Lawmakers are panicking over this

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Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

Ya, they’re real scared….
did actual truckers start this or agents?
next step Marshall -- la, right into their hands.
like fish in a barrel.

3 years ago

The phrase “people in charge” needs to be defined. Trudeau et al I’m sure are frightened. But the ones in charge of Trudeau et al are sitting back laughing and rubbing their hands at the chaos. For many decades, the Left has said that their plan is to cause chaos and suffering such that people cry out for the government to do something. As baron Rothschild once said, “the time to buy is when blood runs in the streets.”
I loved Tucker’s jab at Trudeau for being Castro’s son.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zorost
3 years ago

The bad thing is if they do take their CDLs, job and jail time the government can just hire illegals and pay them less then what the truckers are getting. Makes you wonder why government is allowing them over.