Judge Jeanine: Hillary Clinton is a Global-Scale Influence Peddlar


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9 years ago

ok Jeanine.. you talk of the US teetering and on the brink of Socialism….
too late, we got it!!

Many know what the Clintons are, I doubt Hillary will even run…

You mention people standing up against lawlessness within your own party,
my question would be — when are you going to call out the Self Proclaimed
Conservative Republicans on CFR Fox News!!

Both Parties have SOLD OUT the citizenry…………..

Kevin Crowley
9 years ago

The new sheriff is due to arrive in town. The hanging posse will be right behind! Regardless of party affiliation, a person, no matter how “powerful”, and rich, will pay the piper when enough people become aware of evil intent and shameless pandering at their expense. The evil one will be howling like a banshee when the wall comes tumbling down for Obama, Hillary, Bill, and their ilk. Bet on it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Crowley

who will be this new hero?