It’s Time for A Blunt Conversation

Shocking Consumer Credit Numbers: Everyone Maxing Out Their Credit Card Ahead Of The Recession

Any excess savings accumulated by the US middle class are long gone, and in their place Americans have unleashed a credit-card fueled spending spree.



There are two sides in our country and they are at war. The traitors who launched their successful coup are the evil side and their goal of One World Order at the expense of the lives of billions is well underway.

The other side which is “good” is trying to reestablish the Republic at the voter box. Their cognitive dissonance is firmly entrenched as is their firm belief that good always triumphs over evil.

Now for the blunt conversation: both sides have lost. The plan to destroy our culture, economy, military and Liberty worked too well and they lost control. There is nothing to stop the escalating destruction of the country and the people who orchestrated this collapse will rule only over ashes. For only a short period of time.

Consider the following:

  1. The people have lost faith in their future. Hyperinflation, apathy, employment malaise, wars and now pandemics have taken their toll.
  2. The people have lost faith in the government at all levels. No one believes the lies told by the current regime. Couple that with the failures in Afghanistan, Ukraine, North Korea and China. Throw in the fact that our government sponsored the COVID pandemic in order to make money on vaccines. Now the deaths caused by the vaccinations are coming out as cancer and AIDS skyrocket. Then throw in Monkey Pox for the icing.
  3. The 2020 elections were fraudulent. It is not begging the question to make this statement; it is a fact.
  4. The January 6th show trials are starting on Thursday. Arresting people and making them political prisoners for protesting is a national disgrace. As are the Supreme Court justices who condone the overthrow of the judicial system with this tyrannical overreach.
  5. There is no avenue for restoring America. The slogan MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN has been transformed into hate speech. Having any national pride in America makes you an enemy of the state. How sick is that? This fact tells us that they had planned to destroy America. And they have.

My point is simple: the government bankrupted the country, poisoned our health, cancelled our culture, transformed our morality into a LGBTQ travesty, indoctrinated our children and left our borders defenseless. Throw in the cost of gas, the cost of food, empty shelves and a woke military. Mix thoroughly with propaganda, a demented pResident and a tyrannical Congress.

The resulting train wreck has devasted our once great nation to the point that it cannot be put back together. You may not agree with my assessment. I just ask you to look in the mirror and ask yourself if it is truly over. When we acknowledge that we have hit bottom, we can rise out of the ashes and rebuild. It will not be pretty: the country will not survive intact and people will hold those responsible once no one will enforce the law that our enemies destroyed.

The above article shows us the timeframe: we are no longer able to afford gas and food. The credit cards are already maxed out.

May God bless our souls and help us build smaller, moral countries.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

All true, there is nothing left of the Republic, it is a tidal wave coming to our doorstep. Hope your ready.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Quit bitching, man up and FIGHT.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Pete

I am ready, for the time being I will keep saying what I am saying, if you believe I am bitching or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Dude, It’s gone. It. Is. Gone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pete

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Pete

Did you read anything in my post about not fighting Pete?

Roth Harbard
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You’re right, Tom. It took them a while to destroy it, but mission accomplished. I find it interesting that most folks are going about their business as if nothing has happened, but when I bring up the subject, they all acknowledge the fix we’re in. Normalcy bias, I assume. Anyhow, the coming fight will not be to save the Republic, or maybe even to restore it. Perhaps the fight will be to carve out a niche of freedom on the North American continent for our grandchildren. Anyone with any time spent studying our history will recognize that what the Founders envisioned is no more.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

It took them a while to destroy it”

Rome was not burned in a day.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Agree Malachi.

2 years ago

You are right, it is almost over, but the crying. I have watched this collapse for fifty years with no change in direction. I hope some younger citizens can rebuild the republic or at least chronicle its demise, for posterity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

How can you type that drivel?
We either fight or it’s all gone.
If you’re too old to fight, I get that.
I’m not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pete

Yes, I am too old to fight, but I don’t see those able to, doing anything!
I wrote about what I see, to be sure my vision is limited, I am isolated on a mountain top, but I read and hear, and I see no action. I hope I am wrong. Hopefully all able to are stocking up for the dance, may it come soon!

Polish Sword , Heh .
Polish Sword , Heh .
2 years ago

I have a feeling that the wave of judgement that is coming will break many of the weaker people groups . My family has a unique perspective thanks to the Cherokee-Irish influence . Both of our peoples were persecuted and threatened by death at the hands of the oligarchy that ruled over us . And we are still fookin’ here ! I look forward to the purging of the weak . The fusa needs it as does the rest of the world . When a diversity officer gets $180,000 a year and a block layer gets $40,000 it is time for a purge . Oh sweet meteor of death ! They have destroyed the republic just as predicted by the founders .

2 years ago

It may get to the point with regards to fertility, due to the covid-19 and successive vaccinations, that even marital relations will be unsafe in terms of transmitting the disease(s) and for instance, being able to carry a child to term. This will likely change the dynamic of relationships, meaning unvaccinated women and men will be the most sought after, and perhaps paid (as women in Russia are encouraged through payments to have more children), pertaining to the conception of children and breastfeeding, etc.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

I can’t argue with anything that has been said here. Not one thing. Still, when I walked through the lower field filled with low lying fog and heard the nighttime frogs and crickets beginning to sing, somehow there was hope. It certainly isn’t hope based upon political leaders or pundits, but there is an everlasting hope of life, of God eternal. We are being laid out to be drawn and quartered for the sake of perverted pleasure. We know it. We hate it. But it is happening in slow motion none the less. What to do? Enjoy the good things God gave us and take out as much evil as we can until we can’t do anymore. The fight is here now. That is why we are all so intent upon understanding the situation of the moment. Let go. You were made for this. You always knew it was coming. You are perfectly poised.

2 years ago

Your points are all true, our once great Republic has fallen into an ignored train wreck and we have only ourselves to blame, we should have stopped this juggernaut when it was small and weak.
Them black storm clouds is just about overhead now, the winds of war are beginning to blow stronger, and calm is making it’s way out the door.
Sorta reminds me of an old Creedence Clearwater Revival song, “Hope you got yourself together.”

2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Wow, so we all submit?
Sorry, I can’t do that.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

It looks that way to me too!

2 years ago

If everybody defaults all at once it will send a message to the corrupt system,,
People are not only strapped, they are pissed off.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kulafarmer

So you won’t mind if I kill a few?

2 years ago

Our men lack training. What good is an AR if you don’t know the proper way to use it?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Pete

I am what you would call old 71, I have been training my whole life, I still weigh what I did 30yrs ago. I am all for killing every last one of them, I am a vet joined in 1968, what I have learned throughout my life most people are not ready when it comes down to it, a lot of talk about how bad they are. I have probable been in over a 100 fights and am ready to fight now. Been practicing martial arts since the early 80s it may give me an edge in a physical fight, but as has been said if you hesitate you meditate in the prone position. Are you ready?

2 years ago

David, did you know Mike, Crutch or any of us back in the day? I swear I remember you..
Likely from a contact I no longer have. You now have mine.

2 years ago

Karl with a K.
Contact me if you know why I said that.

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
2 years ago

I think that small towns will survive this. Especially if the power stays on. If not, small towns will still survive much better than bigger towns. When I say small, I mean under 5000. Typically, around 2500 is best.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Yessir, nothing to add, agree with you 100%.
Today isn’t the say for shewtin, but it is the day to get yourselves ready for that.

I do not think the fed gov can, nor should survive whats coming, at least in its current state.
The names can stay the same, but it will be a different government. The federal over reach is the root of a lot of our issues, states should determine much of what the fed gov assumes for itself. Of note is the rules about crime and punishment. As we saw with Sussman, the fox is in charge of the chicken courts, so there will be no justice through that path. Hard men, with steady aim, is your answer there. Like the Juden hunted down the nazis afterwards, there will be no corner of this earth that will be safe for the Davos crowd.
Local, local, local.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Was thinking about this post while reading another blog post….

You cannot build a new foundation on a bed of sand (paraphrasing).

We The People (you and me, folks here), cannot rebuild this country in our desired image, as we have a foundation of sand (e.g. the population). Until We The People become a moral and healthy people, any form of guv is doomed (as the corrupted will corrupt it).

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

I would add that the city, county, state governments along with the elementary, middle, high school and colleges were all complicit with the federal government, big corporations, foundations, UN, Pilgrim Society and the zionist in the destruction of America. Who is John Galt? TEXIT

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I have come to the conclusion over a decade ago that this country cannot be put back together.

I also believe that we are too few and spread out to build anything lasting. You rally need more than a city or county. You need more than some cabins in the mountains or earth ships in the desert.

You will need a large area that offers enough resources to support you and then sell to others to purchase what you cannot. If you look at the built up areas, they where the places that offered the bang for the buck. The isolated places now, have never offered that. We only live there now because of technology and the availability of produce delivered to our door. Say what you want, but this my group of 5 or 10 people will not allow you to survive very long when they want what you have.

If you want to build something, there needs to be a large enough number to of like minded people to do it. Also they need to be willing enough to give up things to make it happen.