It’s Been A Rough Week

This is the point where I have to accept there is nothing I can do to save the country or anyone else. Otherwise it WILL drive me to the point of despair. For I am only one man. Now I know what every Old Testament prophet went through. Yet I did my duty. This is the time when only strong Faith will get us through. Noah worked on the ark for 120 years, and was mocked every single day that “it can’t happen here” and that he was just fear mongering. And when the rains finally did fall, he was only able to save himself and his immediate family. That’s a small number, but the only success that truly mattered.

 If you are here reading this, you’ve got to take comfort that YOUR eyes are open and because of that you ARE going to be able to save those nearest and dearest to you. You are miles and miles ahead of the vast majority of the country who are going to be swamped. There’s always a Remnant. I’m just preparing and praying that I’m in it.

 The country is lost. Most people just don’t realize it yet.

 I’m convinced we’re under Divine Judgment (and we so richly deserve it). We can’t fight against God. We can only repent and accept the consequences knowing His Grace is sufficient to see us through. Things are going to continue to get so bad that Christians and Patriots finally lose their faith in Trump to save them or anyone else for that matter. What’s maddening to me is how far we still are from that happening.

I’ll still do my best to inspire and provide good material for you loyal followers of NCRenegade. It’s been a rough week for me.


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Mary Jane Combs
Mary Jane Combs
4 years ago

Wes -- Its been a rough week for many of us, but hold the line, we don’t know for sure yet that all is as it seems.


Local Local Local
Local Local Local
4 years ago

There are many of us in the same boat. We are bullet proof until we ain’t.

4 years ago

May God bless you and yours.

4 years ago

Afraid the worst is yet to come. But HIS GRACE WILL BE SUFFICIENT. Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief.

4 years ago

The amazing thing about this is that it hadn’t happened 50years ago. We surely serve A MERCIFUL God. I personally though that this would happen when we first started killing our little brothers and sisters in the Womb. I guess legalized cock suckers was just to much.

4 years ago

Are we under God’s judgement or under our lack of action and then God is allowing us to suffer those consequences?

Looking at it the former way then enables us to “just accept our fate and wait it out” until God does something.

Looking at it the latter way places US with responsibility with God willing to lead and help IF we take action.

It’s all a matter of context and mindset. I don’t read anywhere in the Bible where there is defeatism or giving up to evil and evil is most definitely what we are at war with.

SO what do we do now you ask?


Observe, orient, decide, act, and do it all based solely on YOUR reality not someone else’s. Not nationally. Not even state level. At your local, individual, family/tribe level.

Don’t use what you hope for or wish for as your basis. Use you actual reality whatever that might be for you.

God has instructed us and commanded us to fight evil in all ways. I’m not saying use violence although the Bible does support that when required. I saying do what you can in your individual OODA situation.

By doing that we will also find others who find themselves in identical situations and it grows from there.

This all depends on US, individually. Not Trump. Not the government. Not the military. US. It always did.

Ponder this.

What if Trump did everything God intended for him to do? What if he put everything in place for our success. What if the final piece was US? If that was/is the case, to this point we have failed both God and Trump. They didn’t fail us.

God helps but he rarely DOES it for us.

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

Wes, you’re not alone. I feel like the rug got pulled out and punched in the face at the same time.
I fear for my my country. Times the weight is unbearable. I’m out of idea as, I’m out of everything.
God bless and stay safe.

4 years ago

We must steel our minds and hearts for the struggle ahead . Success or defeat we must be ready to give our last breathe for Liberty . Will you get on your knees and beg like Daniel Schaver ? I will not . I am willing to die but never alone . Many will go with me . As the great patriots on Flight 93 said , ” Let’s Roll ! “

4 years ago

Wes- I certainly understand where you are coming from and your article was spot on! god,family then county.

John Carter
John Carter
4 years ago

Do not despair. You are not alone. We must steel ourselves for what lies ahead and act to defend what is left of our freedoms. Together we are strong.

Scott C
Scott C
4 years ago

I’ve been telling family and friends since the early 90s what was coming. Family and some friends thought I was insane. “That will never happen in America. ” Well, this past week I’ve heard from old friends, and all the family that never believed it could happen. I didn’t have to say I told ya so. They admitted they were blind to it all. It breaks my heart to see America on her knees due to apathy, laziness, or just being to busy to fight back in a civilized manner, through public discourse. Now God above has passed judgement on America for our transgressions, laziness, and our lack of good stewardship of the great nation he bestowed upon us. A long , hard, horrible fight , if God’s will, will be the only way we will ever regain our freedom again. God help us. My prayers for each and every man, woman, and child in America. We are going to need it.

4 years ago

Religion Motivates Resistance:

Most American colonists do not fear death, but embrace it, for they will be with the King of Kings, Jesus Christ--our Lord, Savior, and God.

No king but King Jesus.

“Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God.” (Ben Franklin)

Ministers and religious beliefs motivate resistance throughout the colonies. “An Appeal to Heaven.” (Motto of Washington’s Cruisers)

“The man who refuses to assert his right to liberty--property--and life--is guilty of the worst kind of rebellion. He commits high treason against GOD.” (unknown author in the Connecticut Gazette 27 May 1774)

Reverend John Allen asserted in 1774, “Shall a man be deemed a rebel that supports his own Rights? It is no more rebellion for the people to stand up for, and maintain their rights than it is to breathe in the free air.”

Lydia Gray in a letter to her son Lt Ebenezer Gray in 1775: “you are preparing to meet the enemy….I firmly believe God is able to deliver and will deliver us out of the hands of these unnatural enemies in his own time….Trust in the Lord and be of good courage….I am more afraid of our sins than of all the forces of our enemy…Your loving mother.”

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
-Serenity Prayer

Psalm 91 (New American Standard Bible):
1-He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

2-I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!”

3-For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper
And from the deadly pestilence.

4-He will cover you with His pinions,
And under His wings you may seek refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

5-You will not be afraid of the terror by night,
Or of the arrow that flies by day;

6-Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.

7-A thousand may fall at your side
And ten thousand at your right hand,
But it shall not approach you.

8-You will only look on with your eyes
And see the recompense of the wicked.

9-For you have made the LORD, my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place.

10-No evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your tent.

11For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.

12They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone.

13You will tread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

14“Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.

15“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.

16“With a long life I will satisfy him
And let him see My salvation.”

Onward American Patriots, onward Christian Soldiers, so be it, Thy will be done.

4 years ago

Let’s try again…. As I said off line, do not despair. As one cannot influence the arrival of secular winter, one can not delay it either. It happens in its own time, you continue to fight the good fight with your voice. As I said, we all have our part to play. You mention that there will always be a remnant. The name should not be lost on you and consider that it is I, a pagan, a Wiccan, that stands with you and consider the message that brings. Same army. Different division, yet here we stand. Dark days are ahead of us, but light shall prevail. Do not despair that you could not rouse the troops of Rohan for worm tongue’s influence is strong.

The battle shall come. Be ready. And in the mean time know you fight the good fight and serve your purpose. How many eyes like mine have you opened? Yet you despair at a lack of progress? Such folly my friend. You ARE doing your part.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

if i too stand as a watchman as described in the Bible should i ask , give warning and inquire how one connects and entwines witchcraft and paganism with the word of Alahim and His Son?
i believe the True church was lost when the false church combined all these practices in their quest for unity.

4 years ago
Reply to  a follower


4 years ago

; I believe we’re ALL feeling similarly, my friend. But don’t despair and Keep the Faith. This is only the beginning of sorrows. The worst is yet to come.
As to being “alone”, NO, we’re not. Christ is still with us so long as We are with Him. And, soon enough, He WILL return and vanquish this evil.
This is my saving Hope. They can do with my body what they will but my Spirit belongs to the Almighty and NO ONE can take it but He. Remember that!

4 years ago

“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” — VADM James Stockdale, USN

Chin up.

We can stop when we are dead.

Until then, we resist.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

i agree,
i take great counsel in the Fact and the Truth of this: There is a reason and cause for all of this and… His plan is the one i put my Trust.
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.

Lori G
Lori G
4 years ago

The problem is idolatry. We Christians have become Christian Patriots. Christianity is good, and patriotism is good, but Jesus will brook no rivals and you can’t have two gods. In the book of Zephaniah He talks about cutting off man from the face of the earth, and one of the reasons is “those who bow down and swear to the Lord and yet swear by Milcom (their king, Zephaniah 1:5). God hates those who swear by Him and their king. God has to come first, and when the nations diverges from God, we must follow God. President Trump (for he still is president, just like a car owner who has their car stolen still owns the car) did some good things, but he is just a man. Worse yet, so-called Christians around him set a terrible example by submitting to lies to maintain power. President Trump’s part is done in this play. God allowed this to happen for a reason.

We had 4 years to end abortion, homosexual marriage, mutilation of children, multiple genders, the use of political office for economic gain, endless wars for profit. Instead of ending abortion we expanded it to birth and perhaps post birth and made an industry out of harvesting their organs. We had 4 years to draw closer to God and family. Four years to train up our children, to clean up our churches, etc. Some of us did, but as a nation we did not; instead we got worse. Pedophilia legalized in California; soon it will be everywhere. So now I get emails from my friend in South Africa; we are in the same boat as Boer Christians there, and they have excellent advice. Keep your eyes on Jesus; serve Him with all your heart and He will protect you. In the fire of judgment there is spiritual growth.

I served this country for 14 years as a Navy fighter pilot. It breaks my heart to see what has become of her. I would have died defending her, but I am 60 now, and my battles are now winning human hearts for Jesus and bringing honor to Him in the day.

What God has done with this event is reveal the depth and scope of depravity of our nation. The seats of power are totally overrun by the enemy, and you know his objective. You can’t fix it at this point in time. Politics are a distraction. America is end times Babylon. Learn to be a Christian in Babylon. Jesus gives a clear indication of how things will be, and how we should be in Matthew 24 and 25 (there are no chapter breaks in the original; it all pertains to end times). Reread Jeremiah 50 and 51. We have all the tools we need.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Lori G

Good to meet you. i also served in Navy, San Diego. i agree with much of your reply. i as yet am not sure the Trump train is done, but putting that aside.
You are correct Trump tickled their ears and i get it, i saw the attraction.
Yet untill this Nation and its peoples (World) Truly repent)and Turn back, face the consequences, we will not see a True long lasting restoration.

Lori G
Lori G
4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Good to meet you, too. This is the best time for a Christian to live in all of history. What we do here in this time will follow us into eternity. None of us who have been in the military achieved excellence because we experienced luxury and ease; no! Hardship forged us into steel. So it is in Christianity.

Richard C. May
Richard C. May
4 years ago

Brother Wes:
I have a radio show in Knoxville called the Biblical Worldview Talkshow. In the 2 years I have been on the air it is astonishing how few people are ‘like-minded’. I was a street preacher and house church pastor in California for 20 years before moving here to east Tennessee 3 years ago. I watched California morally erode despite churches everywhere. The failure of the pulpit is beyond my ability to describe.

I thought it would be different here but we are just a few years behind the west coast in the path downward into secular humanism. “Each doing what is right in his own eyes” as it says in the book of Judges. The few truly God-fearing and nation loving who have a family remaining intact are in fact a small percentage in this once great land.

There are many groups who are striving against evil here in America. Oath Keepers and the Black Robe Regiment of America are just two of many that I have crossed paths with. It seems to me we have not succeeded in part because, regardless of our pure and righteous intentions, we tend to do our own thing rather than make it a priority to truly gather together and function as one body with many parts. Perhaps it is too late for a national victory. I tend to agree with you that it has been reduced to a local issue and small mutual assistance groups. I really can’t influence the national trends towards hedonism and christian persecution in all its forms.

Someday, however, it all will work out for those prepared to go through the fire. For the rest, whether they be the wicked or those with the false hope of being ‘snatched up’ before it all gets really bad, my heart breaks for what they will face.

God willing, we will meet before that Wes, and perhaps share encouragements for each other.
Richard in Sevierville, Tn

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
4 years ago

How inspiring. I come here often to read. The original article i too can relate to. However the responses have so inspired me. I have tried to make sense of this situation and while i do understand the influences and objectives I can’t quite grasp IF we are to worry all that much about it. Not that Trump is a holy man but i did think of the very loose similarities of his story and that of King Josiah, a dude that realized the dangerous errors in his culture and truly did a Make Israel Great Again, however God made it clear, that Josiah’s reign was the last hoorah and judgement would follow. Then I think of Gideon that went out to kick some enemy butt in the name of the Lord. God said (paraphrase) “Yeah, good looking army, but too many” “Bad optics for the glory of the Most High, send some home” and so forth. So on the flip side of Josiah and judgement perhaps we are being culled. Burning off the fat. I don’t know obviously.

I do know that faith is paramount and that even if all falls away to nothing our faith in God/Jesus foremost, followed by the pursuit of those inalienable rights is what matters. We admire the stories of those that went before us. I am sure they experienced doubt, regret and sorrow. Yet endured.

Stages of grief come to mind. We all need move through those stages. Not for finality but to regroup and stand ready for what is next.

side note, those of the believing ilk should be praying for the LEO’s and authorities. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens their eyes, convicts them, emboldens them towards righteousness and justice.

Allies are a good thing.

thank you Wes and NCRenegade for what you do. Noted CA in comments too, invaluable resource as well.

4 years ago

FAITH. The L obviously had faith, or how is it they won? Why wasn’t the faith of the R not as strong? WHAT are we on the R being told we are not listening to?
The entire time and I mean within minutes of DJT’s inauguration, the L started in on him and never let up till his defeat, though it was fraudulent, and even then wanted to go after him!
DJT showed us simply by being in office for four years what the L looked like, and they showed their asses every minute of every day. Yet, when the time came, even though the world saw what the kind of ‘leaders’ was on the L, DJT lost!
There were so many incensed by him and his good works they went so far as to ‘win’ by fraudulent means, and so many people do not see the forest for the trees.
For eight years before DJT, there was a ‘man’ that did his best to sell the USA to the enemy of many forms. The second in command at that time is now our POTUS. What can we expect but the same administration for that is all he knows.
Making the fire hotter is the POTUS VP, Harris. The hypocrite that talked smack about Biden before is now his VP!?
I have worked many places in my life in my field, and each time I go through vetting to make sure I am who I say I am. Still, with Harris, a woman with a controversial past that makes DJT comments seem like cotton candy is ‘chosen’ by her party and is now waiting for her time to take over the role as POTUS!
If the entire situation isn’t bad enough, Pelosi will step in if anything happened to her. GOD, help us all.
My point is, we all think we have faith, the kind of faith that makes things happen(?) However, in the end, does it really matter as even the enemy have faith in a Higher Power.
Christians have Jesus. Islam has Allah/Mohammed. Judaism, Abraham of Canaan, etc.
Is there only ONE Higher Power?

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Le KENOBBIE

“FAITH. The L obviously had faith, or how is it they won?”

i do not believe Faith is why they “won.” And i do not think that Evil will ever Triumph!
At what cost? Their souls, their eternal lives? While we cannot be judges of their souls, they will have much to answer for. And not just the left by any means, we see those that are currently playing their Doubleminded game, jockeying for position.
If you read the Bible i have been drawn repeatedly to an area that describes why a vile enemy is allowed to overcome a people, even “Gods own people,
When you understand this, things may begin to fall into place.
One Higher power? Yes and yet He sees fit in using and allowing these others to bring about His Will!

4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Spot on, follower. We’ve done the “crime”, abortion -- killing of the innocents, pride, arrogance, selfis and selfishness, covetousness, envy, etc., and we’re paying the consequences.
Now it’s time for us to repent, as a nation, as a people, and to ask for forgiveness.
God punished the Israelites by allowing the Babylonians to imprison them for 400 years but our price will be brief, swift and intense.
This is our “come to Jesus” moment and we’d best pay VERY CLOSE attention.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

i agree, His hand will intervene, and if those days had not been cut short, no flesh had been saved; but on account of the elect those days shall be cut short.

LE Kenobbie, i would add.
Why wasn’t the faith of the R not as strong? WHAT are we on the R being told we are not listening to?
We are not seeing that we too are being used and that we too have done wrong.
The Left loves to demonize this Nation and all that it is, and all that it stands for. The Right seems to do a 180 and think that we are all good and Hollier than though. The Truth is in the middle of most of these arguments. Honestly looking into the Word of God tells us these things.
What was the Right being told? MAGA! Restoration, Money, Power, Pride.. all along for almost five years, and yes this tickled our ears. While yes there was a lot of God talk and God speak involved how many considered, Was God willing? Was and is God willing to once again grant these many blessings? How many are seeing Yahusha (Jesus) in all this God speak?
How many are seeing this Hatred and these lies through His eyes an a daily basis?
Did this Nation or this world seek repentance and changed its ways and its course? A complete about face and return to God, ‘through His Son? Humility before God? While i have seen them speak of it, i have yet to truly see it, on a National and or leadership level. While i do see humility in some individuals, i also witness the same arrogance and pettiness as always, in many including much of the leaders, the leaders in “the churches as well as the leaders in our governments, chasing that elusive $$$ for all shes worth , holding it out as bait for all to chase it, and love it and adore it.
Or were we seeking Jobs, wealth power and a large military and leadership of the world? Thinking we are the worlds blessing and ultimate answer while we ourselves are so divided and in fact broken ourselves is the ultimate in arrogance, Pride,Hypocrisy!

4 years ago
Reply to  a follower

We, as a nation, have thrown the Almighty our of our homes, our schools, our lives and our hearts, and gone looking for that very something that will bring us contentment.
But they, we, don’t realize that what we threw out, the Almighty, is EXACTLY what we’re looking for and need. We just refuse to recognize it.
Even a child, as much as they revolt against adult guidance wil ultimately look to one for “guidance”.

4 years ago

“Not my will Lord but Thy will be done.”
This thought has seen me through many tough times. One more thing to remember is
Revelation 12:14 “And to the woman ( Israel ) were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” I think that great eagle is the United States of America. I also think that we will be a God fearing nation with God fearing leaders at that time, an ally of Israel.

4 years ago

Do not give up. We all need to encourage each other and find peace and positivity in life. Right now it is not easy, but we need to lean on God and trust that He will take care of things and us.