You read that right. Speaker of the House and RINO extraordinaire John Boehner (R-OH) is denying a select committee probe that would investigate the Benghazi attack, even though there is mounting support in the House for doing just that.
We told you earlier that Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) put forth a resolution back in January which has gained over 100 supporters in the House of Representatives and that the mother of slain information management officer Sean Smith, Patricia Smith, supports Wolf’s resolution to get to the bottom of the attacks in Benghazi.
Yes rino extraordinary
based on what I’ve seen from the heads of ALL agencies -- DHS, State Dept. FBI, CIA, DOD, Justice…I doubt a ‘select” committee would get the specific answers we’re looking for. We already know that 1) the people there were running guns from benghazi to go to the rebels (many of whom are AQ affiliated) fighting against Assad. 2) We also know that our people had asked for additional security that was denied by the State Dept. 3) We also know that they were denied help from the military when the attack was happening. A select committee, made up of an equal number of politicians from both parties and both houses is not going to get any more information than we already have because John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, and all the other players do NOT fear congress, the media, OR the people! They will lie as easy as they breathe. I would like to know the answers, but we never will -- mainly because Hillary will be your next president, especially if her opposition is trashed for a solid year before the election. One more thing, the Amerian people are ALSO to blame for Benghazi. WE put those assholes in power.
Your statement concerning gun running to Benghazi is interesting. I agree with it but the administration and media have not validated or reported this. Most of this information came from Glenn Beck and a few blogs as far as I know. Most people do not know about Benghazi and do not care about Benghazi. Or Obama’s support of al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Is this censorship, ignorance, apathy or a combination? The end result is still the same.
I saw at least one article about the ship sailing from Lybia loaded with tons of weapons, going to Turkey where they were passed on to the rebels in Syria. I’ll see if I can find it.
I agree with your links but none are main stream media sources that Obama supporters go for news (if they even go to find out the news).
true -- I couldn’t find a corresponding article/sgement from the Comedy Channel! But, I don’t think even that would matter -- this administration has proven to be quite professional when it comes to scrubbing info -- but even when they miss something (like a phony birtch certificate, or ss number) nobody cares. We’re screwed.
Maybe not: