h/t Chris from comments
Update: source video from https://www.bitchute.com/video/Br5qFtL1yhja/
It appears that bitchute does not have their reference video embedded. I received the following comment from that account:
Cite the source of the video, you content stealing/posting/plagiarizing FAVGOT.
For future reference, MUTT: (Simplicius76) – https://www.bitchute.com/video/Br5qFtL1yhja/
Rest assured Simplicius76, it was an oversight on my part but it will not happen again. I will make sure that any video without an embedded source will have the attribute added. You do not have to worry about yours in the future as you will not be sourced again on this site.
David DeGerolamo
If the US had done something like that, they’d already given them all to the enemy, written it off as “unaffordable to bring back home” and lost all records of the capture. And then ban guns at home because the murder rate in metropolisvilletownburgagophia is high…because the communist regime there has propagated such in order to add fuel to the gun control agenda. Not that I’m bitter about it or anything. Haha.
The problem will be when the Russians start opening up those crates and inspecting weapons and find “Made In the USA” stamped on internal components.
Yup. WWIII is coming, for sure.
WWIII is already happening….
Most folks simply refuse to accept it….
Lol, I expecting to see “STARK INDUSTRIES” on those munitions.
That is a good laugh, but in a lot ways true, who really profits from war, who has the most to gain. The military industrial complex, and war is good population control.
Afghanistan Part 2!
Death to the Globalists! Freedom!
Oh man don’t tell Aeslop. He will spank us with fancy words and R.L.Emrey us to death about how all this is backwards Russians losing.
Yeah china joe , keep sending the Ukrainian Nazis our weapons . You and hunter will get your kickbacks. Or maybe what you got coming!
Very nice.
Sure wouldn’t mind a few cases of mortar rounds….
This new format sucks