Looks Familiar…

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tom finley
tom finley
20 days ago

We are not here to threaten you, but you are, total scumbags and doj stazi stooges. I remember your visit Wes from the same bunch of stooges, they can only apply more and more force, they know the gig is up.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
20 days ago

This video proves that these wonks with badges will practically to anything they are instructed to do. If they were instructed to show show up at this guy’s house with a SWAT team--they’d do so. They will do anything to keep their overblown paychecks, health care and pensions. Nothing is off the table now. Please note the average age oft the current government wonk--they are all Gen X though Millennial types who sucked off the government education propaganda tit (meaning colleges). This is the result of decades of communist infiltration into the media and education system--brainwashed imbeciles who actually believe that what they are doing is right and correct--and that the shiny shields they wear gives them complete power over you.

19 days ago

Yes and they live somewhere and have families….. You get my drift????

19 days ago
Reply to  Chasman

Yes WE do.

20 days ago

Could do without the commentary.

jrod rod
jrod rod
19 days ago
Reply to  Goathead

I agree, babbling old man with nothing to add.

19 days ago

I suspect another attempt on Trump will take place. A woman with a small handgun will get close enough to him for a couple of shots. It’s the only thing they haven’t tried yet. Probably a tranny or dyke.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
19 days ago

If these two alphabet Mo-Mo’s in the video were to ever come into the presence of the actual US Constitution in the Capitol Rotunda--or were to actually physically touch one of those ‘pocket constitutions” --they’d burst into flames, as would a vampire exposed to direct sunlight.

19 days ago

actually, they DO look familiar. can’t place em though.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
19 days ago

There is no way they were fbi types. Where was the khaki pants and polo shirts?! Asking for a friend.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
18 days ago

I don’t answer questions.

18 days ago

Are the sworn FBI agents, or are they “with” or “from” the FBI?

17 days ago

Too many of these vids show the subject continuing to run their mouths, as if you’re going to change their minds after being tasked with going to your door by their superiors. They’re looking for probable cause, don’t help them. You’re not obligated to assist any federal agent or police officer in their investigation of yourself. If they already had probable cause, they wouldn’t be knocking or asking. They’d already be in your house and you would be in the car.

lol no
lol no
15 days ago

Might be time to start “visiting” their homes…