🇱🇧🇮🇱 This is Celine Haidar a member of the Lebanese national soccer team.
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) November 17, 2024
She was injured on Saturday morning after an Israeli airstrike targeted the Chiyah area in southern Beirut.
Haidar sustained a head injury from shrapnel and was rushed to Saint George Hospital in Hadath,… pic.twitter.com/Go57qQwjx6
Celine Haidar died as the results of her injuries. As I wrote previously, Lebanon’s population is one third Christian but Israel does not differentiate between Muslim sects or Christians. Israel does not differentiate between Hamas or Hezbollah. Israeli actions by their government is the world’s greatest threat to peace and leads to WWIII.
The United States is supporting genocide. And yes, I know that Donald Trump is a staunch supporter of Israel. We will see what Trump does after his inauguration but I doubt that Netanyahu will be pleased with his policy.
The Western world is about to reap the consequences of ignoring their nation’s people. Donald Trump’s election is not only impacting the United States. Once he is in power (God willing), evil will be exposed and prosecuted. Israel, England, Ireland, France, Germany and most of the rest of Western Europe will also have their governments challenged. The future of NATO and the European Union also is uncertain.
We are on this earth to grow spiritually. Open your hearts and souls to the Lord so that He can guide your path in this righteous war, and open your eyes and ears to the truth.
David DeGerolamo
Oh--but, but, but, but wait… she was standing within 40 feet of a known terrrrrrrrroooorrrrrist, right!? And the terrrrrrrrrroooooorists use civilians as human shields, right?! So if a terrrrrrrrrooooooorist is within 40 feet of a school full of grade school children--that’s a valid target as well, right?! So if a terrrrrrrrrooooooorrist is wounded and goes inside a hospital--Israel is free to bomb that hospital killing hundreds of other people inside, right?!
Makes perfect sense to me (rolling my eyes like Don Rickles now).
Sad the sheeple eat up the zionist jew pig propaganda! Many here in the USA are so dumbed down……zionist israel hates AMERICANS…yet the talking heads tell the sheeple that the zionists jews are our allies! Americans are just to dumbed down to ever do any critical thinking! The zionist will drag AMERICA into world war three and not shed one tear for the death of our warriors and AMERICA!
Gods choosen people…MY ASS…the zionists do not believe in GOD!!!
All you christians think GOD condones the genocide of woman & children? israel is the problem in the middle east!!!The sooner the zionist government is destroyed…the sooner peace will return to the middle east!
If not for all the jew $$$$ to congress/senate…America would never support the zionist demon jew government genocide!
If the Jews do not convert and profess Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings then they are called anti Christs as outlined in the Scriptures and this applies to non-Jew as well, meaning gentiles. Our Lord is no respecter of any race, color or creed, everyone is the same in his eyes. God divorced the Nation of Israel at the cross and a new covenant was written, and this does not mean we threw out the ten commandments, that only codified it for all of us as a set of rules and laws me must try to follow and obey. The Anti-Christ will come out of Israel and is already on the scene in the beginning of the creation of Adam and Eve, he was there at the crucifixion of our Lord as well.
Yes sir, I pray that every soul accepts the Lord Jesus Christ.
Actually I’d be satisfied if all of them in Israel converted to Buddhism.
Scripture on the “divorce” at the cross please? Near as I can tell God honors his covenants whether or not we do. Paul certainly understood it that way.
The old covenant is no longer in effect or do you believe that God still accepts animal sacrifices as atonement for sin? Even the Talmud mentions how the crimson thread no longer turned white for the last 40 years up and till 70AD.
Now 40 years before 70AD would be 30AD which was when they crucified Christ. It’s right there in the Talmud in Yoma 39b, look if up for yourself.
The Old Covenant is no longer in effect or do you think that animal sacrifice is still an acceptable atonement for sin? Didn’t Jesus warn them that their house is left to them desolate in Matthew 23:38?
After the crucifixion of Christ God never forgave the people their sins on the day of atonement, for proof read the article linked below. For the last 40 years up to the destruction of the temple in 70AD the sacrifice was never accepted again; the crimson thread tied to the scapegoat never turned white after Christ became the perfect sacrifice. It is even mentioned in the Talmud (Yoma 39b)
They are war criminals. Just like they have always been.
But, But, the holocaust.
Do you mean the holocaust where joos murdered 66,000,000 Russians, or the fake one where 400,000 died in labor camps and that somehow blew up into a million plus, and that somehow eventually blew up into 6 million and death camps, but the zionists made it illegal to do any actual research into the facts of what actually occurred? I know you were being sarcastic FITF, I just wanted to tailgate with a little red pill. 🙂
I was bringing up many of these same points to a virulently pro-Zionist blogger and he (she?) asked me what source I used for my stats re: jewish bolshevik slaughter of (mainly Christian) Russians.
I responded with “Russia and the Jews: 200 Years Together,” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Funny, I never heard back from said blogger……
Hate comes in every color, every creed, every tribe, every Nation.
Is it not probable that both sides are wrong?
How many innocent Jews have been killed in the name of this war?
How many innocent civilians have the Palestinians used as shields?
This all figures in to the big equation does it not?
So what “righteous” war are we fighting?
Lebanese are not Palestinians. Killing innocent civilians is not acceptable on either side. Israeli leadership has unleashed genocide. Your questions are deflections of the truth.
Does Israel have a right to exist?
Did Israel have a “right” to exist when they sinned against God and were DESTROYED and Enslaved by the Babylonians?
Killing the innocent isn’t something God approves of, unless you’ve heard a voice from God or His Prophets saying say all of the Moabites and take their lands sort of thing.
i agree. How many commenting think they have a right to exist?
Seems like they and we are all enslaved by the Babylonians at this time. Many do not yet recognize it though.
Michael, you know we who were led out of Egypt were warned many times not to return. Correct?
What if i said Egypt was brought to us and many have never recognized this.
Most likely will not look at this till morning, take your time. Talk to ya tomorrow if your interested.
Michael, you know we who were led out of Egypt were warned many times not to return. Correct?
Two questions. Are you Hebrew? And just how old are you?
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.
Roth, Follower was asking that question.
Mine was asking Follower if Israel had a right to exist when God was punishing them for sin.
As I know you read most comments, you know my thoughts is Israel is in sin and thus not exactly something America should be supporting.
Genocide isn’t the “Fruit of the Tree” that I understand worth supporting.
I still wonder why Follower is here, always arguing with everybody about vague religious points.
Rabbi, I’d start with babies, children and such.
But then again, I’ve been to Gaza and seen the open-air prison camp walls, the checkpoint Charlies (yes, I’ve been to Berlin when the wall was real) where the only Day jobs are those that Jews will not do like America’s wetbacks. I’ve been to Bosnia and saw the ethnic cleansing.
I’ve been to Dachau, and all have many similarities.
America should step away and let’s see how fast Israel stops making war without Big Brother Uncle Sam isn’t there to fight for Isreal.
It’s sad that I’ve noticed even TODAY arguably more Jews living at peace in Muslim Countries than there are in Isreal. Yeah, they pay Muslim Dhimmi Taxes, but they are LOWER than Israeli Taxes.
IS Isreal or Zionism the Problem?
You are exactly right! Usa. Aka the great satan should step completely away. All of our money. All of our opinions yes me .you.and follower all of us. Step away! I am a Hebrew, I’m not an Israeli citizen (secular) so really we should all stay all of the way out. Most especially the weaponry.
I ponder why Rabbi Will would call America the “Great Satan”.
Care to expand on this subject?
Just look at the fruit. We contribute to nearly all conflict worldwide. Often to both sides. The Israeli government is small change really look at the terrorists we arm in the Ukraine alone.
Interesting viewpoint, one shared by many Arab nations.
I agree that America’s Military Complex that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about in his 1961 Presidental farewell address has Morphed into the Deep State.
And even Orville’s 1981 is used as a training manual for the Deep State.
But unlike Sodom, I see good people every day doing good things for each other.
Our Deep State is Satanic, but not all of “We the People” are so.
That is true everywhere still plenty of good citizens in every nation *** gasp*** even in Israel!
It is the duty of good people to remove evil from their governments.
Now that is the best comment of the week sir!
Yes, there were “Good People” in Isreal even when the Babylonians destroyed them, the temple and enslaved the survivors.
The Leadership of this world seems Satanic in their fruits for the most part.
But God uses mere men to do His Will.
Ever notice that Satan and God talk? Book of Job is interesting that way.
Great Satan is only a reference to our govco’s actions
Understood, but it was a curious phrase given its common use in the Muslim World.
I studied in many lands. So I’ve heard it said that way
You seem like an interesting guy . It would be fun to have dinner with you.
Silence in the face of evil? Seems like we have been silent and content far to long. i get and agree with what many are saying about $$$ and weaponry.
i see what you are saying. Kind of parallel
Israel has a border just as America wants to have a border. And now America again facing suicide bombers. And our gates are being breached for a reason.
Hedge of protection being removed from these nations.
12 tribes Roth. Where do you think they all went? If Gentiles were saved by His blood what now are they?
Do you think America and the united Kingdom are in the clear to return to Egypt or turn in to Egypt, and their ways simply because we are not what you see as Jews? Idol worship, Pyramids, obelisk, etc…
How many false god and goddess obelisk came out of Egypt and were moved elsewhere? Why? Who moved them?
Daniel 8:25 This seems to be what took place when the U.N. President Hoover and others Named what Biblically was Judea.
You may need to read some commentaries to see how Judea and Egypt play into this. Of course it was all in the name of peace.
one reference: Benson Commentary Daniel 8:25
Without making war, and without being a declared enemy, or receiving injuries from them, he shall destroy many. Under pretense of peace and friendship, he invaded and spoiled both Egypt and Judea.
We are seeing History repeat. And the people are not focusing on who they should be focusing on and the One they should be seeking out.
Given in the history of NC Renegades Follower working on it gets very few up arrows (generally down) and the massive down arrows I’m getting from disagreeing with Follower…
Follower UP Arrow 11
Michael Down arrow 9
All within an 8 hour overnight. Did we acquire a lot of Zionists arrows OR..
I’d say somebody near to this discussion just scored a Nord VPN and is using many ISP’s.
Some people are going to give you down arrows just to get a rise from you. That is the way they are.
I’d love to hear a detailed description of innocent. Not a rhetorical thing I am really interested in everyone’s opinions
Sure, why not? Let’s give them what they were given in 1947 and leave it at that.
What the hell gives you the right to give or take any amount of property. ?
i still disagree with the genocide assessment.
It is leveled against any conquering army, nothing new. After all we genocided the “native” Americans did we not? It is a term rather like “apartheid” or “Racist”, very handy to discredit your opponent although running out of steam lately.
What is your definition of genocide?
I wonder how Follower can score 14 up votes overnight Disagreeing with David.
A sudden batch of follower fans or multiple ISP?
Looking over even the last 2 weeks follower seldom has a up votes and often down votes.
Wondering about the probability of that. Any math experts that can do a 2 tailed probability check?
Naah nobody abuses the system.
We should also remember that a fair number of Lebanese are Christians and they’re targeted, as well.
I stated this in the article above and before. Netanyahu is out of control.
Targeted by whom, Hamas ? Both sides? satan, evil?
Roth was clearly speaking about the IDF (as in Israeli Defense Force) targeted Christian Lebanese along with Hamas.
Why are you being deliberately obtuse? Not the first time you do this “one simple trick”.
It appears that Israel is genociding all of its neighbors, the provocation being October 07.
Yet, the truth about Israel’s “stand down” (((unexplainable))) loss of its border integrity for 6 hours or so, does conveniently provide the “provocation”--and rescued Netanyahu’s political rear end at the same time.
Fancy that! (times 2)
How many innocent Jews have been killed in the name of this war?
If you’re speaking of this most recent outbreak, you should remember that 80% or more Israelis have answered a poll that they support the genocide of Amalek (Palestinians among others). If that’s true, then the answer to your question is very few. Certainly far fewer by multiples than on the other side. You should also remember that the Palestinians are defending their homeland from Jewish aggression.
For some reason you continue to attempt to deflect the conversation from the atrocities committed by Israel. As for your final question as to what “righteous war” we are fighting, fortunately we’ve not yet engaged in any meaningful way. You should pray that we don’t. The fight between Jew and Arab is not our fight.
Not one cent nor drop of American blood for it.
If the Religious Right (or whomever) want to support them then GO OVER THERE and Fight. GO Support them and Be Blessed.
I bet within a few weeks Israel would become a LOT LESS Aggressive when BIG Brother Uncle Sam isn’t there to FIGHT FOR THEM.
The first Israelis who were killed in this war (on “Opening Day,” actually) were killed in the meat grinder of Hamas to the south and late-arriving IDF forces to the north.
There are hundreds of reports showing that Israeli gunships fired at all ground targets where the discharge of weapons was observed, killing their own Jewish people along with random Hamas, with no attempt to differentiate who was who.
Were those jews hiding behind an orphanage/school/hospital?
Nah! They were running for their lives as most of them had no weapons--courtesy of Israeli policy.
Netanyahu! Another virtually psychopathic “leader.”
And look at what a roll he’s been on ever since 10/07.
Candace Owens has brought light to the fact that “somehow” our ZOG has a weird knack for finding conflict zones where they can mass murder Christians under the cover of military ops. I AM NOT suggesting that the soldiers do this, but its the satanic perverts in the pent-o-gram and dc pulling this crap. With TAXPAYER dollars. Our greatest ally. Yeah, ok. If this does not clearly demonstrate that the communist zionists infiltrated our gov’t and took over decades ago, I don’t know what does. “…I know the blasphemy of them who say they are jews, but are not and do lie, and are of the synagogue of satan.”-excerpted, The Revelations, Chap 2 v.9.
Tucker Carlson referenced the disproportionate massacre of Christians in a recent speech. UKR and Lebanon are just the most recent.
Where are our U.S. Evangelicals to mourn all those Christian deaths?
Could be in their prayer closets as they were directed. Not out for the show!
I do not support genocide, war, bombs, starving people, using chemical warfare, bioweapon vaccines, torturing people in black holesproxy wars, selling weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, I do not support any member of any branch of government that promotes these atrocities. It’s real simple for me.
I do not support lockdowns either.
C’mon, everybody, Admit it -- the Austrian Corporal was RIGHT! (((they))) are Incompatible with White (and really Any) Civilization. Any ‘race’ that claims to be “god’s chosen people” and believes that All Other Humans are …”beasts in human form, created by yahweh to serve the jew” are Not Welcome on this Planet.
Anyone? See what is being ‘generated.” See what the loose words help in creating?
If the shoe fits…