Listen Up Virginia

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5 years ago

I miss Josie. Another voice that went dark.

5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yeah, I liked her too. she made some great videos. Maybe she quit because she said all she wanted to say

5 years ago

It begins: Virginia forms active militia to protect sheriffs, citizens from unconstitutional laws

Bloomberg Bought Virginia Legislators Introduce Confiscatory Gun Ban
Monday, November 25, 2019

5 years ago

Excellent, however I doubt if many LEOs will even see this thought provoking video.

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
5 years ago

Keep in mind here that it is not necessary for an individual policeman to stand alone against the tyrannical state. Cops are backed up by their unions. Unions may pass resolutions against tyranny as well, and who can then stop them?

Cops are also backed up by the people, if they want to be, and if they act in a manner toward those people that earns them this support.

Yes, individual cops can and should make their own determination about whether or not to arrest those who resist tyranny, and very often a decision not to arrest is without risk. We don’t expect them to be dead heroes; we just want them to be decent human beings.

“Political power flows from the barrel of a gun,” and guess what? We are armed. Take actions to ensure that power is not turned on you. America is not like most countries, that are full of disarmed peons who can be abused without risk. It’s one thing to take down an individual criminal with the help of a few fellow officers; another thing entirely to take down an entire town full of enraged, heavily-armed citizens.

5 years ago

She really paints with a broad brush, and totally doesn’t understand the way American law enforcement actually works.