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There is a requirement in Article 1, Section 4 that Congress must meet once a year in Washington on the first Monday in December. But we know the Constitution is no longer valid since the Republic was overthrow.

David DeGerolamo

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7 months ago

David -- -- Please recall that during the Covid lockdowns Nanzi Pee-Loosely set up work and vote from home for all Congressslimes.

The precedent has been set, so the rest will fall into place, but only with a Constitutional Amendment.

Unfortunately we all know it in our bones…… the Bad Times approach and nothing will be done until the dust (could be fallout?) settles.

7 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I was just coming here to make the same point. And if they aren’t constrained by the size of the House chamber, there should be no problem with 11,000+ so-called “representatives.” And anyone who thinks that 11,000 in the House is WAY TOO MANY, should happily support breaking up the nation into sovereign entities of a more functional size that would ACTUALLY come close to providing REAL representation to the citizens and not just the bigBusiness interests that control DC now.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
7 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Dearest, Art. I, Sec. 2, clause 3 says, “The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand,…”
That means, e.g., that a State can’t have 2 Representatives for every thirty Thousand.
It doesn’t mean that for every thirty Thousand, one must have an additional Representative. Congress may provide, for example, that for every 60 Thousand, the State will get one Representative.
James Madison wrote a length of the problem of having too many Representatives. After a while, it becomes a mob. The New Hampshire Legislature has some 400 Representatives! Yikes!

7 months ago
Reply to  Joanna Martin

But its important to understand that the population of the country has nearly tripled while the House has not increased in size one bit. The budget has gone up nearly 100 fold with ZERO increase in representation…and that is just from when the size was FIXED…to say NOTHING of when this country started. And I know the wording, but I can bet that the founding fathers, including Madison, would NEVER have said that it was far better to have next to no representation than to have too many. And I would bet that NONE of them could EVER have imagined a government that STOLE 1/2 of the wealth of the nation, took us and additional $1Trillion into debt every 100 days or so, micromanaged virtually EVERY SECOND OF EVERYONE’S LIFE, nor a government with an employee headcount larger than most of the nations on earth.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
7 months ago

Our Constitution is still part of the Supreme Law of the Land. It is ignored and unread, but like The Bible, it is Valid.
I didn’t listen to the end of his vulgar rant. But no matter how many times ones uses the “F” word, the fact remains: Americans are ignorant and morally corrupt; and have the government they deserve.
And “term limits” on Congress would be destructive: If Mr. Filthy Mouth would uses his head instead of his filthy mouth, he might be able to figure out what is wrong with congressional term limits:
Unlike Mr. Filthy Mouth, I actually show what the problem is -- it’s a MORAL failure on the part of the American People.

Snotty Boy
Snotty Boy
7 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The Republic began its fall in 1865. The fall was complete in the 1930s with the “New Deal”.
We are just now seeing the results in real time.

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I’ll say it, sadly our republic has fallen, “your” reps obviously no longer express your wishes, recall the reps represent the people, the senate represents the government. Vet’s on the street, $61 billion for Ukraine, families that are barely able to feed themselves due to rampant inflation, $26 billion for Israel, mounting unchecked debt rising by a trillion dollars every 96 days, $8 billion for Taiwan. Your Republic has fallen and as the country burns, bidum slobbers his ice cream.

7 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

I believe the congress approved another 60 billion for the Ukraine shit hole to fight the Russians.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
7 months ago
Reply to  Joanna Martin

The man in the video knows what need to be done. His plan would work.
You were given a warning there was foul language. Complain about something else. Your plan fixes nothing.