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Florida man🤙🇺🇲💪
It’s coming……
Nah it’s just talk. It’s all we do and type comments like me. They are going to do whatever they want to do to us and we are going to let them do it. Just like everything else they been doing to us. Oh well as long as they keep feeding us and entertaining us.
I think the time has long passed, when Americans should have risen up in rebellion. And that time, in my opinion, was 1973--passage of Roe v. Wade. That is when the govt. declared that the lives of children were worthless--all lives, for that matter.
Name one time in history when fat and happy people have rebelled? The USA is still a great place to live. Money is easy to get and there are lots of things to buy with it. The time to rebel is not here yet and people who can’t understand why there has been no rebellion are not very bright.
If abortion was not legal there would be about 80 million more low IQ non whites in the USA sucking off of white taxpayers. Before abortion was legal around 10,000 young women died from botched abortions every year. Abortion is old with evidence of it dating back to the beginnings of human history.
I am going to assume you are a woman. If I am correct you are a perfect example of why emotional women should not be allowed to involve themselves in politics.
You’re dumber than you think you are. Suicide isn’t in my makeup. SURVIVAL is. These Filthy Leftist Bureaucrats will fold and RUN when the dying starts. They want my CHILDREN? They’ll DIE trying…We know the Left are nothing but COWARDS. They hide behind their Titles and claim supremacy over us, not realizing that they have pushed too far already. Their ANTIFA SCUM are cowardly, back shooting SCUM too, who NEED the Media to hide behind. The Treasonous Media have already hanged themselves! The entire Nation knows WHO and WHAT they are. When Push comes to shove, they WILL hang as the Traitors they truly are. The old: “I vas only doink my yob” Excuse will NOT save them…
Once they,with China Joe’s imported ,army cut and run,the UN will send in their “Peace Keepers” (Chinese Troops) that’s when we will have a target rich environment.
Nah! It’s not suicide its planned murder and its been going on for a long time and you and me and no one you or I know have done nothing about it. You will get done whatever they want done to you. Just take it and live with it. Most likely you will die an old man, but they will keep working on it even after you are gone and they will eventually implement whatever they want. Not much you can do about it, except write stupid comments just like me and try to make yourself sound smart while they keep on doing all the things you don’t like. Your just like me. Your just another keyboard warrior.
Speak for yourself. I’m not marching, but I aint being marched on either.
The people are pissed but nothing changes. The commies don’t even try to hide their true colors and their agenda. They let people vent at public meetings cuz it’s like letting steam out of a pressure relief valve. These fuckers will not go away of their own accord. We will have to fight. There is no other way. We all know voting doesn’t work.
TICK TOCK…Have you seen Americans fighting back? The hatred they have been showered with by the complacent Lefties, has started an avalanche of emotions. After Fauci’s BS & LIES, and his killing Millions of people across the globe, mr. “science” is gonna get a railroad tie shoved up his lying ass right before they hang him for TREASON.A very sick little almost human
This man is exactly right. Speaks the truth in the true patriot and loves his country. He is right, if they force us to have our children vaccinated there will be a war. The government has made one large error at least and that is to underestimate the number of us that are there and ready and willing to die for this country. I would know I am one of them among many. God bless America.
At this point in the show the fight I believe is not for country but for my children, grandchildren and any other like minded freedom seeking individual in my immediate geographical location. Lock and load. Unfortunately I tragically lost all my weapons in a recent boating accident.
As in both things, many people watch and not do anything as the situation gets worse. Then there are the rest of us who are bound and determined to beat this evil force that is trying to destroy what are forefathers sought for us. Millions have sacrificed for this country. Cannot let it go without a fight!
Whites of their eyes……..
The Leftist morons assume we will capitulate and allow them to kill our children. They are too stupid to see and hear the People. It will take hanging therm from Lampposts to get the point across. Their “Mostly Peaceful Demonstrations” BS IS their ENDING. We The People WILL make them bleed in a “Mostly Peaceful” way…Just like the AUTHENTIC NAZIS/COMMUNISTS they truly are!! They can no longer hide the truth! SCOTUS and the American People will HANG them. They will have to run to China to hide…
GOOD riddance!
SCOTUS??? Are you for real??? The Soopreme Court of Jesters has been and Is the Leading ProgreSSive Entity of the Feral Gov since Earl Warren for sure.
Quit looking to Government for Solutions, They are The Problem. Reagan said so, but We were mostly still asleep.
Alfred you’re correct. Thomas Jefferson said we need a good revolution every 20 years to keep our government honest. And we haven’t. All of the courts have gotten out of hand because too many people didn’t want to fight for our rights. In 1776, they would have been dragged out into the streets and shot!
I served in Somalia, 1993, and I, like all of our service men and women, took an oath. An oath, unlike our judges and politicians, we took very seriously. A lot of our forefathers died so we could enjoy our freedom, and if I have to be one of them, so be it. I’ll take ten of them with me!!
“The only way evil can prevail is for good men to do nothing!”
Why is your child still in the hands of the enemy? Do these people not think things to their conclusion? You can complain at meetings but not nip it in the bud by removing their access to your child? No wonder they’ve no respect for the serfs.
The self appointed ones had Americans in their pocket in 1963 when (they) took prayer out of schools… And that worked so well with no push back, they went ahead and brought back Moloch worship, and destroyed the little ones in the guise of freedom for women. Americans are nothing more then mindless slaves…
I read all the comments. All from good people. I’m 78 and pushed back all my life. Vietnam vet, jailed for blocking abortion mill, rancher, gun show promoter, big game outfitter, ran for congress, etc. Love and admire this guy speaking before the Port Charlotte zombie commissioners about face diapers. Yes, fight back with all your heart and soul. Never surrender. Evil has never been defeated by words, always bloodshed. The darkside has been at this for centuries while we worked, raised families and lived our lives. My opinion: Noah was given 120 years by our Creator to convert the masses or face the deluge. Not a single one listened to him.. Expect the same this go around while hoping that more than 8 don’t drown this time and that you are among those on the ark.
Neuropathologists, having learned that this toxic pathogen being injected is able to cross the blood/brain barrier, are predicting that everyone injected will perish within 2-3 years, 5 years max.
Expect a crushing wave of Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Lou Gehrig’s, Parkinson’s etc. to sweep through the population (the survivors) with devastating effect…
So many Americans get the scam, and feel the same way, But . . .there is No Leadership. Don’t expect Trump. He ain’t comin’ back. He played his part and walked off the stage. Powerful resistance needs a Leader.
Without a Leader, we end up rightfully complaining on worthy websites, like this one -- but no action gets taken. The man in this video has guts.
So, too, the AZ. state sen. who told off the Atty. Gen.!! Let each one of us get out of our comfort zone and Speak Out!
“ dont make me come outta these Birkenstocks and stomp that ass. Someone hold my fucking dog.”
[…] Man Tells School Board: ‘If You Force The Vaccine On Our Kids, It Will Be 1776 All Over Again!… by Wes Rhinier h/t FreeNorthCarolina […]
Amen brother,I’m with you.
These are the kind of People who the fedscum will be Arresting as “Domestic Extremists” very soon.
And why is this Clown sending his Children to the commie indoctrination centers in the first place?
ALL of the corporate government’s little “Boards and Commissions” are the Basic Entities the (((communists))) use to Control the People. They are Non-Constitutional Delegations of the Elected Officials, who then Hide behind the ‘recommendations’ of the ‘authorities’.
If there is Any Element of the ‘government’ that needs to be ‘Purged’ and Thrown in the Woodchippers, it is these unelected bureaucratic scum.
Damn right. And I’ll tattoo that number on their foreheads.
There will be extreme consequences for that sort of thing….!
Fact of the matter is tyrants don’t care if you like what they’re doing to you. Protesting, marching, begging, pleading solves nothing. You stop a bully one way and that is by defeating him.
Forced vaccinations on us? Forced lead poisoning on you!
Ever notice how a “law” that meets with mass noncompliance is no law?? Hint hint!
People dumb enough to keep their kids in public schools have NO ONE to blame but themselves when issues like these come up. Our younger son, now 36, was taken out of school after 7th grade and homeschooled for the next 5 years. He is now an RN and working on his Bachelor’s degree. Get your kids out of this godless Cabal school system and get back to the “We the People” concept!!
Shouldn’t we all just do what authorities, experts and cops tell us to?
[…] -- Man Tells School Board: “If You Force The Vaccine On Our Kids, It Will Be 1776 All Over Again!” […]
The school board members looked around puzzled, as they were educated in public schools that don’t teach history anymore…
God bless him! “Reaching critical mass, especially the military, is the only way forward in this fight. Never underestimate your personal power to help tilt the scale in the right direction. Anyone of us could be the pebble that triggers the landslide of awareness.” ~ Dane Wigington
why are your kids in public school? you are the one who needs to be educated.
🤗 🥰 Bravo!! Millions of men need to stand up just like he did!!!
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