It’s Called ‘Nullification’, Stupid…

For all of those patriots out there trying to explain to the Pavlovian lefties why we have States’ Rights – just come out and say it, “It’s called ‘Nullification’, stupid.”  This is how we will protect ourselves from ‘The Patriot Act’, NDAA, and numerous other acts and orders which are a gross over-reach by the federal government.  As Americans, we have a long history of using the various methods of oppositional law to defeat overbearing federal exercises of absolute dominion.  Not only is the Federal government divided against itself among the “three branches” for this reason, but we also have the balance between the state and federal jurisdictions which can be exercised in our favor.

Every American who is concerned about the incessant encroachment of their civil liberties by the federal government needs to make themselves heard by their governor, their state legislature, and their county sheriff’s office, demanding the enactment and/or enforcement of  state constitutional protections and local laws which firewall citizens from these extra-constitutional abuses of federal power, and also for a documented commitment from all state and county agencies that they shall not only refuse to assist federal agencies in the conduct of unconstitutional activities and operations within their jurisdiction, but that law enforcement shall actively restrain and, where necessary, arrest any federal agent/operative who shall attempt to carry out unconstitutional activities within the state’s jurisdiction.

Governors have the authority and the obligation to call out their state military forces against any power which violates the sovereignty of their state, or constitutes a threat to their citizens’ constitutionally guaranteed rights.

The time is now – if we hope to prevent an all-out civil war, then we must engage our state and local authorities in an unambiguous and committed fashion – we must speak with one voice, united and undeniably loud, and we must demand active nullification of federal over-reach.  If our legislatures, judges, and/or sheriffs refuse, then we must use the processes at our disposal to remove them, and to replace them with representatives who will fulfill the duties of said office(s).  Nullification has worked before, and it will work now, if we will only insist upon it.  Anything less is un-American.

(10th Amendment Center) In the 1850s, in response to the second federal ‘Fugitive Slave Act’, Northern States intensified efforts to pass what were known as “personal liberty laws.” These had already been growing over time in response to the original Fugitive Slave Act years earlier.

Vermont passed a “Habeas Corpus Law,” requiring state judicial and law enforcement officials to actually help captured fugitive slaves there. Massachusetts took a really strong stand – and passed a law that provided for kidnapping charges to anyone trying to use these “indefinite detention” provisions of the fugitive slave act.

No federal agent was charged with kidnapping in Massachusetts, though.  But, this was only because no escapee was ever captured for return after the law was passed.  The state response was working.

In fact, Northern states were so successful overall that when South Carolina seceded ten years later, the people there named this as one of their primary reasons for leaving the Union.  From their publicly-released “Declaration of Causes,” was this:

“The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the [Fugitive Slave Acts] or render useless any attempt to execute them…”

Read the Whole Article


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