Arbitrarily Re-Defining what was Sold and Documented as a “Pistol” to a “Rifle” constitutes an “Ex Post Facto” law.
Wait, Wut?
This is a ‘regulation’ promulgated by the unelected bureaucracy, not a “Law” passed by the Congress…
Oh, Well, you get a Free “Short-Barrel Rifle” without having to Pay the $200
“Gansta’ Tax’.
FU@# them!!! I do not recognize the ATF nor the government masters to whom they serve. The day they come to my home to take anything of mine it will surely be a costly day for me. But as God a my witness there will be widows on both sides.
The underlying problem is, “What’s wrong with a short barreled rifle??? And Isn’t that regulation an abridgement of the 2nd Amendment?
Opinions are varied, and the ATF’s Opinion is just More Tyranny. Whay does this short barreled rifle thingy even exist? From the Roaring 20’s Gangster psyops era? Part of the Prohibition of Alcohol era?
The Feral Gov is FERAL, always, and oppressive Always.
Because carriage guns and wee squirrel gitters have done a lot of manly business over the last two centuries, and under steep odds at that. They will never forget this, and neither should you.
3 years ago
WHY are Americans so concern about RULES, MANDATES, REGULATIONS etc.etc ???
THERE ARE NO LAWS, because they CANNOT make LAWS regarding Guns of ANY KIND, as per the THE CONSTITUTION..You Amercains are too used to thinking those COMMERCIAL STATUTORY REGULATIONS are LAWS, but they are NOT and that is what counts.
Even the Host calls them LAWS.THEY ARE NOT LAWS.If you are FED UP then STOP calling them Laws.You are protected by your Constituion which is DERIVED from COMMON LAW. Under COMMON LAW you have a RIGHT to own Tank if you want one.
STOP it now before it is too late, and calling Government tyrants names, is childish and does nothing except make yourself “feel” better
You are being “Nickel and Dimed’ into SLAVERY, literally.
Do you know how to say NO to “Authority”???
If not, Practice in front of a MIRROR
Arbitrarily Re-Defining what was Sold and Documented as a “Pistol” to a “Rifle” constitutes an “Ex Post Facto” law.
Wait, Wut?
This is a ‘regulation’ promulgated by the unelected bureaucracy, not a “Law” passed by the Congress…
Oh, Well, you get a Free “Short-Barrel Rifle” without having to Pay the $200
“Gansta’ Tax’.
FU@# them!!! I do not recognize the ATF nor the government masters to whom they serve. The day they come to my home to take anything of mine it will surely be a costly day for me. But as God a my witness there will be widows on both sides.
Soon comes the final exam. I do hope you learn to recognize them beforehand… otherwise, how will you know where to aim?
The underlying problem is, “What’s wrong with a short barreled rifle??? And Isn’t that regulation an abridgement of the 2nd Amendment?
Opinions are varied, and the ATF’s Opinion is just More Tyranny. Whay does this short barreled rifle thingy even exist? From the Roaring 20’s Gangster psyops era? Part of the Prohibition of Alcohol era?
The Feral Gov is FERAL, always, and oppressive Always.
Because carriage guns and wee squirrel gitters have done a lot of manly business over the last two centuries, and under steep odds at that. They will never forget this, and neither should you.
WHY are Americans so concern about RULES, MANDATES, REGULATIONS etc.etc ???
THERE ARE NO LAWS, because they CANNOT make LAWS regarding Guns of ANY KIND, as per the THE CONSTITUTION..You Amercains are too used to thinking those COMMERCIAL STATUTORY REGULATIONS are LAWS, but they are NOT and that is what counts.
Even the Host calls them LAWS.THEY ARE NOT LAWS.If you are FED UP then STOP calling them Laws.You are protected by your Constituion which is DERIVED from COMMON LAW. Under COMMON LAW you have a RIGHT to own Tank if you want one.
STOP it now before it is too late, and calling Government tyrants names, is childish and does nothing except make yourself “feel” better
You are being “Nickel and Dimed’ into SLAVERY, literally.
Do you know how to say NO to “Authority”???
If not, Practice in front of a MIRROR
This is how we need to say no to authority.