Japan’s Stock Market Explosion


The graph above from CNNFN.com shows the Nikkei 225 stock market increase for the past three months: up 23.31%. At this rate, their stock market would double in a little over one year. What excellent news accounts for this incredible bull market run?

Is their economy booming?

The Cabinet Office announced Feb. 14 that Japan’s gross domestic product for the October-December period decreased 0.1 percent (0.4 percent annualized) in real terms from the previous quarter — for the third straight quarterly fall.


Japan’s economy remained mired in recession late last year, shrinking 0.4 percent in annualised terms for the third straight quarter of contraction, following weak demand both at home and overseas.

Is Japan secure?

In both China and Japan, mad and blind policies combined with nationalism and fanaticism are behind the Senkaku/Diaoyu dispute. US policy is making matters worse. Its approach seems to have been “planned by bookworms and entrepreneurs, rather than politicians.” An armed conflict would be a disaster for the entire world. Such a war would bring nothing and would leave no one immune.


Emotions are running high in the dispute over the Kuril Islands. Russia and Japan have been divided over ownership of the islands since the 1950s, but this had long since ceased to be a hot-button issue. How can we explain the unexpected surge in interest in this largely dormant territorial dispute?

Is Japan’s new monetary policy responsible for this “miracle”?

Markets have jumped since Mr. Abe began pushing his agenda in mid-November as part of a successful campaign that put his Liberal Democratic Party back in power for the first time since 2009. Over the last three months, the Nikkei 225-share index has risen 30 percent, while the yen has weakened by 15 percent against the dollar.

Is Japan’s national debt at a low level?

Since 1990, public finances have deteriorated significantly. Government spending to stimulate economic activity has outstripped tax revenues, resulting in a sharp increase in Japanese government gross debt to around 240% of GDP. Net debt (which excludes debt held by the government itself for monetary, pension and other reasons) is about 135%. The US government has gross and net debt of 107% and 84%. Total gross debt (government, non-financial corporation and consumer) is over 450% of GDP, compared to around 280% for the US.

The only miracle involved is the fact that Japan has opened the floodgates of their money supply by printing yen to stop deflation and start a world wide currency war:

Nonetheless, the currency war talk has been revived because of an alarming fall in the value of the Japanese yen, which is down more than 20 percent against the dollar since November. The decline has reaped billions of dollars for hedge funds betting against the currency. It’s nice for these already rich traders, but there will also be yen losers, with potentially bigger consequences.

So Japan’s policy to devalue their currency, increase inflation and use propaganda to explain that this will revive their economy has resulted in a 23.31% increase in their stock market. Never mind the 20% decline in the value of the yen in this same period. And where did the Japanese get such a stupid economic policy? And that is why our stock market is also reaching new highs in a depression.

David DeGerolamo

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Sam Coy
Sam Coy
11 years ago

An RBS trader named “V” has said Japan is the linchpin. When their economy collapses, it will set off a worldwide cascade effect, culminating with the complete destruction of our economy. This scenario would lead to full-scale Martial Law and the culling of our population.