Justine Lindsay breaking barriers as first transgender Panthers cheerleader

Justine Lindsay is an NC State graduate, a dance enthusiast, and the first-ever transgender member of the Carolina Panthers’ elite cheerleading squad, the TopCats.

“It was more so like ‘Hey, I’m me. I’m gonna go out and put my best foot forward and see what happens,’” said Lindsay.


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2 years ago


Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Dunno if thats a man or a woman… but who in the f*ck would want to see that bag of skin and bones dance!?!??!
Its not feminine, its not masculine, its, its… a bug!
Squash it before it scurrys back under the cabinet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

this all coopers doing with his sodomite administration run by Obama and Holder, the sulfur smelling demons from he abyss

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Thanks for this picture first thing in the morning.

Roth Harbard
2 years ago

Eye bleach required! Anyone still praying ‘God bless America’? I ask again, why would He?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

The Lord doesn’t any longer , The Good Lord has given up our nation to the reprobates because of the nations abominations which are about 2/3 now, The nation is being judged and found wanting and chasing aftert detestable and abominable things, its the end of our nation. Get your house in order now because God is returning soon

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

When God was speaking to Abraham about Sodom & Gomorrah Abraham would converse with God about believers being in that city ,and would answer would tell Abraham if one believer was the city he would spare the city. Well God will rapture his own out before the wraith.

2 years ago
Reply to  kevsh

Actually, Abraham got the number down to 5. But there were only 4. Lot, his wife and 2 girls.

2 years ago
Reply to  kevsh

We are all going thru the tribulation and we are in it right now and you must live by faith and faith alone, Gods elect will be here to the end and we will see him coming on the clouds of glory, the rest of this sin cursed world will be judged and cast into hell at this time. The scriptures say that we are to pray to be worthy to escape all these things that are coming on the earth. These things are here right now and in our time, there is no rapture till the very end when Christ will take us up to meet him in the air to be with him for ever in our glorified body. In the meantime pray for Gods hedge of protection for you , your family and friends and Gods electedChurch worldwide.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

It is pushed in our faces daily, vile, putrid and evil, actually makes me sick to my stomach.

2 years ago

One more reason Not to Support the NFL!

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago

Anybody still watching the NFL? dont watch latin porn and then gripe about human trafficking . ok?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Sorry Rabbi, Everybody needs a break. God rested on the 7th day. Jesus was napping on the boat when the storm hit. I’m gonna watch football. However, I draw the line with $$$. I won’t spend one penny on tickets for seats or team gear etc. TV only Go Bills!

Ron Gerber
Ron Gerber
2 years ago

Enough to make one vomit.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

What did the trans say who rode atop the Gay Pride float this past weekend? “We’ve got genitals and we’ve got lube!” I can’t convey how hollow this person’s victory is to me. I worked months and years with my friends to get girls and women a foothold in sports and Title 9. Girls, in particular, had zip access to practice fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, equipment, and scholarships. There was NO legal support of women in sports. I came out of the era when women could be: secretaries, ballerinas, nurses, teachers, or mothers but not athletes. Even Ester Williams was a world-class swimmer who performed water ballet! In less than half a decade women have now lost all of the freedoms won in the 70s & 80s to the betrayal by the LGBQ lobby. Any woman who thinks this person is a sign of greater freedom and progress for women, has been conquered by delusion.

2 years ago

this is vile for us to even ast our eyes upon this dark entity from the abyss, you can thank the illegal Governor for this because we all know he had something to do with this. Cooper the Faggot homo transgender lover who his now the new pedophile governor.Cooper should be arrested for being a pervert and law breaker, he has always been the protectorate of lawless actions when he was the state a.g. in our state for the wicked and evil demon-rats. May the Good Lord bring him down into the gutter with the rest of his abominable administration run by Obama and Eric Holder the two sodomites

2 years ago

this is vile for us to even cast our eyes upon this dark entity from the abyss, you can thank the illegal Governor for this because we all know he had something to do with this. Cooper the Faggot homo transgender lover who his now the new pedophile governor should be arrested for being a pervert and law breaker. the slimy slug has always been the protectorate of lawless actions when he was the state a.g for the wicked and evil demon-rats. May the Good Lord bring him down into the gutter with the rest of his abominable administration run by Obama and Eric Holder the two sulfur smelling sodomites

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago

Look at those damn shoulders and arms lol. Transgender lol. Well maybe it is true figuratively speaking. I seen a bumper sticker that, I got a good chuckle. It said “Joe Biden is just another Hillary Clinton with a smaller dick.