The lunatics in Canberra, Australia are rolling out bizarre technology in order to deal with the pesky, disease ridden, unvaccinated slaves that are protesting their “freedom.”
Sonic weaponry initially developed by Genasys in the US is now being deployed on men, women and children in Australia that don’t want more absurd Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates. Peaceful protesters are describing terrible and bizarre health effects from the police’s use of dangerous long range acoustic device.
This is only the beginning. And developed in the US no less. Surprise. Surprise. Wait ’till you see what they have in store for us.
Not acoustic (sound) energy. Rather High Power Microwave Radiation in the 95 GHz frequency range.
U.S. Military’s “Active Denial System” Is a 95-GHz Heat Ray
Perhaps thin metal coated Mylar space blankets may be of some use to counter?
Right, in looking at the pics of the people affected, this is not an acoustic area denial weapon, those function at low frequency (~8Hz) and cause nausea, etc. but not burns as we are seeing.
This is truly disgusting
“Those who make peaceful protest impossible, make violent protest inevitable”-JFK
This is purely criminal.
They gave up their guns. Tuff shit.
The US military’s heat weapon is real and painful. Here’s what it does.
Remember the following info. Why were the police able to show up and attack the people? Because no one was attacking their police stations. No one was attacking their homes. Think about that.
So, they gave up their guns, eh? Maybe not all of them. I bet Aussies can buy drugs on the street. If they wanted to buy guns on the street, I think they would suddenly become available. But where would street criminals get the guns to sell? Same people importing the drugs have access to guns. Where else? Look there’s a cop eating his lunch. What’s that on his hip?
The Deployment of this weapon system is VERY telling.
The “Establishment” is Truely Terrified of it’s people.
No One wants to be “The Martyr” , at least the Smart Thinking Person Doesn’t.
Fact-There have been numerous Martyrs due too GOVT actions (War Crimes.)
and those…..Have Gone Un-Answered.
This is the Result of Tyrany. Numbers dont lie.
Fact though-The Tyrants WILL NOT BACK DOWN.
It is Truely…ALL OR NOTHING for them.
Even IF they are swept out….
there is the Mountains of Evidence of there War Crimes.
And YES…They MUST be Punished.
This can’t just be Pretended AWAY like Genders.
There WILL, IS Beaten, Burned and Murderous on US.
so be it.
It won’t be of the Pleasurable Insertion kind.
The Idea they can continue this assault on people with no consequences is nieve or evil, your call.
There are going to be many Canoeings of “There Pretorians.”
This is just the Sum of “The Tyrants Actions. “
It Just ….IS.
As I uttered before….. The Deployment of this weapon system is VERY telling and the SHEAR Insanity of The Canadian Tyrants actions.(hell didnt see to at coming)
It is Evident… the Only Way Out…Is BURY THEM and there Pretorians.
Made A Choice.
Now it is OUR turn
Slave OR Free Men?
Choose. Wisely.
THEY…Brought this on themselves by there actions.
Do Not be Swayed by there Tears or Grieving Relatives Sound Bites.
THEY, Did this Willfully.
No mercy, mercy is not a viable option for them. Every last one of them gets a dirt shirt.