The sad reality is that you get the government you tolerate. There is no point in just trying to go along to get along, because sooner or later, a wicked or incompetent government is going to destroy your life, your liberty, and your property. And it doesn’t really matter if it’s evil, stupid, or as in most cases, both.
Won’t it be of interest to see how FEMA reacts to this disaster?
let it burn is right, but try to stop the Thune/Mcconnell, Johnson/Paul Ryan machine from stealing our money to give it to them
I left cali in 2004, it was a chit hole then and only got 100% worse. Your right they voted for there demise.
Word. My wife and I left in 2002. She’s an Idaho girl. Her words: “We have to get out of here before we have to shoot our way out of here.” Those woke SJW sexual deviates buttered their bread. Let them eat it. Schadenfreude!
left in 2000 from outside the Gomorrah in the north. beat feet out of Sodom in the south in 1985 after working on “Star Wars” and the F-20 Tigershark.
I agree let it burn elections have consequences. I think the fine citizens of North Carolina will be filing law suits against fema if they haven’t already. God Bless All
Let the sh-tpacking land of tranny, lesbo, queers and all the other demons burn and die….Send all of them straight to hell!!!!
No tears for the scum….lay in the bed you all made….votes have consequences…hell is coming after you…enjoy…:-)
Thought. Where are the displaced people going to live, eat, survive?
Report: Gavin Newsom Cut $100 Million from Fire Prevention Budget in 2024 – Hellbound and Down
That’s a beautiful sight
The majority of counties in California a wildly conservative and make the deep red areas of say Texas look like North Korea in comparison.
The problem is that there are several counties (Los Angeles county being one of them--and only a small area of that county BTW) that are heavily populated… so much so that they control the legislature of the state.
You have that problem with Oregon with one county controlling the whole state into oblivion (Portland). And that ultra-blue area of Los Angeles County where the most radical of leftists money-bags live--well that just burned to the ground and is still burning. These monied fools literally built home atop Viking funeral pyres. The brush in these areas is ten feet deep in places and impenetrable. And this type of brush is very oily and gives off smog on hot days--it burns like an intense torch when set afire. This stuff literally is right up to and within property lines in the Palisades--not to mention the decorative ‘privacy’ foliage the houses are routinely surrounded with.
Picturesque Topanga Canyon is one such place where ‘liberal people’ love to live with nature… and they are literally living on Sterno waiting to burn. One spark on a hot dry day and the whole place goes up like Dresden being firebombed--and it has several times in the past.
So people like myself live in the more conservative areas on the Los Angeles basin (South Bay) and look up into the deep-blue hills as they blaze away driving the leftist fools into the streets like herds of deer escaping the explosion of Mount Saint Helens. In the Palisades, a starter home (a shack) goes in the 4to 5 million dollar range. Some homes are in the 100 million dollar range and the owners pay more in property taxes per year than some people reading this make in their entire lifetimes. And you wonder how leftists are funded.
I reckon they F’d A and F’d O.
FEMA, five or six evacuation centers already open, blur supporting blue. FEMA did leave WNC weeks ago, guess they were staging for this event. Cali has voted for these cretins, and thus they reap the fruits of their votes, Let the place immolate itself.