Like I Said…

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4 hours ago

I consider Massie one of the “good guys”. Even though I don’t live in Kentucky, He is one of the few that should actually stay in Congress.
I voted for Trump and support the majority of what he is doing, but I don’t agree with him calling out someone like Massie simply because he disagreed with him on this spending bill. Based on what he has said, it doesn’t fund the border wall while keeping funding in place for US AID. I don’t know what else is in there, but those two things alone make me wonder why it was even put up for a vote in its current state.
Aren’t they supposed to be eliminating wasteful funding? Just asking…

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
4 hours ago

This will hurt Trump more than it will Massie.
Trump should stop this BS with Massie.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 hours ago

He’s just doing what his bosses tell him to do.

3 hours ago

I completely agree. This is not the first time that he has dissed and gone against a good, conservative candidate simply because the person did not kiss his ring.
Also, what happened to the $5,000 he and Musk talked about sending every American as a little payback for all the tax dollars that were wasted with USAID?

Big Jymn
Big Jymn
3 hours ago
Reply to  brewer55

Half of Americans are bitching and complaining about the program that Musk is running. So fuck ’em; ain’t nobody getting the $5,000. You can’t give it to half the country who deserves it; without giving it to the other half; that doesn’t. Parenting 101

Warren Shafer
Warren Shafer
3 hours ago

Isreal says jump, and we say, how high?. There is little wonder why they are Massie, he refuses to do their bidding

3 hours ago

Something kind of strange going on here though. I’ve always held Massie in high regard. However, from what I’ve seen of the CR it wasn’t bad at all. In fact, Massie has cast his yes vote on far worse CRs.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 hours ago
Reply to  Bad_Brad

Right? He mentioned such in one of his twat wars.
I’ll take the over on Massie. He’s proven himself to be what he appears… and so has the other one.

Big Jymn
Big Jymn
3 hours ago

Thomas “McConnell” Massie was installed by the Deep State; to carry on Mitch’s great work. No Kentuckian voted for him; yet; here he is.

39 minutes ago

The mask is slowly coming off Trump.

12 minutes ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Well, at least your consistent.

Dennis Lyons
Dennis Lyons
36 minutes ago

sic the jews on Massie because Massie doesn’t agree with his position! Fuck the POS jews who are dual citizens…get all of those POS out of congress/senate and apac jew money OWNS trump and our current government…trump is a jew loving traditor too America…America first…fuck trump and kick jew money out…Be sure to say hello to our real president…netanshitoo…Fuck israel!!!