Please forgive me if I don’t get all excited about Trumps newly redesigned jet for his upcoming campaign for the Presidency.
Trump STILL has a death grip on Our Side.
I can’t believe people will actually fall for this crap again.
I will not be voting as I have stated numerous times.
I enjoyed the video -- I can’t think of a single constructive thing to say about the negativity expressed in this post toward Trump.
I have am incomplete list off the top of my head.
1) He is still pushing the death shot,
2) He flew on Epstein’s plane.
3) He has been photographed numerous time with Epstein and/or Maxwell at public events.
4) He called Epstein a Terrific guy in an FBI interview.
5) Epstein died under his watch.
6) It is time for Hillary and the nation to heal.
7) He let his supporters hang at the Capital building and then and still is throwing them under the bus.
8) He continued the support if terrorists in Syria in and undeclared war.
9) He continued the support of Nazis in the Ukraine.
10) He recycled all the old Republican people in positions of power.
11) He bowed to the Saudi king.
12) He pays off whores to keep their mouth shut.
13) He did very little, if anything to investigate fraudulent election.
14) He allowed Fauci to do what he did.
15) He did not investigate our governments involvement in the plandemic.
That should be constructive for list for not allowing the nation to fall into the same trap again and idolizing an evil man.
I think you need to do more research on Trump’s association and flight with Epstein.
Probably flew there with his golf buddy Billary…
You know, if you just pic one thing, yes I could have over looked it. But after a while, things add up. You do not call a pedo that pimps out little kids a terrific guy. Anyone with any morals would not do that. At that time he knew who Epstein was, heck he even said he liked “young” girls. Yet called him a terrific guy. Then Epstein arkancided himself and everyone knew it was an inside job and no real investigation is done. Me thinks the boss of the FBI director could have made sure there was a fair investigation. But there was none. Why? 2+2 equals 4.
But lets say it is all a coincident. Even though there is no such thing. But let say it was. A good honest man and a real leader would have called for one and made sure it happened. Let say he and his family was threatened. Why run again? Why put yourself out on the public stage? Go find a corner and coward there to protect you and yours. I can understand that. But to still play a part in it all, says all we should need to know.
Pushing the death shot as “safe and effective” with all the information that has come out about how deadly and damaging they are sealed the deal for me.
He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Check all of the above! If the criminal’s steal one time it will happen again.
First and foremost I evaluate politicians by the 9/11 filter. On 9/11, Donald was in NYC. He was interviewed on the streets. He said hat planes alone couldn’t have brought down the towers and suggested explosives must’ve been used. As President, with the world as his stage and after promising to drain the swamp, he never mentioned it.
While campaigning for President, he said that he saw dancing Muslims, not dancing Israelis celebrating on 9/11 as the towers fell. This help solidify the fake Muslim terrorist story and hide Israhell’s involvement.
As President, he hires Rudy Gulianni as his lawyer. Rudy was a former federal prosecutor and Mayor of NYC on 9/11. Rudy know ground zero was a crime scene with possible forensic evidence. His first major action was to start hauling away and cutting up all the metal beams. Had he allowed forensics to take over, they would have found traces of thermite, an explosive component. Donald fails the 9/11 filter test on multiple counts.
How about He Deserves It
I will not be voting either, there is only one way to restore our liberty and freedom. We have to take it, TINVOWOOT.
I enjoyed watching the liberal heads explode at Trumps comments; however I don’t think Trump was a good president. He chose very poor advisors, swamp creatures all, kept Fuchi on, abandon the 1-6-22 demonstrators
and brought us the shot!
I have been a libertarian all my adult life and usually don’t vote and will not vote again. How has the voting worked out, stolen, rino’s idiots and a wrecked republic and economy!!
I felt the same way, but I am older and don’t have too many years left to wait. Republican means betrayal, if you want my vote pick a new name.
I am voting communist from now on. Picture Slim Pickens ridding the nuke while waving his hat and whooping -- that’s me voting.
Yep I would vote for the man that is still pushing the mark of the beast. Yeah he is a outsider alright.
You lose credibility when you decide for the rest of us what the mark of the beast is. Revelation is not addressed to the born again believers. It is a future administration. All efforts to “explain” Revelation is conjecture. Give Satan a little credit for masterminding how he will deceive nations. Too many professing Christians think they have ‘ol Satan and his mark figured out.
So are you saying that there will be no saved people in the tribulation?
I’m not sayin’ nuttin’ about nobody regarding the tribulation. God doesn’t need me to explain future events in Revelation to people. It would be guesswork. This I do know, He is a just God and will judge justly!
So, what are you saying? What other books are not for the saved in the Bible?
All of it is God’s word, only some of it can be applied today. Would you like to carry out the sacrifices that Israel carried out? Of course not. The prophets spoke for God to Israel in the OT. The gospels are the records of Christ on earth. He was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. They rejected him and God made the new birth available, [Romans 10:9,10].The epistles are to the born again believers and give us the greatness of what God did for us through Christ Jesus. Quit wondering who is saved, who isn’t etc etc. You’re missing out on the greatness of being a son of God with power!
Nice deflection and I do not wonder who is saved. Never mention it what so ever.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Have a wonderful day!
Just in case anyone thinks that I am trying to falsely interpret the Bible. It is clear that there are those that are saved during the Tribulation. No this is not an interpretation, this is what the Bible states.
Revelation 20:4 -- 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Revelation 7:14 -- 14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
And the thing with it not being for the saved.
Revelation 1 -- 1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
It clearly states who this book is for. To my knowledge, no other Book states it is for his servants.
In the epistles, the born again believers are sons, they have seed, “Christ in you the hope of glory!” In the OT they are servants, not sons by birth but by adoption. Revelation is for servants, adopted, not sons, sons by birth.
So you are saying that in the NT that believers are not called servants or referred to as a servant? Peter, James, Paul, Timotheus, Jude and John all referred to themselves as servants to God and Jesus. I would post all the verses but there is not enough room. John described himself as a servant in Rev 1:1.
There be some will be slain for refusing the mark, but after this, God says he give them up with a strong delusion to believe the lie.
TINVOWOOT! “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Only if Americans only believed that.
The soap box has failed.
The ballot box has failed.
Time for the cartridge box ?
Covid was ‘cover’ of failed liberal policies (the collapse) as well as the next stage of killing freedom and increased growth of Government.
Trump was prezident while all this occured with his blessing. THe single largest growth of fedzilla EVER with the coronascam and the ‘only gubmint will keep you safe’ brainwashing.
I don’t watch Tv often, but had faux news on one day while they were implementing the tent ‘hospitals’ in NYC for the supposed influx of covid patients.
All money laundering and gubmint accounting. Trump stood in rapt adoration of the army guys that were speaking.
He is a politician. He might not have been when running, but he is now.
Only turning back to God will ‘save’ us. Looking to another human is more breaking of the commandment, Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
Their “lord” and “savior” Donald “christ” will not save them.
I’m disgusted beyond words with Donnie Dump and his brain dead Followers The “Dumpsters”. There is no convincing them that DJT played us all. Don’t give me he was outgunned…he allowed every bit of what is happening, happen. Treasonous piece of crap is all I think of when I hear his voice or see his face. He is going to go down as the Evil lying scum that he is. THE ABSOLUTE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.The guy that gave the Republic to our enemies with a smile on his face and lies on his lips
Proverbs 26:11- 11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
Spot on Bubba1, for a guy that claims to be so smart, he is quite the dum-ass. Tramp set everything up for the coup.
Like every president before him. They all set up the next presidency with what they need. All the while We tell ourselves our vote makes a difference.
Trump was the “Wake Up Call”. I appreciate what he tried to do, but it’s past time to move on and elect (or try to elect) someone who will clean da house. And I do mean clean by removing ALL the detritus drivel currently contaminating our entire gobbermint.
Now: Where Is JOHN GAULT!
Is he masquerading as Gov. DeSantis? Or another?
Remember that DeSantis signed this into law.
381.00315 Public health advisories; public health
16 emergencies; isolation and quarantines.—The State Health Officer
17 is responsible for declaring public health emergencies, issuing
18 public health advisories, and ordering isolation or quarantines.
19 (2)
20 (d) The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public
21 health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect
22 the public health. Such actions include, but are not limited to:
23 1. Directing manufacturers of prescription drugs or over
61 4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested,
62 vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable
63 diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and
64 present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are
65 unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or
66 treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be
67 subjected to isolation or quarantine.
68 a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be
69 performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health
70 Officer.
71 b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health,
72 the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation
73 or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or
74 quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any
75 means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.
HB 7B 2021B Legislature
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Page 4 of 4
76 c. Any order of the State Health Officer given to
77 effectuate this paragraph is immediately enforceable by a law
78 enforcement officer under s. 381.0012.
79 (5) The department shall adopt rules to specify the
80 conditions and procedures for imposing and releasing an
81 isolation or a quarantine. The rules must include provisions
82 related to:
83 (c) The tests or treatment, including vaccination, for
84 communicable disease required before employment or admission to
85 the premises or to comply with an isolation or a quarantine.
86 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.
If he is the Repub nominee, I WILL vote for him, cuz that is one more vote against any Socialist Dem that runs.
I agree that we can’t vote our way out, keep buying ammo.
I also agree Trump made many mistakes, especially selecting his cabinet. He fired may as well, so give him some credit.
If elected, he better FIRE 50% of the military general officer staff, 90% of FBI / DOJ / CIA leadership. Otherwise, we will have four years of treason.
Of course he won’t as well as any other of the current Repub favorites, Desantis included.
He is beholden to Israhell. He proudly stated that not state is more friendly to Israhell than Florida.
I check this site each day for news updates and journalism and will continue to do so.
But due to the opinions regarding people who support PDJT as “dumpards” or whatever deragatory term you can come up with to call us, I felt the need to express my own opinion.
PDJT has actually done a lot for this country. If you can’t see that due to the own chunk of wood in your own eye than that’s on you. I won’t defend what he has done but millions of people DO see it.
Has he done everything right? Of course not, what man has? What have any of the baby boomers done for the cause of liberty or morality for their own country? Have any of you ran for local counties, school boards etc..?
Or do you all sit here and sharp shoot from a keyboard and act as if spouting crap on here is “your” gift of service to this country?
I was at January 6, and I have never been around so many veterans in my life. I have given 8 years of my life to this country and was proud to be standing side by side with thousands of veterans on that day.
We all are looking for a competent leader to try and navigate a ship that is heading directly towards an iceberg and already has numerous engine failures.
PDJT isn’t perfect, but he is far from a person who “ruined” this country. The fall of this country cannot be pinned on him, but a failure of the population. He brought awareness to the deep seeded corruption.
There may not be a way to vote ourselves out of this. But if you think going out in a bullet storm will inspire millions, then freaking do it already and stop running your mouth about “trumptards”. Lets see how many millions you inspire to follow in your footsteps.
There is no denying how many people PDJT has united in a common cause. I spoke to lots of people on J6 and saw the diveristy of individuals there and it speaks for itself.
For you that keep talking crap about him that are old, please tell me what you have done to unit the people around you and brought awareness to the corruption of the swamp?
If not and you just want to go down banging and keep talking like a strong keyboard warrior combat vet…then please LEAD THE WAY, because YOU CANNOT LEAD WHERE YOU WILL NOT GO.
Perfect, I could not agree more. All these people keep saying it is time to go to war and then do nothing over and over. Stop saying it is time to do something and DO IT.
I agree. No one is perfect. Trump did more for this country in 4 years under impossible conditions than I could have imagined. I disagree completely with his support of the vaccine. Was he misled? By everyone in the Deep State which was more prevalent and evil than we knew. As for people who keep bashing him, it is your opinion. I don’t have to agree with all of it but Trump did more than any one else would have done.
I’m with you!
With all this time spent researching trump let’s not all vote for him and lay back and let the next nwo puppet take over continue to drive prices up inflation up. Stocks down crime up and when America falls we can enjoy civil war famine death chaos and utterly brutal destruction. Daniel N.C.