Letters of Marque and Reprisal

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1 month ago

Bring it on Mike Lee

1 month ago

It could be done but it is a very dangerous game. These cartel members don’t fvck around. Those guys are very well armed and well trained. They will protect their goods. There is a high probability of heavy casualties on both sides. The media will go nuts!

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Respectfully Green Berets are used to working overseas and their targets don’t show up at their Homes, Churches and Grocery stores looking for their families.

Mailing your wife’s breasts back to you is their style.

That’s why Mexican Special Forces don’t wipe out cartels. That and plata o plomo.

Cartels are dangerously smart, they do dox you and offer plata o plomo to get you to back off IF it’s in their Business Interests.

Anybody hunting them should do it off the “grid” and quietly. Hollywood style will get them and their families dead.

Don’t underestimate your enemies. That’s often fatal.

David Bovender
1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

You are right. The fight is going to be long, bloody and dirty. The rot in our system runs deep and wide. However you rip out the rot before it overwhelms all. We still have a chance of winning right now. Further delay could be fatal.

1 month ago
Reply to  David Bovender

Attacking the PROBLEM is better than attacking the symptoms.

No DEMAND for street drugs here would close them down.

There is No real drug problem in Columbia where cocaine is produced because they SHOOT DEALERS AND USERS there.

China suffered under the Opium Wars for SNIP
The First Opium War was fought from 1839 to 1842 between China and Britain. It was triggered by the Chinese government’s campaign to enforce its prohibition of opium, which included destroying opium stocks owned by British merchants and the British East India Company. The British government responded by sending a naval expedition to force the Chinese government to pay reparations and allow the opium trade.[1] The Second Opium War was waged by Britain and France against China from 1856 to 1860, and consequently resulted in China being forced to legalize opium.[2]

MILITARY POWER from England and France FORCED China to “legalize Opium”.

It took decades for China to reduce opium slavery to a minor street problem. They SHOT THEM.

Look who makes the precursors to make most street drugs.

Maybe China of the LONG MEMORY is getting vengeance? Or just crippling a threat in one of many subtle ways? Might want to embrace the power of “And”.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

^^^This. When you look at the disgraceful, greedy, satanic, genocidal policies of Perfidious Albion, including the Boer War, it boggles the mind. I look at what is going on in GB today and shrug. Karma is a b***h.

1 month ago
Reply to  Michael

So. We could do the same back to them. You don’t think we don’t know who their families are? We could drone strike all of the straight to Hell. Maybe we should go first and just start wiping them off the map.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hedge

Ah, the old back and forth reprisals.

Wonderful, Mr. Hedge.

Let me know when you’re going to go for a Letter of Marque for yourself.

Terrorism, it’s not just a bad idea.

1 month ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I hear you, David.

I worked with JFK Special Warfare Center as medical support. Great guys. Most were wonderful fathers, and I met their families at BBQ’s.

But I stand with the statement above.

1 month ago

Some folks may not be aware of how dangerous this is. The drug cartels supply the US street gangs. Every major US city has thousands of gang members. Armed gang members. You hit the cartels in Mexico and they hit you in the US. Plus, throw in the Mexican supremists (La Raza) living in the US. I can see declaring the cartels to be terrorist organizations. Anyone doing business with them is subject to terror charges. That might actually scare off the money launderers in the US. Might not be necessary to attack them in Mexico.