Lessons From the Bitter End: What General Wrangel Means for Americans Today

The Russian Civil War (1917-1921) is a conflict that’s mostly ignored by public schools. For obvious reasons, teachers’ unions and the education industry prefer to focus on the Russian Revolution (1917) only: the “workers” rose up, overthrew the conservative bad guy, and lived happily ever after until WW2. End of story, right?

The true history of the Russian Revolution and ensuing Civil War is a lot more complicated. Not many people know that the conflict involved nearly a dozen modern nations, hundreds of thousands of troops, and advanced tactics that wouldn’t be seen again until the 1940s. An astounding 12 million people died, and it’s barely covered at all.

Although there is growing awareness of the heroic efforts of Polish, Ukrainian, and Finnish forces in opposing the series of communist invasions that followed the Russian Revolution, the actual Russian effort to oppose communism by force was largely unsung until recently. The memoirs of the last leader of Russian anti-communist forces, General Pyotr Wrangel, were republished under the title Always with Honor in 2020 by an obscure publishing house, generating new interest in the man and his struggle to save his country.

The book gives a first-hand narrative of the Russian Revolution and the desperate fighting that followed. The history is interesting in its own right, but Wrangel also illustrates many lessons that Americans facing an out-of-control government and new wave of leftwing political violence should take to heart.

1. Understand the Stakes

The Russian Revolution was two separate events: the February Revolution and the October Revolution. Both occurred in 1917. During the February Revolution, Czar Nicholas II, the leader of the Russian Empire, stepping down after facing massive criticism and controversy, along with very large riots in major cities.

The Czar loved his people, and resigned because he thought it would calm a situation that had already gotten out of hand. Instead, showing weakness only emboldened radicals. A pushover liberal government replaced the Czar, allowing the Bolsheviks—communist terrorists previously excluded from government entirely—an unprecedented voice. The Bolsheviks eventually swept aside the liberals and hijacked the entire country during the October Revolution.

It’s important to understand from the get-go what radicals like the Bolsheviks want. Although the Czar voluntarily resigned to avoid conflict, the Bolsheviks arrested him and his entire family and imprisoned them in a remote villa. Then, one day, without trial or provocation, they brutally murdered the Czar, his wife, his children, their servants—even the family dogs. They did it because they wanted to and there was no one to stop them. They denied it, then they covered it up, then they celebrated it. Sound familiar?

Millions of people would be killed by communist forces or their indirect actions throughout the Russian Civil War. Millions more, through no fault of their own, had their property stolen by the communists and would be forced to live in poverty or flee their homelands altogether. The consequences of “losing” a major political upheaval are very real.

2. You Can’t Run from What’s Coming

Read the Whole Article Here…

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

No, there is no denying what is happening, this will not be fixed by voting. The whole of this government is corrupt, and evil. We either wait for it to crash and burn, or we pick up our arms and take our country back, I prefer the latter.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I prefer the former. Lincoln provoked SC into premature attack on Ft Sumter over a “symbolic” target, then called for “War” or Martial Law in our current situation.
An “uprising” at this point at best would provoke a Custer’s Last Stand Situation, but eventually We would become the Indians on Reservations or dead.
We must Respond to their overt attack, which will come soon enough. we won at Bundy Ranch, We must ensure no more Waco’s occur.
Just my opinion, tell me How we win in your scenario. I’m interested.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

How did they win in 1776? We have been dumbed down to the point of castrating ourselves. I am all into their defeat, as I have said before, if we could organize 20 men per city, in all city’s nationwide that would amount to a 2-million-man militia. There are over a 100,000 cities in this country. Is twenty men per city to much?

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Is my comment going to be posted?

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

So No publishing my original comment on discernment and caution on initiating a kinetic event?
You have published my other comments, what’s up with this one?

2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

I was working on two videos, taking care of my chickens and talking with a neighbor. I am eating dinner as I reply to your comment.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

What do you mean, you have a life to live also?

2 years ago

I’m ordering “Always with honor”.


2 years ago

Ever bloody, ever God-less khazarians hiding behing academia and the media to hide their evil, evil deeds-and gaslighting and blaming the innocent in the process.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

All of these Ashkenazi Kazarian Jews we see in the fake news media are the global new world order luciferins and are all jews, with the idiot other races following after them for a very thin slice of the pie for wanting power, it is a debased order of reprobate, pigs, slobs, sodomites, murderers and liars. Christ warned us about these frauds when he confronted them in the temple, he told them their father was Satan and his work you will do, but not the work of Christ. same people, same frauds, same anti-Christ spirit that is very prevalent now. it’s all of them folks and be not deceived by the words they use to label us calling us all antisemites, it’s just a ploy and buzzword to stop you in your tracks and afraid of being named a racist. it’s them whom are the true racists. these same Jews have destroyed our nation using our own system of laws which were only meant for a Chrisitan nation. so if i am a racist, so be it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

There will be a window of opportunity. There is going to be an implosion. The guys that are going to cause the implosion are ready. You must be more ready than them. When it happens, don’t wait for anyone else. Attack without mercy. No prisoners. Scorched earth. Hiding in your basement amidst stacks of beans doesn’t count. You will have to kill. You got nothing to loose, and everything to gain. Freedom! Road flares and matches will come in handy. Get your mind right.

Tragedy of the Commons
Tragedy of the Commons
2 years ago

One dog escaped death. He wandered off when let outside was
recognized and sent to England, the royal family took him in but all
he did was sit on the back of a chair, looking out the window, waiting…..

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

U.S. on Heightened Alert for Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland – Soldier of Fortune Magazine American citizens are being targeted and hunted by the three-letter agency jack booted goons.

Elder Son
2 years ago



Speech/idea’s without action is just so much bloviating hot air.

comment image

2 years ago

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing -- When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors -- When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you -- When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice -- You may know that your society is doomed.”
~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged