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- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- Survivormann99 on Can We Close the Border to California?
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
- kal kal on Maybe the Lord Is Punishing California…
The Libtard party has no bench. None. Nada. Zilch. They’re pushing a Hitlary and Harris ticket for 2028. Name an up and comer in that party. AOC? Palease. She’s dumber than a box of rocks. Newsom? Just point out how well California is doing right now. The old dinosaurs refused to give up their grifting ways and allow any new comers a piece of the pie.
Kamel Toe was an AWFUL Candidate with No Primary votes …. and Yet got close to 50% of the popular vote. This country is irrevocably divided almost 50/50 by voting population. Then add in the demoncrazy of the democRat voters … not a good view.
Here’s my problem with those numbers. If 78% say the country is headed down the wrong path you can’t make me believe the Libtards got 50% of the popular vote. They still cheated their collective asses off again. It was just to big to rig. They forgot to rig that poll.
I tend to agree. I would put libtards actual numbers at around 35%.
I never underestimate the Repub propensity to step on their base voters’ aspirations and compromise away with their democRat cousins in the grub&mint.
One word … Uniparty.
Yes. Once again I shall bore you with the phrase:
“Democrats (communists) move in lock-step; Republicans eat their young.”
Well, Article II, Sec. 2, clause 1, US Constitution, permits the President to pardon “offenses against the United States”. So let us pray that State Attorney’s General are looking in their State Code to see whether the evil ones violated State Criminal and/or Civil laws.
Also, I expect there may be various federal & State civil causes of action which can be brought by individuals who were harmed.
I am looking forward to 51 indictments for the mass murderer, Fauci: one for each State and one Federal.
It’s the right thing to do.
The Democrat party died….a long time ago. It was replaced by the Communist Party, which is alive and thriving.
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!
And, we were too busy with Netflix & NFL pageantry to realize--or care.
Word. The Sheeple, Normies, Cucks, and Mall Zombies will only wake up when their debt bucks cannot buy them any more Nacho Cheese Doritos, Pepsi, Keystone Lite, or Franken Food. Amerika ist verloren. Bleib ubrig.
my newly coined term for that group, “Communi-crats”
Jumped the shark, comes to mind…