Ed Dowd’s coffee table book of death “Cause Unknown” and my Summary of Injection Ingredients & Remedies. Rome is burning while the NC general assembly can’t pass a full statewide ban on CBDC. Now is not the time for gradualism.
The list of things I am doing is very long. I am the bureaucratic creature from the black lagoon. I never stop coming at them. I do it on MY time. If I have to let an issue marinate for a while, so be it. I’ll get back to them.
I no longer ask. I demand. There is a difference and I spell it out for them. I literally say, “I am demanding that you do this. If you don’t you will lose the high ground, and I will be within my rights to dox you, and your bosses, and your agency personally on the blogs of my choice and elsewhere to the public as I see fit.” So far, nobody wants to be actually personally exposed for abusing, drugging, and killing taxpayers and their children.
I shrink wrap books and packets of flyers (3-4″ thick) with treats:)) for my public works guys who pick up my trash and recycling on Mondays and Thursdays. It’s the easiest distribution I do:) and it reaches a LOT of people.
While you are coaching, are you doing outreach and providing the other parents with information, books, flyers on detoxing, contacting politicians, etc. of your tailgate? Have you started calling your legislator’s yet? Have you made a list of the contact info for your entire political, law enforcement, and regulatory leadership? Mine is 22 pages and I haven’t finished with two of the three towns here… If the internet goes down, how will you know who to hold accountable for what?
To anyone on this blog: E-mail me at if you want a copy of my working document “Summary of Injection Ingredients & Remedies.” It is as big a red pill as Mr. Dowd’s book and I’ve even got the DHS Zombie Hazard Command in there. I also have detox info, a spreadsheet of browsers and search engines (nothing great but at least you’ll know who the worst players are). I have training material for the 5G fight that we die if we lose… and much more.
The Tenth Amendment Center is spot on with the strategy of mass non-compliance. But to get there, we have to educate our cops first. They are my first target with all of the information I distribute. I have two law enforcement offices on my info e-mail distribution list and I’m always asking. One of my friends started a MAFA chapter (Make American’s Free Again). In 2021 got myself pulled over on I-95 so I could give the officer information… after he got it, he just drove off. No warning / No ticket. If I see them in parking lots, I pounce.:)))))))
We’re going to win. What do we fear worse? The living hell they have planned for us or crossing over to a new dimension where most likely, we will continue to support those still here in 3D?
Hold fast to this: The Earth in this dimension is in planetary Ascension. We are here for a reason. We just have to find it. Darkness will no longer be tolerated here. Satan has already left the house and we are dealing with it’s shrinking minions in many forms. If you ever feel oppressed banish it with these words:
“By the Power of Light, I AM Light. I send out of here and back to it’s point of origin, anything and all that is not light.”
And ask for protection from whatever you consider to be a higher power. You will sleep much better.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Gods speed brother, but I do not think there will be a political solution.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

I feel ya brother.
Its is a challenge. I do not know the answers either.
The day is coming, but it is not today.

1 year ago

Wes, did you read this from earlier this morning?
It asks the correct question, what will be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back? I am afraid that we need to wait for such an event to occur and doing so does not make one a coward.
I don’t know why the comment by bidenTouchesKids is getting down voted. It’s spot on. Work on your planning, work on your organization, perform your CARVER analysis, identify your targets, locate local infrastructure, etc. To try to accost the system now will make martyrs at best, but more likely they would still just be seen as nut jobs.

1 year ago

Giving birth near term is anxiety provoking. This nation is “ near term collapse.” God will help us when He wants us to act. Then we, who love God will act. We shall take our stand in the name of God. In the meantime we wait. Hearts and mind ready to destroy evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Fixed your down vote…. totally un called for when you speak truth.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

I whole heartedly agree with Wes, for decades I wondered why nothing changed in the country, when we voted in conservatives. Marching down the path to total tyranny, now they control everything and laugh in our faces with the constant barrage of lies. Michael Yon posted recently, We. are. at. war. And the end result is genocide, and still we wait, in my experience people want the truth until it is layed before them in plain English, and then start whining and crying that’s not it. Guerilla warfare and the grey man is what is called for as I see it, there are no other options but our deaths at some point by this fascist communist regime. It may already be too late for our survival, but unless we try, we will ultimately end up with the gun to the back of the head as history shows us. You will not vote or protest your way out of tyranny. Life as we knew it is over, they are coming for us, whether you believe it or not.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Americans Won’t Rise Up And Fight Govt Tyranny So let us grab our ankles and take it then.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Hammers Thor
1 year ago

I’m going to help you out here, Wes. Let’s use a science analogy. For a celestial body to ignite and become a star, it needs a certain amount of gas that has collected under the force of gravity (well, electricity as well, but that’s a different discussion). Before you have enough material, it is IMPOSSIBLE for a celestial body to undergo thermonuclear fusion and become a star. This is called Critical Mass. The same is true for a nuclear reaction… you have to have enough Critical Mass to sustain the nuclear reaction.

What you, and David, and many others have been doing is collecting enough material to sustain Critical Mass. In this case, that would be having enough people awake, and mad, to do something. Only then will something happen.

Have you done enough? Well, if you are trying to carry that entire weight on your own shoulders, then no. That would be impossible. However, the work that you do, and NCRenegades does, is part of collecting enough Critical Mass to ignite a chain reaction and “power the star”. If you have been paying attention, the amount of mass that has been “collected” continues to increase, day by day, week by week. At this point it’s unstoppable, but IT STILL TAKES TIME, and so far we don’t have enough. Any effort to force the reaction before you have Critical Mass will simply result in a fizzle of what has been collected so far, then we start over.

The repair of our republic may or may not come via violence. I certainly hope not, because many millions of innocent people will die (even more than have been murdered by the “vaccine”). Nevertheless, the repair will happen, one way or another. Let us hope and pray that the people who are guilty of destroying our nation, and our world, are brought to justice because we have achieved enough critical mass to see them in prison. If not, then revolution will happen simply because it has to, and when it does, those who have destroyed our republic and the world will have no escape. Either way it will happen, but it requires enough people to actually know and understand what is happening to them. Critical Mass.

We must not stop now. Will we succeed in our lifetimes? Yes. Will we force the criminals out of power, and recover our Republic? Yes. Pay attention… there are far more of us than you realize, but not quite enough to effect change. You must have faith that we are close.

1 year ago

Honestly, fellow patriots of the Republic, most of us will have to move on our own clock when this comes calling at our front doors. YOU ALL KNOW that your defensive stand or offensive push will surely reach the hearts and minds of others who just need that inspiration to hold their ground or push on when called for! REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL SPARTICUS!!! I’m not a veteran but my late father was. I missed Vietnam because I was born in 54’. I was surely more liberal in my younger manhood days. But, I still lived a fairly honest lifestyle and shed no one’s blood! Sure I inhaled too! Pot…hash…angel dust…cocaine…micro dots…a true recreational user. I went to work and earned my party money in my younger days! Been clean since the winter of 88/89! I’m 68 now and more mentally ready than physically for sure! If our brothers and sisters have to endure this present 1/6/21 unlawful lockdown and harassment of us red-pilled AMERICANS…thrust forward fellow SPARTANS and LAY IT ALL DOWN FOR “YOURS,MINE…and OURS”. FOR WE ARE DIVERGENT!! IMUA…STAY FROSTY…where’s IVAN TRENT….INSTRUCTOR BLAH? This is CHARLIE DEMPSTER from MAKAHA! LOVE YA BROTHER…aloha

1 year ago

Wes, I feel like there is an elephant in the room that nobody thinks to address. Now obviously if we stand up and fight then taking that action will not force morality on America or bring God back over America so getting it out of the way that turning our backs on God is the real source of the demise of our country and it is something that taking up arms won’t solve. That being said the elephant in the room is that if we stand up and fight our real enemy that we have to go to war with is not the White House or the politicians or the Globalists or BLM or Antifa or all of the radical leftists destroying this nation. The real enemy is a corrupt system of Law Enforcement from the Federal to the local level including Military/Guard/Reserve. That is who the battle is against for all of us wanting to stand up and fight. They are the protectors of everybody we cannot get to that needs to be taken out. ANYBODY in this nation that takes a stand or even plans on taking a stand is swatted/arrested/taken down by law enforcement while the rest of us stand around and watch. Where are all of the armed Patriots everytime they take down one of our own? How can we even plan or formulate a plan of action or resistance in this day and age of electronic surveillance over EVERYTHING with infiltrators and spies thrown in. No matter what plan of action or resistance put into action here or globally the war will be with LE/Military every step of the way and getting to the real protected enemies would be next to impossible. A principled person cannot take a physical stand for ANYTHING in this country anymore without being swarmed and arrested. When in the world are we going to start standing together to resist and take down this corrupt institution of Law Enforcement that picks us off one by one? When are we going to engage a corrupt swat team or a corrupt police infringing on our constitutional rights? I could go on and on and on. Everybody think about this. There are corrupt armies of law enforcement/military standing between us and taking back anything in America. It would take a 24 hour a day commitment of a civilian force to stand up, operate and do battle with endless officers, agents and soldiers that would come against us. What is the answer here? Why doesn’t anybody ever bring up this real nuts and bolts problem any resistence we put together would face?? How hard would it be to take out all of these corrupt satanic leftists/politicians without their corrupt institution of protection that violate their oaths of allegiance to America and it’s people? Just battling the corrupt institution of LE/(Today’s Military) would be a long and bloody battle and I assume very few in that category would take up arms with us instead of against us from what I see of Law Enforcement as the real enemy of the people it has become even in day to day issues in our local communities. As a disclaimer I have no doubt there are honest decent people in LE and even whole departments but we have to realize the Institution of LE is totally corrupt and in alignment with Communist NWO agenda. I also believe that many of the “honest” would come against us in a heartbeat because it is in the nature of this corrupt institutional system to shoot first and ask questions later and always bring force against anybody and everybody on behalf of their corrupt system and nearly unlimited power they wield and because they are brainwashed and programmed in their militarized thinking. This is our real front line enemy and foe that we face and not the NWO Globalist Politicians we could never get to save maybe one here or there. The battle would be the same against state or local governments as well… no difference. Just as firefighters will come from all over the country to fight huge forest fires I believe the exact same would be true with an all out fight and LE officers nationwide would drop everything to come and do battle with those trying to save America through our last available means which is to take up arms and give no thought to our own lives as we fight our fellow brainwashed or sold out countrymen to take back our freedoms and our nation.

1 year ago

The non-violent aggressions, the violations, the infractions on rights and liberties will continue… because our reaction is the goal. If we turn the other cheek and give in, we have lost our dignity, given up some of our freedom, possibly given up some of our children’s security and innocence. If we react with revulsion and force against these intrusions on our rights, our personal space, our liberty, on the bubble of innocence we try to preserve around our children, we find the law turned against us because it has been written by “civilized” cowards who have emasculated our society. Today force, or violence, is strictly defined and confined to the use of the representatives of the state.
In the 1800s, you could use force to stop a theft, stop an arson, stop harassment, and the kinds of perversions we see daily would have had people rounded up and either executed or committed to an insane asylum. We had a long period of “civilization”. Rich people hired police to keep the peace, and laws changed, taking force away from the people and reserving it to the state. This works while you have a civilized society.
But that has broken down. The pressure on regular people will reach a Critical Level. When it does, we will see isolated vigilantism. If the authorities interfere, and they will, they will become part of the problem, and we will see civil uprisings. These will spread. It is inevitable, because the elites are creating this situation in order to seize more power. We will not get out of this by voting. That has already been rigged. The question is not will we have a conflict, but when, how widespread, and how the country will fragment.
Prepare. Stock up. Train up. Buddy up. Be patient. Look in the mirror. Breathe in, breathe out. Love your family and friends. It is coming.

1 year ago

No special significance or insignificance can spare one or another of us. The firey trial through which we pass will illuminate us, for good or for evil, down to the latest generations.

Good luck to all

1 year ago

That’s right, I’m back for more ( The band RATT ). Aren’t most of us true patriots living a life of less than many others around us. My wife and I have been together and married for 46 yrs. When money’s been tight our togetherness has always been tested, yet we’ve endured as best one can. Twelve years of public education…mostly in Democratic HAWAII ( 4-12 ) was a real game of sorts. Being part HAWAiiAN ( both of my parents are part HAWAIIAN themselves ) had NO meaning to most who stepped into MY space. We all as human beings have a right to our own space. One must learn in life that you may have to stand your ground, fight for it even if need be. I myself learned this a bit late in life…my 1st. STREET SCRAP happening when I was out of High School. Witnessed by many local Braddas at the beach locally known as YOKOHAMA’S…WESTSIDE OAHU ( 808 ). My visual learning of boxing in those olden days paid off. Marvin Hagler Roberto Duran, Danny Red Lopez, Sugar Ray Leonard…Larry Holmes…you baby boomers know those ropes of survival. One MUST adapt to living life itself or you may be swallowed up early and often! We’ve all been played our whole lives by our own government. What! Only 2 parties to choose from when one votes! That’s plain in the open corrupt! I myself like Gerald Celente have not only NEVER voted but have not even registered to vote! But I registered for the draft in 72’. Made it all the way to LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE for our flag in 73’ and instead hit the jackpot given to us from CHINA & NIXON! No not the end of the conflict, but we’re OFF THE GOLD STANDARD!!! Like I even knew what that meant at that time or for the future of our REPUBLIC in the coming years. When you’re much younger life is a box of chocolates…man just dig in and live it, RIGHT! Fifty yrs. later I’ve learned to keep taking those RED pills so as to keep one’s eyes open and EARS TOO! Just 17 yrs. ago, my wife and I were totally living in the BLACK with our lives more balanced. It took some luck and self sacrifice to get there…many of us out here try to do right ( don’t scam others, don’t shed blood, don’t covet what’s not yours ) try to be a true Christian. If you believe there is good & evil, right & wrong then you’re surely halfway there. You’re not alone just because you’re not able to connect with others of like mind and spirit. Now that we are living in the RED again it’s surely a more stressful existence…but our eyes and ears and hearts and minds are still on guard against this corrupt government now IN THE HOUSE! All present levels of it and even your LOCAL politicians are paid off one way or another. Most, not all have been threatened or more than likely bribed ( offered deals, financial security, sex & more sex, you know the whole world is a stage ). Most people don’t even know that since the bogus financial 2008 scam we’ve all been lent on our credit cards fake money that is just digitally printed for the card, but those banks make back real gains on the interest payments! The FEDERAL RESERVE is the real crook running this PONZI scheme on the world. PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE DANGER ALL AROUND US RIGHT NOW!!! A year from now WILL BE MUCH MUCH WORSE!!! PREPARE! PREPARE! PREPARE sisters & brothers! THE HOUR IS ALREADY LATE!!! STAY FROSTY…