Kill the State of Consent: Voting is Nonsense by Bill Buppert

“Abraham Lincoln did not cause the death of so many people from a mere love of slaughter, but only to bring about a state of consent that could not otherwise be secured for the government he had undertaken to administer. When a government has once reduced its people to a state of consent – that is, of submission to its will – it can put them to a much better use than to kill them; for it can then plunder them, enslave them, and use them as tools for plundering and enslaving others.”

– Lysander Spooner

There is no man on a white horse to ride into Washington DC and fix what is wrong. Every time you pull that lever in the voting booth surrounded by earnest old women in tennis shoes, you are perpetuating a lie. The lie that voting can create and nourish the garden of freedom and liberty is an oft-quoted and misleading deception. Like pulling the trigger on a gun with an innocent man or woman in front of the muzzle and thinking no harm will come. The lever is a stamp of approval for the terrorism, initiated violence and horror show that all government beyond self-government is in fact and history.

Voting is violence because every time a human pulls that lever they are legitimizing a proxy to use force to exact tax tribute, regulatory compliance and the maintenance of a police state. The state quite literally goes into your neighbor’s house on a consistent basis and demands a portion of that person’s wealth at the end of a gun; they don’t knock, they stroll in and take what they wish under color of law. If you resist, you are rewarded with a boot on your neck and a gun screwed to your temple, they may even be kind enough to levy an extra surcharge or kidnap you and cage you for daring to question their system of criminality. Voting simply shuffles plantation owners on the veranda. Voting in a private venue is fine but the state notion of voting is an approval of the ownership of other human beings.


h/t Hans in the Woods


I had two discussions today on not voting. One concerned a person’s due diligence to prepare documentation to tell people which candidate to vote for. George Washington would be turning over in his grave.

The other entailed voting for the lesser of two evils.

If everyone knows that voting for politicians who continue to enslave us is not the answer, why are people still voting? And paying taxes? And obeying tyrannical laws?

David DeGerolamo

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