Lin Wood Update

Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic.

Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more.

I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.

This truly is the battle between good & evil.

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Anita Stevens
Anita Stevens
4 years ago

i appreciate all you are doing to help save our nation.

4 years ago

Stay the course. These evil doers need to be stopped and dealt with properly. Their fate will be of their own doing.

4 years ago

Going to get popcorn and fill up my tank right now…lol
Things are getting really interesting…
I can’t believe how many people, who I thought were staunch supporters, are so willing to accept a fraudulent election and make “the best of it”.
Makes me physically sick!
I will NEVER surrender! Screw them!

4 years ago


a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Rand Paul? made me sick, say it isn’t so.
Remember: some are actors or so we are being told.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Go to

and you have there all the last info you need to know.

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago
Reply to  Manuel

“Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office.” -- LOL!

4 years ago

me too! x2

4 years ago

To quote Fox Mulder…”I want to believe”. However, I’m tired of waiting and still under the lesson I learned with 12yrs of .mil exposure….”Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see”. And I have heard lots, and seen nothing but more talk.
I’m no longer holding my breath, but I am still packing for that last trip.

4 years ago
Reply to  millerized

Understand completely.

4 years ago
Reply to  millerized

I’ll believe it when it happens. For four years we have been told inditements are imminent. Which may have been done to keep us on the sidelines and not stirring up troubles. Now it is the line we have to expend all legal options before the military courts can be invoked. And they did it now, they have really committied treason by certifying a fraudulent election.

All a stroke job IMO.

4 years ago
Reply to  millerized

I’m starting to wonder if “Lin Wood Claims” is his actual name.

R. Shooter
4 years ago

Pardon me if I’m wrong, but won’t 10-14 days be a tad to late?

4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

No it won’t “R”! Geez! Its gonna take a while to publish all the muck! Sides, you prolly cant read that fast

4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

It says over the next 10 to 14 days. I take that as it will be coming out over that time period not at the time.

R. Shooter
4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

I’ve been hearing next week, a couple of days, for weeks now. Darn but if Lucy doesn’t keep moving that foot ball. In 10-14 days the Chinese will be securely seated. Please tell me who is going to take these people to jail. They stole the election and not a court in the Country would even hear it. Now want me to believe the commies that are in power are going to go after their own? It’s great how Renegade readers resort to insults so easily.

4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

From here on, America will not be the Nation as we have known it to be.
President Trump and his closest allies have strategized the “capture” of deep state operatives and leaders for a very long time. The deep state network is vast and runs internationally, it can’t be brought down in a month’s time.

While many people have grown very impatient and cynical over the inactions of our government agencies, and President Trump, remember how entangled this 4-year coup is. And this isn’t just a handful of criminals who attempted a coup that Trump has ensnared, it is a preponderance of illegal activities that include human trafficking, gun running, drug smuggling, foreign election interference, government fraud, RICO, and more!

Trump needs another term to work on a rebuild of our Nation. And Trump needs our military to deliver justice to the seditious actions of thousands of individuals who are guilty of horrendous crimes against humanity and against our very government system.

Trump has HAD to wait until the end of his first term, regardless of the election outcome. There will be unbelievable chaos and there will be bloodshed. None of these huge manuevers could have been undertaken during his first term in office.

A well-seasoned chess player understands the strategy and board setup. Too bad most Americans only play Minecraft on their smart phones.

4 years ago

How many times have we seen basically the same post now? It’s always “over the next few days we will see…(fill in the blank)”. We’ve been hearing this since November the 4th.
I feel like we are being strung along to wait, wait, wait, while we should be taking ACTION!
If you actually have something that will damage the enemy, then RELEASE THE KRACKEN!
Otherwise, STFU.

R. Shooter
4 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Andrew you are so right! I was insulted by other readers for saying the same thing.

4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

Spot on! Were are almost out of time.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

i would conclude that after the 10- 14 days, many of us are through moving the football.

Ann Nonimus
Ann Nonimus
4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

Don’t let it get at you. There’s no time for insults. Too much ground to cover, gain, defend, you name it.

You stayed classy. Here’s a virtual beer…

4 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

We’re all edgy, Andrew, and we’re all asking similar questions. Everyone wants to know everything but maybe it’s not our pervue to know.
Maybe this is a “virtue” test. Remember; patience is a virtue.
We’ve waited over 4 years to exact retribution and/or justice. A few more days won’t matter.
Keep the Faith, continue stockpiling, and BE PATIENT…

4 years ago

“Everyone wants to know everything but maybe it’s not our pervue to know”

No, We should know everything. We the People are a part of the government and have a duty, when it comes to treason and high crimes, nothing should be withheld. Because the militia is the only Constitutionally mandated force to enforce constitutional matters.

“To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” Article I Section 8 clause 15

R. Shooter
4 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Well said Tangle

4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

If we were to know then the left would also know and we all KNOW that an active investigation CANNOT devulge ANY information until trial.
How can you catch a criminal BEFORE they commit their crime/s???

4 years ago
Reply to  R. Shooter

Um, they already have the video and documents. The crime has been committed already. This is not catching them, this is prosecuting them. Or so they say they have these things.

Do you really think that they other side does not know what has been going on? ALL of DC knew and knows. They are all in on it. There is nothing on Hunter’s laptop that is a secret to them.

What magic law enforcement agency is going to investigate? What magic court is going to hear the evidence? I really ask that in all honesty? We are well past the government policing itself. It has not and will not do it.

According to the Constitution, it is the People’s job when all checks and balances have failed.

Please no one give me that is it the military’s job, they could not stop themselves from following the orders of a person not eligible to hold The Office of the Presidency of the United States and aiding and abetting al Qaeda and al Qaeda linked forces in Libya. That is treason and it happened without an oath being fulfilled. Plus no where in the Constitution does it state it is there job. Just wanted to put that out there, just in case.

The Constitution is clear on who’s duty it is to do this work. The militia it see the evidence and bring those in question in front of a grand jury. The militia is The People except for the politicians.

4 years ago

And I have beach front property in North Dakota for sale.

David Morris
David Morris
4 years ago

10 days from now will be too late, wont it?

4 years ago

God speed!

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

Tomorrow may be too late if Pelosi & company legally pass significant restrictions on his Presidential powers or ability to use his 9-2018 Executive Order. Once Biden is sworn in, who is Lin Wood envisioning will hear any evidence regardless of its merit or offense.

More importantly, what about us, the simple folk? What is coming our way over the next 10-20 days? More Covid terrorism with no recourse?

4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Congress has no power to restrict the president other than what is in the Constitution. If they try it is a criminal act akin to treason. But treason is nothing new in the government. The real question has become at what point do We give up or fulfill our duty.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

They have warned of tough times regardless… and advised to prepare accordingly.

4 years ago

I agree with the others, we are tired of waiting. Trust the plan was all bullshit as was everything else so why should this be real ?? When and if the spark goes best not be anywhere you can be confused as the enemy. We need a way to id patriots from cowards

4 years ago

Dog and Pony Show, Inc.

4 years ago

Wood says elsewhere that most of this information can only be released in court, so how in the hell is he going to get to us.. More smoke and mirrors to suck us in. Its go time and we need to proceed forward to take our country back before chicom Jo gets the keys to screw us all

4 years ago
Reply to  Whitewolf

Maybe it is time to form a Grand Jury.

4 years ago

Assuming Lin really has the goods -- when you open the evidence and the feebies break your door, do you think they will say “Ohmygod, it’s really Joe Biden bonking a kid! We’ll go right away to arrest his ass.” or will they charge you with kiddie-porn possession?

John Thomas
John Thomas
4 years ago

This bullshit has been going on for f***ing years. “Just one more week” “Next month” “We’ve got them now”. “I have the evidence” “Nothing can stop what’s coming”. Is Lin Wood the new Q-Anon?

4 years ago
Reply to  John Thomas


Big Eared Dave
Big Eared Dave
4 years ago

Been hearing this for weeks, and it has lost all meaning.

The Mcintosh Man
The Mcintosh Man
4 years ago

If nothing unfolds within the next 24 to 48 hours--it’s over. Finito.

Lin Wood I think (and I hope to be wrong) is just a bag of ‘hope-ium’ dishing out tidbits to stoke-up our movement and backing of our president… whom I believe right now is hunkered down somewhere, increasingly isolated as he is being deleted (in every sense of the word) from this world waiting for the end to come. Or…

Is President Trump plotting and planning a ‘Seven Days In May’ rabbit out of his hat to establish the 2nd American Republic. This is possible FYI. And i pray this is so. if so he will have the backing half of America--armed and unarmed, plus the majority of the military and police in this country. Is he going to pull a Boris Yeltsin standing atop the tanks surrounding the Russian parliament.

Something seems to be cooking in the past 30 hours. Silence from Trump. A top general/supporter of his dishing out insider info to a small group of Trump supporters in a hotel lobby, to Trump Jr. announcing to expect something big from his father. A confession from a vote scam conspirator in Italy. And nothing at all from General Flynn.

I pray this adds up to a counter-coup, because this is Trump’s only move now. If not, Trump will be impeached while in our out of office--and impeachment means that he can no longer hold any federal public elected office, appointment or office of honor in the USA. It would politically neuter him in disgrace--which is exactly what the leftists and main line GOP want. They want to erase him and his movement with disgrace and ridicule to re institute their status quo.

And the above will only be the start of it all. Multiple jurisdiction will gin-up criminal charges against him (and they will get convictions BTW) and he would serve jail time to further heap disgrace upon him and his movement. Not to mention what they will do to his family, his business empire which they will bring down in ruins.

So Trump has no choice but to pull the trigger on executive orders and if necessary the Insurrection act. This is a man with nothing to lose now and TPTB have made a grave mistake by backing this powerful man into a corner.

I pray to God Trump has the balls to save this country from ruin.

The next few hours will tell.

Johanna Hopkins
Johanna Hopkins
4 years ago

If he has seen the evidence of this crime, why has he not released it? Who is holding it back?

4 years ago

Why would he release information BEFORE arrests are made???
Patience, my friend. All in good time. We’ve waited 4 years, what’s another 10 days?

4 years ago

Simon Parkes is reporting that Trump has signed the insurrection act last night.

4 years ago
Reply to  Paraclete

Believe it when Mr. Parkes supplies a link to the .GOV site with the public document posted.

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago
Reply to  Paraclete

“Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can’t be identified. Simon was an elected Politician and served a full term of office.”


4 years ago

The power-elite are shameless. Revelations of their crimes will be of little personal consequence as long as 80% of population is “comfortable” watching their lying MSM with the message that everything is awesome when you follow the Plan.

Banksters rob everyone a little bit each every year, and pay occasional fines. No prison for VP’s+ and board members, fines paid by shareholders, just cost of doing biz. Until more window leaping and Clintonian unlikely or impossible suicides make things plain.

4 years ago

Lin Wood has done a LOT of trash talking since election day. So far NOTHING he has said has come true. At this point the odds are nothing he has said or is saying will come true. What is MORE likely is he gets taken away for therapy to treat his delusional outlook. He may mean well
but he has probably done a lot more harm than good shooting his mouth off nonstop.

4 years ago

At this point, a Red Sea moment is our only hope -- and it was God that did that -- so it will have to be God this time too. If not -- well, rapture practice!

Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
4 years ago

Once respected! Once believed! Now no longer respected! No no longer believed! Talk is cheap and bull shit is free!! Kraken my ass! No one will be arrested! No one will be charged!!! You must now be on crazy pills. What happened to such a great attorney? We love trump but you have contributed to his fall!