Leo Gerard – One of the Puppetmasters Destroying Our Country


To Republicans, governing is a fistfight, a war. It’s about destruction: defunding the Affordable Care Act, dismantling Social Security, demolishing Medicare, disassembling the National Labor Relations Board. It’s gunning down America.

Republicans characterize the ordeal they just subjected the country to as a war. House Speaker John Boehner said, “We fought the good fight. We just didn’t win.”

Sen. John McCain said, “Republicans have to understand we have lost this battle, as I predicted weeks ago, that we would not be able to win because we were demanding something that was not achievable.”

Just like any war, this one cost blood and bounty. Republicans wounded their party with their failed gambit to defund the Affordable Care Act by shutting government and threatening default. But what’s worse is they bloodied the economy. At a time when millions are struggling to find work, the Republican hostage taking depressed growth and killed jobs. It’s one thing for the GOP to blast itself in the foot, it’s unconscionable for Republicans to shoot America.


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11 years ago

MISSION STATEMENT on the website that ran the article by Leo Gerard …

In These Times, an independent, nonprofit magazine, is dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world, and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.

… just so you understand their spin on the tag-line “with liberty and justice for all…”