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3 years ago

The real question is why did all the medical people flip head over heals for this when it is not more deadly than the flu and went along with the masks protect you.

Then there is the part where he keeps calling it a vaccine, when by definition it is not. I really wish people would stop calling it what it is not. Words have meaning, if not, we have no society.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Ask Bill…

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Lies, lies and more lies. WATCH THE SPEECH, that is NOT what he said. He said to lower the RATE of population growth by 10-15% not lower the population by 10-15%. Geez people. Stop the LIES.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Lowering the growth rate IS pretty much the same as lowering the global population … and that was the point of Bill’s TED Talk -- too many people and not enough resources.

3 years ago
Reply to  Clark

It is a fallacy that there are not enough resources . It’s about the distribution of resources. Getting goods and services to people is a political governmental problem.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Full quote from video: “First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Lower what by 10 to 15 percent? The 6.8 ( which is over 7 now) or lower the climb to 9? He wants people to stop having so many kids at the very least. I’ve seen this video. He said it’s a known fact that healthy people have less children. That in the past people had lots of children to help take care of them (the parents) in their old age. I feel it’s a matter of opinion. People have kids for different reasons.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

He’s saying that growth rate accelerating to 9 million could be reduced by 10-15%. Not the 6.8 million current population. I hear him saying instead of 9 million it could be 10-15% less by implementing some western health practices. Yes, he did indeed state that in these poor countries they grow large families because they need some to survive to take care of their parents when they are older. That’s why they keep popping babies, to factor in that many of them will die before adulthood. By having clean water, proper sanitation and vaccines that eliminate communicable diseases, the death rates of these kids will dramatically go down and they won’t have the need for such large families since the kids will not be dying before they become productive adults. If you listen to the entire speech, it’s not even about population. It’s actually about energy.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Popping babies? Why do you say that? Who are you to pass judgement on peoples choices? How would you feel if we all decided your life choices weren’t good? BTW the entire speech is NOT about energy. Several countries in Africa as well as India have law suits against Gates Foundation for sterilizing (oops!) people who were “given” vaccines. This is not a foundation that does anything but create money for Mr. Gates. Wake up

3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

Are you talking about the debunked story from 2014 about tetanus vaccines in Kenya? Or the also debunked recycled story about a preventative treatment for MS? Or the recycled debunked story about malaria vaccinations that aren’t even released that spun around the internet claiming doctors were sterilizing women in Africa around the time I was in high school?? Oops! More misinformation!

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Or maybe he was talking about this peer reviewed paper on the DTP vaccine with the following:


DTP was associated with increased mortality; OPV may modify the effect of DTP.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Did you read the article or assume you understood? DTP is the disease, not the vaccine. The disease was associated with higher mortality. Thank you for the reference that showed your mistake.

Chuck Roast
Chuck Roast
3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

You are so wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Ummmm……YOU yourself NEED to re-read that article. When they say DTP they mean the VACCINE NOT the disease (DTP is 3 different diseases)…….the whole article is talking about the effects of the VACCINE not the effects of the diseases….. Diptheria, Pertusus, and Tetanus !! It said the bad effects or mortality rate was not as bad when the DPT VACCINE was combined OPV (oral polio vaccine).

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

D= Diphtheria
P= Pertussis
T= Tetanus
It is the shot that supposedly vaccinates against those 3 diseases. And yes millions of African females of child bearing age were sterilized by Gates’ version of that vax!

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

It clearly says “vaccine”. Selene, don’t twist the facts provided.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Go get another dose of the Vax. Koolaide drinker. Buy my bridge in Brooklyn too

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

The word debunked has been debunked. Debunk yourself from the conversation please. Ad those to mass sterilization in Brazil

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

They can say it’s debunked all they want but it’s not debunked- it’s the truth! Nigeria kicked gates and his needle pushing posse out of their country because they noticed that the pregnancy rates went down… You need to get some smarts and do your research instead of excepting miss information as the truth!

Doreene Close
Doreene Close
3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Debunked by pharma 😂 whenever I hear that word I know the oligarchy is at work.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Who debunked it and when…. show us if you have the answers…. come on put it all together for us. Because it looks like the conspiracy people are being proved right

3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

He’s a doctor talking sense. Who are you?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Mary I think you replied to the wrong person.

sara Traub
sara Traub
3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

He also crippled 490,000children with a polio vaccine in India. Really nice guy!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  sara Traub

Which, according to caused the parents of said crippled children, hanged both Bill AND Melinda in 2013!

3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

Yea, piping babies, for Bigger Benifits, aka Food Stamps, Medical. and MOST PPL NEED TO TRY USING BIRTH CONTROL! Or Keep Their Legs Shut.And as far as Africa and India are Concerned they Can’t file ALL THEY WANT.. doesn’t mean anyone will be paid out/win .. Lots of Law Suits being Filed.. most people will Die who had the shot, than EVER Know if they won this.. Yes I Know,MANY WERE DEFORMED And DIED..

3 years ago
Reply to  David

If Gates did in fact refer to vaccines in the context that you imagine (and I’m not saying he didn’t), then he did a very poor job (rather no job) of explaining himself. It’s too easy for someone to interpret that vaccines would have to be killing people in order to lessen the growth of population.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alcivar

Or sterilizing them.

sara Traub
sara Traub
3 years ago
Reply to  Alcivar

But the vaccine has killed, yes, 4,000 people in the US alone since Dec./20

Matt Leblanc
Matt Leblanc
3 years ago
Reply to  David

He didn’t mention any growth rate..Don’t look for things that aren’t there. The facts speak for themselves, both his mother and father heavily involved in planned parenthood and eugenics…What do you think is going to come out from that toxic atmosphere? A priest? Get real man…

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Leblanc

Not to mention the FACT that he keeps talking about the NEED to REDUCE the population !!…….saying that it shouldn’t be any higher than half a billion people ……..did any of you guys that are defending him hear him say that ???…..I DID ! Now how do you go from 7.5 billion people down to half a billion ???… REDUCING the GROWTH rate by 10-15% ??…….I THINK NOT !

3 years ago
Reply to  Louise

Do any of these people defending mass murderer Bill Gates have a “dog in the fight”? Do they work for him? Are they “stake holders”? And by the way why is it that these so-called CV-19 “vaccines” are being admitted to being no such thing? They are being called GENETIC “therapies” which just happen to be aimed at changing human DNA forever. Once changed there is no way to change the DNA back is what is being reported. There are at least 28 different areas of the body including reproduction for both males and females that are affected. These “vaccines” are causing many serious and permanent “side” affects including one of Bill Gates’ specialties the stopping of reproduction in everyone who takes them. That alone amounts to GENOCIDE aka MASS MURDER. And the corrupted governments including the USA and other western governments want every single human to take them! If everyone is sterilized humanity is DOOMED. There is also the reported shedding effects coming from the vaccinated where they are passing the “side effects” to the unvaccinated. This is being reported as having been PLANNED. Why didn’t they tell anyone before this began?

3 years ago
Reply to  AwakeToTheEvil

I TOTALLY AGREE and have known about everything you have said……….population reduction to half a billion IS THEIR GOAL so they can CONTROL us and have the world resources all to themselves (the super rich people of the world)……..WE WILL BE THEIR SLAVES…..we won’t be able to own anything, we will be totally dependent on the ONE WORLD GOV’T !

Wake Up Sheeple
Wake Up Sheeple
3 years ago
Reply to  Louise

All written in the bible 2000yrs ago
Revelation 16-18
16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.…

3 years ago

Yup…….you are correct !! I know that ALL of that is TRUE ! Too bad MANY people don’t believe Gods Word in the bible !……..sooooo many will be led and have been led right into all of that. This JAB (not a vaccine) is not the mark of the beast but the PRECURSOR to it……the real mark of the beast will come soon enough…….with the next virus (which is suppose to happen soon) or one after that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Louise

I think some of you misunderstood me……I am TOTALLY against Bill Gates and what he is doing to the WORLD. When I said…….”how do you decrease the population from 7.5 billion down to half a billion….by reducing the growth rate 10-15% ???…..I think not”……..I SHOULD have also said……”not by reducing the growth rate by 10-15% BUT BY KILLING OFF PEOPLE WITH A VIRUS AND A VACCINE !!!

Sorry about that guys…..should have made myself more clear !

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Do you mean Billion?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

David is an obvious shill. He is trying to play the semantics game.

And this argument about having more kids, to compensate for the ones that are dying is masterful obtuse word wizardry that shills try to use confuse thr casual reader. And then David just presents that argument like it sounds completely legit. Instead of just interpreting gates words, for what they were.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

9 B I L L I O N!

Jim Lauder
Jim Lauder
3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

Actually, population growth is already reducing, primarily as a result of increasing education of women. It is NOT a result healthier people. Moreover, people in the West are becoming LESS healthy, especially in the US.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim Lauder

That is due to the food in America that one buys from grocery stores is severely lacking in proper nutrition. The soil is depleted of nutrients, GMO food is harmful to the gut which is the most important part of our immune systems, and processed foods are garbage! If you aren’t growing it yourself, properly, you are not getting complete nutrition in your diet. Hubby and I are no longer able to tend a veggie garden because we cannot get down to weed (we’re in our mid 70s) and cannot afford to put in raised beds, so we are buying from local farmers, we stocked up on meat when the dude we buy meat from decided to move to Montana, we got a deal, grass fed beef cut, wrapped and flash frozen for $3 a lb. we sealed it all and now our freezer is full. We also bought a couple of those 25 year shelf life survival food kits last year. And I supplement with vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements, hubby won’t take more than vit. D3 and magnesium.

Paula Jones
Paula Jones
3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya


3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

“Healthy people have less children.” In the future let’s curb the healthy people from having even more than the less they’re having now. Then what?

3 years ago
Reply to  Lewisk

Human extinction.

a b
a b
3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

People have kids for different reasons.”
yeah, mostly due to accidents.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

Bill Gates is twisting words. Do you know why these so-called “healthy” people have less kids? Because they live in a first world country in a trap where you’re paying for everything, THEY CANT AFFORD MORE KIDS EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO HAVE MORE! Not even water is free which should be. Bill gates is trying to reach those places in the world and get them into the workforce. For instance. If Nigeria was a functioning country. It would be booming. But majority of the people are poor. They don’t want to help these countries have better lives. They want to make money off them and be able to track them. Calling first worlders healthy is twisting meaning for one’s own gain… first worlders are plagued by many diseases; diabetes, high blood, cancer, aids, metabolical and degenerative diseases).

They can make a vaccine in 6 months but can’t make anything for cancer or aids.

More people die from heart disease than anything.

Bill Gates does not care about you or anybody else.
For crying out loud, he wants to block out the sun.

Serious god complex. What gave him the right to think he could even offer to do something like that?

Remember this!

Rich people live to compete or have more money than the next rich person. They have a gaping hole that can never be filled because they horde money (which is freedom) and watch the rest of the world suffer.

The wealthy have a high percentage for suicide. I would kill my self too if I ever hordes money and watched poor people suffer everyday knowing that a small fraction of my money could save a country.

I couldn’t live with myself if I behaved that way.

How much money does anyone really need ?

Bill Gates is a globalist.

They want to take away our properties and make us cryptocurrency mining vessels for their new world order which is finally upon us.

Fight back!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

He is a eugenicist, just like his father before him who was head of Planned Parenthood for a while. Evil people. God said “be fruitful and multiply not sterilize yourself

3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

Um I grew up in the sticks my nearest neighbour was a 10 min bike ride away. We are not over populated…. Big cities are.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sonya

I would look at Gates vaccination project around the World. The history and reality is one of committing mass genocide. He is a major player in the Eugenics movement. As were his parents.

Michael Yeadon
Michael Yeadon
3 years ago
Reply to  David

Gates has a history of trying to cause infertility in girls & young women in India & Africa. His foundation paid for a novel multi dose tetanus vaccine which contained conjugated HCG. That molecule has no business being in a vaccine unless the objective was to raise an immune response to an essential hormone of pregnancy. The man is a ghoul.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Yeadon

Looks like hand maiden tale coming true.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Yeadon

Repeatedly debunked. Over and over and yet you continue to spread the lies, while pointing at documented data and call that untrue, without actual data to back up your information. There’s so much propaganda trying to tear our country apart and it continues to work. You’ve allowed your own enemies to use you as tools.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

debunk this:
I agree that both sides are spreading misinformation and deceiving people.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I think it would also be good to point out that Fauci is married to the person that was the Head of Human Subjects Research and Medical Ethics at the NIH from 2010 to 2017, and has been quoted saying (paraphrasing) that they no longer had to pay test subjects for experimental jabs, as they have been indoctrinated enough that they are now willing to get the jab for the betterment of the community. We have been brainwashed to comply.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I read that after it was linked above. I don’t need to debunk it, because the conclusion is that people die from a disease, but die less from that disease when they are vaccinated for a related disease. DTP is a disease. DTP-vaccine and OPT are vaccines. The conclusion is that communities that received vaccines for polio had fewer children die from diphtheria. No debunking required, except the misinformation you are helping to spread.

Chuck Roast
Chuck Roast
3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Once again, you are so wrong. If nothing else, go back and read the conclusions of those studies.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

What kind of disease is DPT??? DPT stands for DIPTHERIA, PERTUSSIS & TETANUS! The vaccine is for all 3. Just like the MMR vaccine is for MEASLES, MUMPS & RUBELLA. Again, there is not a “dpt” disease nor a vaccine for it.
The more you know.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

“Debunked” is a term used to avoid the answer. Please provide the Main Stream News link who’s owned by 1 of 5 companies in the USA…who own all the media and whose budget is 70% paid for by big pharma. Moreover all of the owners of the companies, including gates are out spoken Eugenists. Gates father was the head of planned parrnthood, who regardless of your “women’s health care needs” is an abortion mill which has killed 500M pre-born humans and was started by Margaret Sanger, a racist, to reduce the black population.

I can go all day with “That was debunked”. Lol. Who debunked it, Rachel Madcow on DSNBC?

Gates is evil. He and Fauci funded the Wuhan lab at least 3.5M to further “gain of function” research to create Covid, a bio weapon, released on the world for economic advantage and further tracking and enslavement. Agenda 2030.

Debunked my ass.

Several of the worlds top researchers in the Vax world have now said people will die as a genocide. Over 4200 have died so far on the USA, according to VAERS. “Vaccine Adverse Event Response” system (which normally only reports 1% of events; even Vax makers say its under reported by a factor of 50″

Come with some facts or enjoy the time you have post Vax.

3 years ago
Reply to  EnoughBullshit

So you choose a “news” outlet that doesn’t provide any sources, has no history of trust, or actually any verifiable data or sources instead? Ok friend.

3 years ago
Reply to  EnoughBullshit

Covid was NOT the bioweapon they hoped it would be, but the jabs ARE the bioweapon that will kill millions, especially since we’ve now learned that those who took any of the jabs are shedding that spiked protein to those who’ve NOT taken the jab because they didn’t want their bodies altered genetically! And men who took it are making the unjabbed women they have unprotected sex (no condom) with sterile, too, the part of the jab that attacks the hormone that maintains the pregnancy is being passed to unjabbed females in that manner. This COULD lead to an extinction level event for humanity if we do NOT find a way to reverse the damage the jabs do!

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Yeadon

Remember this Yeadon ? “it’ll all fade away … Just a common & garden virus, to which the world overreacted.” And then you predicted in a subsequent tweet that it was “unlikely” the death toll in the UK would reach 40,000.
Got that wrong didn’t you ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Claude

And who is determining the death toll? Who profits by classifying a death as COVID-19 related?

3 years ago
Reply to  Claude

The CDC is reporting more than 4,000 deaths from the vaccine and a Harvard Study documented that less than 1% of deaths and side-effects are reported. So this would mean over 400,000 people in the U.S. alone have died from the vaccine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Claude

No, he didn’t. The death toll is around 20,000 (solely of Covid). You’ve been taken in the the distorted data and incessant propaganda.

Last edited 3 years ago by Miles
3 years ago
Reply to  Claude

You ACTUALLY BELIEVE those numbers when many doctors have said that they’ve been asked or told to write covid as the reason for death if the person just happen to be around someone with covid but didnt actually have it ??

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Yeadon

This must be THE great and courageous Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP) …. Thank you. Many are praying for your safety and protection

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Yeadon

Or the devil incarnate !!

3 years ago
Reply to  David

So “a really great job” on vaccines would mean sterilization or accelerated death if it has anything to do with reducing the population. Nice ….. that what we all look for in a vaccine; premature death and infertility.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Manipulating birth rate/ death rate demonstrates where you place your trust. The command is to “be fruitful and multiply.” If you don’t trust that there will be enough resources to supply people’s needs, than you act the way you’re currently acting: limit the number of people by slowing the birth rate.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

It’s a matter of grammar, the “THAT” in Gate’s speech, was referring to “population”, not population growth.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

The only way to lower the population, having one kid in one family. Not using vaccine. What does the vaccine do with lower the population? By killing them? Have less kids dude. Thats how you lower the number

3 years ago
Reply to  Dede

Get a grip… the people in third world countries have kids that die early because of malnutrition, disease caused by drinking sewer water, pooping in rivers, etc. The vaccines are to reduce the communicable diseases. Proper nutrition and clean water, as well as education are all part of the solution. When the parents aren’t having to face the reality of such a high mortality rate among their children from living in these unsanitary and unhealthy conditions, they won’t have to make so many babies. Why do they make so many babies? So some will survive to take care of them in their older years. If almost all of them survive (like in western countries, they can feel confident they will have family to care for themselves as they get older, eve with fewer children). The bottom line that Bill is talking about is population RATE OF INCREASE will be smaller, by some amount. He suggests 10-15% reduction in the rate of growth NOT 10-15% reduction in the current population count.

Last edited 3 years ago by David
3 years ago
Reply to  David

Except vaccines do NOT prevent contraction (and therefore the spread) of communicable diseases. In fact many people have been testing positive for CV post-injection.

3 years ago
Reply to  Shay

Yes, people can become infected with covid-19 post vaccination, or even post recovery. The reason is that every single time the virus spreads from one person to another it has the opportunity to mutate. Every person who gets vaccinated is protected quite well, according to the collected data, from the variants that it was developed on, and many similar variants. However, each time it mutates it increases the chance for the virus to spread to people who have already developed antibodies. People want you to get the vaccine because it protects everyone, not because they want to sterilize your daughters.

The groups of people who failed to understand how we couldn’t arrive at true “herd immunity” UNTIL we had effective vaccines probably incubated some of the mutations that are continuing to threaten the population now. If you are a patriot, inform yourself about the safety and efficacy of the available options, or at least take measures to protect your nation, to keep us from being on our knees still fighting this thing while all the other nations of the world have recovered. Our inability to cooperate for the public good is a disgrace to our ancestors who defended our right to decide -- they would want you to choose Truth and Family and Community.

Educate yourself on the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines, which are NOT new, just be in this context. Part of why the initial stages of the vaccine proofs *before* trials were able to go so quickly is because their application in virology, as well as cancer and age-related protein disorders, has been under research for a long time. Please consider consuming some information from other sources and other perspectives. I have read this and other articles and i have been unable to verify much of what has been spread as accepted truth. Please consider that you might have been mistaken.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

RNA viruses mutate independent by environmental factors and RNA replication errors. Transmission from one individual to another individual is not how it mutates.
Read my article concerning this mRNA vaccines:

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

By asking people to educate themselves, do you actually mean that or do you just mean they need to follow what you’re saying? Do you think people should educate themselves on options like Ivermectin, which has been proven to be an effective treatment against c-19 and could potentially eliminate the need for this experimental vaccine of which we don’t yet know all the effects? Or are you just pushing the vax?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Get a grip? WOW are you ever patronizing. Who died and made you GOD?

3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

I believe that Christ died for all our sins, including David, and you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

So are you prepared to explain to Christ why you are pushing for everyone to accept what has been identified by many Christians as the “Mark of The Beast”? And by the way Covid-19 has never been proven to exist yet. And what was that ridiculous story from the CDC that they apparently lost the proof? “Oh it was here somewhere a little while back.” LOL! The governments of Ireland and not sure exactly which one but another one in the UK over in the London side have already released statements after being requested repeatedly until they gave in to the requests that they have absolutely no proof and can not prove that Covid-19 exists. And IF the reason they can not prove it is that scientists will recognize that it is a BIOWEAPON then what would that say? Oh yeah it’s a Bioweapon alright and those who came up with this have made great strides getting people to take a TOTALLY EXPERIMENTAL CONCOCTION that is admitted to NOT being a “vaccine” but rather a GENETIC so-called “therapy” which changes human DNA FOREVER. These experimental POISONS have NOT been technically approved. They are for EMERGENCY use ONLY and our rotten governments want us ALL to take them? Don’t worry they will never admit to what is already coming out, that these POISONS fasely labeled as “vaccines” have caused any problems, like DEATH which will become increasingly more occurent as time moves forward. If people take the typical flu vaccines or people encounter a flu the CONCOCTIONS will have already prepared their poor bodies to either attack themselves or allow whatever is causing the reaction to prosper and destroy them & then we will hear about the NEW LIE of CV-21 or somesuch. Gee they have 280 so-called “vaccines” planned just for CV-19 so what will they have for the NEWLY announced LIES? This should have been seen as TOTAL INSANITY. They have NEVER created in the past any “vaccine” that ever got rid of the ordinary flu. Did we ever have to take 280 different jabs for a single flu? There is a German American lawyer who is in the process of suing the governments of the world for this total FRAUD. He says he has a team of 1000 lawyers. I pray that they succeed soon. I have been wondering what in the world happened to all the lawyers who should have been suing the daylights out of every government entity that has been pushing this 100% total LIE on humanity.

3 years ago
Reply to  AwakeToTheEvil

That lawyers name is Reiner Fuellmich, and he said that they are suing the WHO about the PCR covid test which SHOULD NOT have been allowed, but the WHO accepted the advice of a “professor” in Germany.

Elaine Eike
Elaine Eike
3 years ago
Reply to  David

It starting to look like the COVID injection is negatively affecting men’s testicles and women’s menstrual cycles, i.e. swollen and painful testicles and heavy menstrual cycles in those inoculated It is reported that you can pass this gene modifying inoculation to your children and then to their children if they are still able to reproduce at all. The inoculation has caused miscarriages [the rule was that pregnant women were not to be inoculated because it had not been tested with pregnant women, but what the heck, why not?] as well as severe bleeding during their periods. It really does look like we may be moving to a transhumanist society run by AI. Thank you Bill Gates.

3 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Eike

Nursing mothers who take the jab are finding it is harming and even killing their suckling infants.

3 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Eike

I have no doubts that Bill Gates & all those who work for him and the DEPOPULATION plan being undertaken now, like Dr Fauci et al WILL be CAST into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone. There are those who are on the side of speaking out against this VILE EVIL that say those participating in bringing this evil plan to fruition will be brought up on serious charges of HARM to HUMANITY.

3 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Eike

Miscarriages have gone up 300% (maybe more now) since the JAB came out !

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Then why did Gates tell a reporter that the world should NOT have more than half a billion people ??…..look it up…..its on youtube ! Funny, THATS the EXACT number that the Free Masons and Illuminati people have said for over a century or two !! Supposedly its on the Georgia Guidestones if I’m not mistaken.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dede

There’s the strong possibility that the spike protein can interfere with the placenta and actually cause infertility. Lots of women are saying they are getting strange goings on with their monthlies. Lots of miscarriages and still births too, very sad indeed, directly after getting jabbed. Baby died after feeding from mother just jabbed too.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mari55

I’m not sure that “strong possibility” follows from strange goings on with menstruation. I have “strange goings on” with my “monthlies” when the weather warms up in the spring, when I eat too much fatty foods, when I’m especially stressed out at work, when I travel, when I start exercising significantly more or less…

And all of that IS NORMAL for many women. Some women are regular as clocks, many of us aren’t.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dede

No use whatsoever and merely a drop in the ocean, while the global moooslum population breeds kids at a rate competing with the local southern startes wild pig population, like at least 7-8 children per wife, then considering some have like 3-4 wives, which means at least 21-32 kids for each family men, compared to the rest of us married males who just have the one kid or none if lucky!

3 years ago
Reply to  Johannes

So, you’re not even pretending to not be racist, huh? How many Muslims do you know personally?

3 years ago
Reply to  Selene

Islam is a religion, not a race. If you do some research, you will find that Muslims enslaved black Africans and shipped them to the British colonies. But they also issued fatwahs to capture and enslave blue eyed girls in Europe. They enslaved people in this manner throughout Europe and Eurasia. And they are slaveowners today in the Middle East. I see no Muslims downplaying “the Project” or standing up against terrorism. Do you even know what Islam translates to in English?

3 years ago
Reply to  Dede

The “vaccine” STERILIZES them……thats how it lowers the population !

3 years ago
Reply to  David

The lies are all from Gates — re-introduced Polio with his “vaccine” in India and put a sterilization agent into one he used in Africa — you have big love for him — you being paid by him or his Foundation in some way? Nothing he does stands up to any honest investigation but he has bought off the Media and “medicine” while doubling his wealth with his phony “charity” — half owned by his Family foundation and the other half funds it thru investments — a total scam.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

How do you lower population growth great thinker? Sterility?

Paulette Revere
Paulette Revere
3 years ago
Reply to  DJT

Lowering the population growth in 3rd world countries sounds good to me.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

So, the possibility of infertility is less daunting than euthanasia? The ‘virus” started as an elderly and infirmed cull and the “safe” “vaccines” are taking care of the rest. Every speech from Gates and Fauci have blatant declarations of their intentions disguised as help. They created this. They unleashed it. They created a “cure” to complete their plan.

mica hoobers
mica hoobers
3 years ago
Reply to  David

By doing what? Killing the unborn? by giving the majority none elitist (swamp pricks), us pheasants like every day people, drugs that LOWERS life expectancy. THAT is what little bill the NONE dr never graduated bought his diplomas years after MS was popular and he had NEVER ever NEVER. N E V E R studied medicine. He is doing research on transferring vaccines via mosquitos NEVER mind the fact that some people get stung multiple times, I can’t think of a single thing going wrong with that at all NOPE. PS look these things up these are facts there are pattens for it and it IS being reached and tried. Bill Gates is a mass murderer.

Last edited 3 years ago by mica hoobers
3 years ago
Reply to  David

Jeez, you’re a brain fart, aren’t you?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Hey david rockefeller the father of lies has taught you well. you must be so proud.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

why hasnt Billy boy taken the jab

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Whether he is talking about the population count or the percentage of population growth is not relevant. The question you should be asking is why are vaccines… and “doing a really great job with vaccines” being referenced as a means of LOWERING the population? Aren’t vaccines supposed to save lives… prolong lives? The end result of that would be more people not fewer people. Gates has also talked about other things years before they happened… the pandemic itself, for one. Is it more likely that he is psychic… or one of the planners?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Yes but he means by way of sterilization! I think that covers reproductive health! lets face it, some women just shouldn’t be mothers.And some mothers just spit them out for fun, why you reckon the one Agenda is looking trendy! And lets not forget the film Children of Men

3 years ago
Reply to  David

So you are OK with sterilizing people against their will VIA vaccines? And if you prevent births, then you are Depopulating. Open your eyes and your ears and use the brain that God gave you

Walker Terry
Walker Terry
3 years ago
Reply to  David

So you trust Bill gates?

nick marini
nick marini
3 years ago
Reply to  David

Look at the math.
Gates states:
” …10 -- 15 % … that’s approximately 1.3 B people …”
1) 10-15% of the growth rate can’t be 1.3 B
2 ) 10-15% of 7 B = 0.7 B -- 1.05 B
3) 10-15%. of 9 B= 0.9 B -- 1.35 B
# 3 looks like what Gates referred to NOT THE % OF THE RATE.

Who’s telling lies, lies and more lies now?

Last edited 3 years ago by nick marini
3 years ago
Reply to  David

OMG you can not be serious?? Lowering the population growth is the same thing!! I’d bet your left nut sack that you’re a flat earther! 😂
(Pssst- it’s okay to think before you say stupid shit😉)

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Do you not know that GATES said…..”there should not be more than half a billion people in the world”……don’t know if he said it in that video bit he did say in an interview with a journalist. He is agreeing with what is written on the Georgia Guidestines, which I believe came from the Free Masons from the beginnings of America. That IS the goal of the GLOBALISTS/Deep State/Cabal evil people.

Ben Drum
Ben Drum
3 years ago
Reply to  David

So how does that work? Does the vaccine make people infertile? Or does it eliminate people who would otherwise procreate?

Last edited 3 years ago by Ben Drum
Steve Azam
Steve Azam
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

You have to divide the details. The covid flu is not deadlier than the normal flu. But, the attached bioweapon, gain of function, modified spike protein is not a flu, and is deadly. The franken concoction falsely claimed to be a vaccine, is actually an experimental, dna modifying, chemo-therapy. It enhances the bioweapons effectiveness by adding spike protein fuel to the gain of function fire! What happens when you throw an empty log on a fire? -- exactly. Enhanced ignition, enhanced fuel consumption, enhanced flame propagation.

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Azam

Unfortunately, you don’t understand this technology very well.
I’m not encouraging this “vaccine” at all, and encourage you to follow your instincts. But you should really stop posting this stuff.

If you don’t understand it, listen instead of speaking, unless you’re asking questions.

Claudia Hines
Claudia Hines
3 years ago
Reply to  UNY

I think you speak out of turn. We perfectly understand what is in these gene therapy drugs (which is what the FDA calls them by the way). The Salk Report stated it is the spike protein is that does the damage to the host. What do these drugs do? From the mouth of Moderna CEO, they make your body create the spike protein, indefinitely! There is no shut off valve. What does this due to your immune system? It kills it. The next time your body needs to fight a cold, the flu, you won’t be able to and you will die. Nobel Prize winning virologist Luc Montenier (sp) stated last week that the COVID was made to work with the vaccine, no doubt about it. Those who have been inoculated will die. Some right away, some a little later. What are we finding out now about Fauci, Baric, the bat lady and Peter Deszak? Look at the interview with Deszak where he states they were mixing viruses together and using Baric’s seamless method so you cannot tell whether it was made in a lab or in nature. That’s called Gain of Function research and it was outlawed in the US, yet Fauci funded it. Why? This is right in line with the NWO and the great reset. The sorry excuse for human beings behind this push to inoculate the entire world are the very same people who want to depopulate the world. Moderna has NEVER brought a drug to market. Never. We also know they manipulated the efficacy of these drugs, making the general public believe it’s 95% effective. It isn’t. It’s 14.5% at most. But yet these are not vaccines by definition. So yeah Buddy, we understand extremely well. And who are you??

3 years ago
Reply to  Claudia Hines

if you look up uk column news website. they have a lengthy article that outlines that the vaccine using either inert spike protein or mrna to produce spike protein was well know from as far back as peer reviewed published research as 2007 to harm human cells. again more published research in 2019 even ratified this is even more detail. so the concept of using this methodology is proven harmful. as harmful as the disease. why no one admits this or warp speeded themselves down a path known to give hazardous outcomes is somewhat negligent. so every time i hear safe and effective you know thats nearly a two decade ago lie.

3 years ago
Reply to  Claudia Hines

He and “David” are most likely Pharma trolls

Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago
Reply to  UNY

UNY, why should we trust the words of known serial felons aka. Every Single One of the Vaccine Drug Manufacturers especially when they have been granted complete and total immunity for these products above and beyond what is normally given for approved vaccines? Not only are they serial felons they are proven to be serial pathological liars for profit.
You have NO IDEA what is really in these vaccines. You have NO IDEA how they really interact with the human body. You have NO IDEA what the long term consequences of getting these injected into you will be. You are relying on the word of pathological lying psychopath senior executives in the drug companies, their bought and paid for politicians, and their bought and paid for MSM talking head idiots. That’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see how that works out for you and 110,000,000 million lab rats.
Are you insane or just not terribly bright? Perhaps an unhealthy admixture of both? Maybe you should refrain from posting til you understand what’s going on.

3 years ago
Reply to  UNY

Whats with all you “holier than thou” trolls? If you don’t understand it? Really?

Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

They’re get paid $35/hr on up to troll and post that’s what. At least that’s what the US based ones get. Eastern European, Indian, and Chinese get less and less.

3 years ago
Reply to  UNY

I do understand this technology very well:

elizabeth martinez
elizabeth martinez
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Azam

I’ll tell you what the covid is way worse than the flu I had it it was the worse brain fog could not think at all. Four months later still having problems and my hair is falling out all part of covid.If I hear one more person say it’s the same as the flu your just dumb than. Get educated on the covid already .

Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago

Elizabeth, look into the treatment protocols for this from the Front Line Doctors Alliance or whatever it’s called. A couple of my friends have long hauler’s syndrome. They took an Ivermectin + some other meds & vitamins for a week and then just the vitamins for a few months. They started feeling better within hours of taking the first ivermectin dose. One of the vitamin supplements was N-Acetyl Cysteine, commonly abbreviated as NAC. Their doc told them it was a liver supplement and amino acid that’s been available OTC since the 1960s. Oddly enough guess what the FDA is trying to rule it’s a drug requiring a prescription. I wonder why?…$$$$ out of Big Pharma’s pockets???

3 years ago
Reply to  Get Real

I supplement heavily and NAC is one of the supplements I take, as well as each vitamin (individually, not a one a day type multi), a trace mineral complex, and a number of others all of which I researched to make certain they would keep me and my immune system healthy and my bones free of osteoporosis, and my heart and circulatory system healthy as well — heart attacks were the major killer in my dad’s family; my mom died of heart problems, her mom of a stroke; and my brother had a heart attack when he was in his 50s, he’s still alive and soon to turn 71 but all the drugs they gave him after caused him to have other problems, statins gave him diabetes, gabapentin gives him depression, one drug he takes causes diarrhea. I don’t have a great deal of trust in allopathic medicine or pharmaceutical drugs, and I am healthier than most people who have the opposite attitude. And as far as vaccines are concerned, the fewer one takes the better, pediatricians who keep track of the vaccination history of their patients have discovered that the fewer vaccinations a child has had the healthier the child was in comparison to those who had had more vaccinations. Yes SONE vaccines might have been important — smallpox for instance — but polio was already on the decline when the vax came out for it, (and the first such vax caused cancer in many), most of the other diseases they make kids take vaccines for are no longer killers and not very serious. D and P maybe, but individually not in a combo vax, T only after the kind of injury that could cause tetanus, et cetera. Let us stop being dictated to about our health and health choices and start taking our health into our own hands, see the providers of your choice, let’s stop insurance companies from dictating and limiting the list of doctors we can choose from and include ALL providers — non-allopathic doctors, holistic physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc.!

3 years ago

Sorry you had “Covid”. Everything you experienced, I have seen in patients with flu in previous years. Please get educated.

3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

I only know a few who had it, all of them said the same thing, they lost the ability to smell and taste for a time. But I also heard about a couple who had a really hard time of it, ending up in the hospital but not on a ventilator. All got positive tests via blood draw.

3 years ago

I’m pretty sure I had it too from 1 st week of January 2020: this was during a 4 weeks course with folks all packed tightly together like herrings in a pickle barrel, in a tiny study room! I’m sure one of the students returning from Ottawa brought it over from there and infected us all! Fact is: we found out earlier this year, news exposed through leaked defence papers, that it was first detected by an returning 🇨🇦 army unit, who had just returned from the military olympic games held in , yes you guessed it, Wuhan/ China, back in November 2019! Agreed, I felt sick for the first 2 days; had sore lungs , difficulty breathing, a bit of a couch and a heavy head like one usually has during a bad cold, which lasted for another week and then it went away
As quickly as it came! Guess we all are effected by it in different ways, severity & duration, as I only stayed home for the first & worst 2 day , period, while most others stayed home for the rest of the month!

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Azam

Smart man. I wanted to find out what’s really happening so I researched and came upon Crispr-9 I believe it’s called. The Chinese have been doing these tests on people a couple years back. This RNA gene therapy.

They splice the dna and put what segments they want to add. It’s insane.

So I came upon an article where it said one of their GMO patients escaped. They were to track all the participants for the next some odd years to see if any diseases/problems would occur from modifying the person.

So China already has modified people walking around, possibly mating with true humans and making the human dna tainted and ruined.

I will stay human. Even if it means my death.

They will blame the many deaths that will come from the vaccinated on the unvaccinated. They will claim the unvaccinated caused the virus to mutate. And we will be persecuted.

Yeshua is soon to come.

God bless you all and stay strong. Keep fighting and praying to God that more governors will rise up like Desantis of Florida.

He is fighting against the globalist 2030 agenda.

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

It’s no more deadly than the flu because it’s the flu renamed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Suschi

Yes, but you cannot tell people that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Suschi

No, it’s not an influenza virus. It’s a coronavirus.

3 years ago
Reply to  Missy

Sigh-- please that is SO wrong.

Denice Grant
Denice Grant
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

$$$ from contracts for masks and shots. And control!

3 years ago
Reply to  Denice Grant

It is always about money and power.

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

“Words have meaning, if not, we have no society.” ALSO “head over heals”. This moron can’t even spell heels, yet claims words have meaning. Let’s all listen to this genius.

3 years ago
Reply to  untangle

lol, any time you feel man enough, come to my door and we can talk it over. I have not problem with a face to face discussion. None what so ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  untangle

What an incredibly juvenile thing to say. Is a typo the worst you can say?

Tijeras girl
Tijeras girl
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

They actually change the definition of a vaccine in many of the online dictionaries because of this crap. I actually looked it up one day the definition was normal and the next day they changed it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tijeras girl

Yes… why aren’t more people alarmed by this?

Last edited 3 years ago by Michele
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Are you a medical professional with experience in virology? I ask because you seem to have the answer where those who are trained don’t. Yes, a few disagree with the mRNA and other COVID treatments, but the vast majority do not concur with this fine Dr and a few others who are against it. So are they ALL wrong? And these few isolated ones are right? Why?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

What is the mortality rate of COVID 19 (yes you can use all falsely filed reports if you like). Then what is the morality rate of the flu at it’s worse? I do not need to be a virologist to come to the conclusion that it is no more deadly than the flu.

I can also look up the definition of a vaccine. As defined (until the change it) it creates immunity. I have read that it is possible to be infected with COVID 19 after you have received the gene therapy shot(s). Do I have to be a virologist to read a definition of a word and apply what the CDC states?

So if words do not have any meaning or change with the wind, how can you have a society if you cannot understand each other? I do not have to be a virologist to understand this.

So where in my statement am I wrong?

Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago
Reply to  David

Wow someone got cornered and had to resort to pedantry. That’s a losing strategy Dave.
How much are you being paid to post here Dave? Do you work for Share Blue? Are you out of one of the Eastern European comment farms?
Your type always stands out like a sore thumb. I think they have a special name for y’all in the Chan’s. Glow something or other.

3 years ago
Reply to  Get Real

Hes a troll

3 years ago
Reply to  Get Real

Glow something or other? Kind of like “LUCIFERase”?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Go away Pharma troll

3 years ago
Reply to  David

There should be a picture of this comment next to “group think” in the dictionary.

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Obviously you didn’t ewatch it out? You just don’t want to except his expert opinion, because he has the knowledge and the balls to oppose those others cause he’s not part from your favourite group of ‘experts’ or what?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Aristotle’s fly?

3 years ago
Reply to  David

Few ISOLATED ONES? Oh you must mean since there is a (((TECHNOCRAT))) -- new name for the same old children of Satan -- aka ANTICHRIST COMMUNIST CENSORSHIP to prevent the TRUTH from getting out to SAVE people from making this HORRID mistake of taking a GENETIC ALTERING CONCOCTION that the “vaccinated” will NEVER be able to recover from the MANY TENS of THOUSANDS of medical professionals (& I believe it is now over 100,000) are NOT permitted to PUBLICLY speak out against this MASS MURDER GENOCIDE, they are finding whatever means they can to WARN whoever they can reach.

Last edited 3 years ago by AwakeToTheEvil
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

money. big big money. bribery…huge…

Vince St.
Vince St.
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

They need to be sued for FALSE ADVERTISING!

Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Short Answer: ObamaCare. The long answer is ObamaCare caused the mass consolidation of private practice INDEPENDENT doctors to sell out and become ‘hospitalists” aka at-will employees of the hospital groups. Most of the small community hospitals were bought out by large hospital consortiums because they can no longer survive on the ever lowered and longer delayed Medicare/Medicaid & insurance company reimbursement rate schedules. Now all these gigantic hospital consortiums are associated with medical schools & teaching hospitals because they are a major source of additional revenue and cheap labor in the form of CDC, NIH, and NIAD (hey who runs that agency again? Starts with a F, I think.) research grants and medical interns. Crap rolls down hill remember? If someone at the head of the gravy train says this is the one and only way you are to treat disease X then that’s the way it is. You violate company policy you get fired. Usually.

They know exactly who is doing & prescribing what because buried in ObamaCare was that part requiring everyone to use electronic health records systems and SHARE ALL THAT DATA WITH THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in real-time. Are y’all beginning to feel like maybe, just maybe, that’s a really really bad idea?

There are still a few private practice doctors around. They can still practice medicine with a great degree of freedom. In my A.O. They are the only ones that don’t turn into screaming pod people if you mention hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin drug combo protocols for treatment of your Covid diagnosis. All the hospitalist GPs I know refuse treat asymptomatic or not gravely ill Covid patients with anything other than water and Tylenol. If you press the matter they’ll fire you as a patient.

3 years ago
Reply to  Get Real

Excellent and enlightening connection. This has been bothering me for years but I never made the connection with this jab madness.

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Many experts are stating this is not a vaccine but a synthetic pathogen which releases a toxin or poison. Attorney’s throughout the world are now starting to fight back. These companies do not have immunity if what they did was deliberate harm and they believe it was 100 % and can prove it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jackson

These Covid-19 so-called “vaccines” are already admitted to not being any such thing. So now the lawyers should already have a wide open door to sue the living daylights out of them as they were ONLY protected under the LIE that these are the original definition of what vaccines are supposed to be. According to one advocate for the exposing of all of this TOTAL FRAUD the lawyers should not even call them vaccines in any of their arguments as this may weaken the lawsuits if the manufacturers continue trying to call them what they are not. They are GENETIC ALTERING supposed “therapies”. And once the DNA is changed in the “vaccinated” it appears there is NO WAY to ever change their DNA back!

Jack Gordon
Jack Gordon
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Your thinking here is on the mark, but you are also right to say words have meaning. Careful: “heals” are not “heels.”

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

they didnt, they were bored in empty hospitals making tiktok videos

John F Holt
John F Holt
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

There was more to CV19 than what is obvious. It helped to cover up a major global economic meltdown. The second in a little more than a decade. Trillions of dollars were transfered upwards. It also acted as a trial run for a pandemic response and govt control of citizens. Finally, it will result in billion dollar profits.

Last edited 3 years ago by John F Holt
maria c
maria c
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Get a grip! He’s trying to warn people about the vaccine! Yes! They are calling it a vaccine!

Your “real question” deserves an answer: Sheeple.Sheeple have been known to be “doctors” too…all taught by the same universities, learning Big Pharmas “science”..

Glenn Sullivan
Glenn Sullivan
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

It is not a live vaccine like we get each year for the flu.

Chuck Roast
Chuck Roast
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

As a healthcare provider for 46 years, along with my wife who has also been in healthcare for 38 years, we initially were led to believe this virus to be devastating due to the methodology of presentation. The initial developing story resulted in most healthcare workers being scared to death. The government’s scare information continued to decay as real experience and reliable information being shared began to be shared. The government’s reports have been deemed to be non-factual and many have agreed that it has turned out to be a ruse. In other words, THEY LIED TO US! And, it worked!

Last edited 3 years ago by Chuck Roast
3 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Roast

I figured it out when I looked at the cruise ship and naval ship death toll. It was obvious to me that it was no more serious than the flu. Then once the CDC released their report on 25 May that masks where ineffective at stopping the spread of influenza virus, I knew for sure it was all a lie.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Roast

And WHY did the government LIE? Because the TRUE GOAL is the MASS MURDER GENOCIDE of BILLIONS if not ALL of HUMANITY~!!! A WAR was declared upon us long ago and NOW we are seeing their SATANIC goal being reached day by day! WHO is there now to STOP this MASS SERIAL MURDERING of EVERYONE?

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Follow the money!!! $$$$$$$

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Propaganda. Doctors (even your own family primary doctor) are NOT to be trusted. They’re agents of the satanic medical mafia that wants us all chipped and/or dead.

Neilos Beverly
Neilos Beverly
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

Here in Greece instead of calling it a vaccine I’ve heard in some small circles it being referred to as a μπόλη if I’m spelling it right which means grafting. It’s the same word for grafting from one tree to another. I think it’s making fun of the vaccine being called a vaccine but with very accurate truth in jest because the definition hits home. I’m no scientist or DNA specialist but this playful definition is interesting to me. Because if you look at CRISPR technology which is DNA enhancement & modification, sence 1993 I believe, a grafting of sorts tasks place to our DNA. That is in our two strands of DNA one is cut and a new specific segment is placed in alongside the other trickling it to accept the new stand and then produce it.

Hi Its Me
Hi Its Me
3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

They are all sworn to this and they trust the system because they spent so much money going to medical school and they’ve been programmed. That is why the doctors are fine with it

3 years ago
Reply to  tangle

I’m not disagreeing with you but if it’s not a. Vaccine, what do we call it. No, I haven’t and won’t agree to get stuck with this junk…

3 years ago
Reply to  DWard

A gene therapy, maybe?

3 years ago

Did you ever hear of the mark of the beast? Read Revelations!

Phillip Tran
3 years ago
Reply to  glewis14

This Pastor oreaches truth about how the gene alterting serum is the mark. He backs it up with scripture. Please watch all his videos they are all great and roited deeply in the Word. God bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ! We are at spiritual war with Satan and must not live in the flesh, but in the spirit.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phillip Tran

I have to believe the “mark” will include a means to buy and sell and will be in the forehead or hand. So I envision a future chip for banking, credit cards, communication, etc. (replacing smart phones). I don’t disagree the “vaccine” has nefarious purposes, just don’t think it is the true mark of the beast.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peaches
3 years ago
Reply to  Peaches

The mark is probably something to do with cryptocurrency. Remember bill gates filed a patent for human movement for crypto mining in 2019. The patent is called 060606 cryptocurrency…. look it up because it has a full name. This has to be the mark. It has the number.
I was always creeped out by the word cryptocurrency.

Crypt sounds like death. Adding currency to the end of it makes it even worse because the root of all evil is money.

The vaccine is definitely a precursor to their plan to track everyone and hook them up to the super AI computer in the “cloud” and enter into the transhumanisn religion.
And all this UFO mongering is either just a distraction or it plays a bigger part such as a fake alien invasion (which many have been predicting for decades) to sway our hearts to other gods besides the One True God Yaweh. The aliens are actually demons come to deceive people in the final days.

Anybody who has researched the vaccine thoroughly wouldn’t get it.

I recently almost started talking to somebody dating-wise. It got the the point we started talking about world events and vaccines came up.

He said he got his first shot some time ago.

I apologized and told him the reason why I couldn’t continue to entertain a friendship with him. I know the implications with marrying, sexual intercourse or even kissing a vaccinated person might harm me or my unborn child I may have with said person.

He was shocked and he said, “really, that’s the reason you don’t want to talk to me?”. He was sincerely clueless. I tried to explain in a short way why i know what I know.

He answered with telling me that he did research and that’s why he chose to get it.

And in my head I’m just saying.

If he truly knew how to research and did it thoroughly following the facts, YOU WOULD NEVER TAKE THIS VACCINE.

Society is split in two. Those who know and those who don’t know.

It’s sad.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phillip Tran

This is not the mark my friend. Pls read Revelation 14. Nobody will take the mark unknowingly. The Angel of the Lord will announce it. But this is sure taking humanity in that direction.

3 years ago

EVIL is Real, Confront It, Look them Square in the Eyes, tell them No to their Tyranny.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

It is most certainly REAL. It is oozing it’s ugly head all over the planet. I can see it and I denounce it.

3 years ago

Wow this was the best video to date I have heard on the vax. He is a very intelligent honorable man and we need more like him, please keep him safe. His heart is in the right place.

Phillip Tran
3 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

How would our Heavenly Father feel about us injecting aborted fetal tissue (HEK-293) into our bodies defiling our bodies which are Temples where Christ lives.

Phillip Tran
3 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

The Lord does not want us taking the gene altering serum. It is a mark. Watch the video which is backed up by scripture. The pastor is long winded but he speaks nothing but truth!! 🙏

Phillip Tran
3 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

Sorry for typo earlier. 😊

3 years ago

Of COURSE it’s all about the shots! It’s not a vaccine, but because they say it is they have zero liability. This is a massive conspiracy and deadly attack on the citizens of the world. I think it’s all about depopulation.

3 years ago

And WHY are the DOCTORS just talking and NOT STOPPING the governments of this world from these STUPID KILLER mRNA EXPERIMENTS? Why do you all still calling them “vaccines”? How is it possible that the stake holders are in charge of our lives? SINCE WHEN UNEDUCATED politicians can FEAR MONGER people and kids into this idiocy while the doctors are just politely and peacefully talking? Is everyone involved in this fraud AGAINST HUMANITY??? DO SOMETHING -- GO AFTER THE GOVERNMENT and PROSECUTE THEM IMMEDIATELY BY THE PEOPLE, not in fraudulent FREEMASON courts of law. WE HAVE STATISTICS so time to stop talking and start taking action. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE DYING from suicides, overdoses, undetected illnesses etcetera? Go after the doctors who refuse to treat patients without the “vaccines” -- THEY ARE NOT DOCTORS but MURDERERS. PLEASE RISE UP AND STOP THIS INSANITY BEFORE THEY KILL US ALL INCLUDING OUR BABIES!

3 years ago
Reply to  Me70

Most doctors are simply drug pushers.
They have a pill for anything.
Pharma industry does not want to cure people. It wants to keep them alive and buying their products.
Doctors are their salesmen.

Why do doctors wear butcher coats?

3 years ago
Reply to  Me70

Here in Canada we have been told (April 30, 2021) by our professional bodies (CPSO) not to Say ANYTHING about the COVID vaccine-- if we do we could be sanctioned and have our license reviewed. Doesn’t matter that their directive contradicts the Nuremberg code/ethics NOR that It violates the ” First do no harm” Oath physicians take.

Eileen Radostits
Eileen Radostits
3 years ago
Reply to  Torontonian

I am a Canadian living in Switzerland and what is happening in Canada in terms of censorship and control is absolutely shocking….I will never come back after seeing how the government treats its citizens. Horrible. Here in Switzerland, we have a huge vote on the 13th of June to say NO to many of the government’s restrictive Covid measures…and people here are waking up to the dangers of these gene therapies for a virus that is 99.8% recoverable. It is amazing to me how there were so little people brave enough to stand against the common narrative which is actually one of the best examples we have had in decades of how propaganda is used to ensure compliance….fear is being used to get people literally in line ( for shots) but money, control and power have been driving all of this madness since the beginning! It will be a while until things get sorted but I am hopeful that intelligent and brave people will start moving this forward in a positive direction. Like this doctor on the video! And many more!

helen Stafford
helen Stafford
3 years ago

I agree with this brave doctor.
This is about Population extermination and World Reset

3 years ago

He is very rational and clear in his language. I especially like, that he used to believe in the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine and changed his mind according to data, that makes him much more credible.


[…] Source: […]

3 years ago

j ironthunder
j ironthunder
3 years ago

this stank to hi heaven from jump. i been studying virilogy and bioweapons applications for 30 years. first as a 54Bravo NCO in the Army; i reasearch this regularly. the WHO, CDC AND bigpharma has been desperate to seek and declare a pandemic, with authoritarian posturing as they seek compliance from the people regardless of the ill effects and harm caused by this socalled vaxine, which is unthical gene manipulation, permenant changes to DNA and it is only the start, as updates will be needed. 20% of people die within 30 days of the 2nd jab. patent# WOWO2020-06-06-06 By bill gates. please dont fall for this

3 years ago

What is the source for this vid? And the previous vid??
It needs to be mirrored massively to all formats.

Serif Catic
Serif Catic
3 years ago

What we are waiting for? We know who they are, lets grt them

3 years ago
Reply to  Serif Catic

We have to organize. This comment section is how Facebook and other social platforms used to be. We should be free to say every fact we. State or opinion.

Let’s created a website and those you can afford it. Advertise. I don’t know.

The best thing to do right now is to petition in front of these places if change.

3 years ago

Concise video from a well-established medical doctor.
A year ago Moderna stock (trading as MRNA on the NASDAQ) was $59/share. Today it’s $181/share. Follow the money, the donors, and the SEC filings. ttps://
Dare to read through the lengthy SEC filings. The mRNA vaccines were utilized for a number of pathogens like RSV, Zika, herpes. Even “flu shots” — was anyone warned???
Moderna = Mode RNA. It’s all about a new “delivery system” that invades EVERY human cell. Vaccine?
Calling this experimental and potentially deadly injection a vaccine is like calling a biological male a woman. No science necessary.

Dianne Fadal
Dianne Fadal
3 years ago

Dear GOD! This is dividing families, the public in general!

Carol simpson
Carol simpson
3 years ago

Say no to the so called vaccine. It will wipe out natural immunity. This doctor is right.

3 years ago

This is so stupid. Can anyone who has legitimate concerns about the vaccine speak with any sort validity? It’s about marking people and behavior control?? The utter inconsistency of these arguments is infuriating. Yes, the spike protein causes cellular damage -- therefore… Bill Gates. After two years and an FDA approval, then will you admit a level of safety of the vaccine? Of course not. You will continue to believe whatever you want.

3 years ago
Reply to  Evan

Research is showing that the natural immunity acquired from getting sick with the virus is due to the nucleocapsid part of it, NOT the spike protein. So… Why did they make production of the spike protein the focus of this product. Makes you wonder, right?

3 years ago
Reply to  Evan

Sure, I’ll watch and wait for an FDA approval. Then I will admit a level of safety. Why would I continue to “believe whatever I want”, as you say? I’m not obstinate. If, after two years of trials, it is PROVEN to be 100% safe, I will call it a “vaccine”..

3 years ago
Reply to  JudgePapa

Why would the MURDEROUS CDC the very ones tied directly to this MASS MURDER GENOCIDE ever admit the so-called “vaccines” are responsible as they are being shown to be for massive severe disabilities and DEATH? They even have patents on FRAUDULENT vaccines to make MASSIVE PROFITS. The governments are already trying their darndest to make these EXPERIMENTAL GENETIC ALTERING concoctions mandatory!!!! They will simply blame the coming massive deaths on CV-21 or some such. Don’t make the mistake of further beLIEving the LIARS guilty of what they have already done and continue to do which is MURDER everyone they can out of the world~!!!! I will NEVER believe anything at this point these GUILTY parties are doing are for any good period!

Last edited 3 years ago by AwakeToTheEvil
3 years ago

I’m afraid for this Dr’s life now, for speaking truth

Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago
Reply to  Clara

Pro tip: set a Google alert to let you know of anything new on the Internet that contains the good doctors name. You can set the delivery intervals, which is wise because you could have your inbox hammered with alerts if he goes viral.
instructions here:
https://support -dot- google -dot- com/websearch/answer/4815696?hl=en
replace the -dot- with a .
Gauge his impact by the amount of fire he draws usually works. However remember we are in the age of cancel culture so he may just get dis-remembered by Big Tech.

Mary Lou Longworth
Mary Lou Longworth
3 years ago

So it is news that the plandemic was about a vaccine? Wow. When I first heard the word via the WHO that there was a pandemic, I knew it was about a vaccine. It is the nature of a rapacious criminal cabal to push toxic medicines on the public to weaken and destroy natural immunity. Glad to finally have it verified by a notable doctor.

James Davis
James Davis
3 years ago

God loves a faithful Warrior! This man is a warrior. Thank you for speaking out! Hospitals, doctors, and University medical centers need to be held accountable. God Bless you Dr. McCullough.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago
Reply to  James Davis

I believe they WILL be held accountable. At some future time we will see many, many Doctors having their license to practice pulled. When the dust settles ( as it always does) we will see them for the criminals they are. No one will trust the corporate medical system. It will fall like a house of cards. And in it’s place will be a whole new way of treating the body.

3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Noelle

How many fatalities it will cost?

3 years ago
Reply to  Ana

How many fatalities? BILLIONS!!!!!

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

This Doctor is an amazing man and he is bringing vital information forth. I am concerned with how SO many people appear to be in a zombie state and stick out their arm with no questions asked. We are in the storm. God have mercy.

3 years ago

there will be civil war with these vaccines…look at italy now….everybody has to have it…..we should fight the CCP instead of each other…..

3 years ago
Reply to  yep

We should fight the MURDERERS who are mandating all of this PURE EVIL and their (((Handlers))). Arrest & charge them for their Crimes against humanity and then prosecute without any corrupted judges involved and execute the proper judgment on all of them.

John Phillips
John Phillips
3 years ago

My personal story from the Hong Kong Flu1969-1970:

When I was 16 I spent a week in the hospital because of severe dehydration that I experienced from the Hong Kong Flu. Every one I knew was sick. No testing was required. My teachers, all of my friends, my sister, our parents & their co-workers. BUT interesting, there was no Lockdowns, no quarantine, no push for mass Vaccinations, no contact tracing, & No Economic destruction.

The virus that caused the 1957 pandemic, which lasted until about the middle of 1958, was also responsible for a series of epidemics that emerged annually until 1968, when the Hong Kong flu appeared. The Hong Kong flu pandemic, which lasted until 1970, caused up to four million+ deaths world wide! Some reports say more!

The Hong Kong Flu World Wide death Statistics compared to COVID Statistics show the HONG KONG Flu was MORE SEVERE!

Current Covid19 Statistics are totals from 16 months and less deaths are attributed than the 1969-1970 Flu outbreak!

See details here:

IS COVID A PANDEMIC OR A SCAMDEMIC? Who is the REAL POWER behind it? What is really going on? WATCH the BEST VIDEO I have seen that explains EVERYTHING:

Michael Joseph
Michael Joseph
3 years ago

FTM, follow the money to see who benefits

Vegan Syd Most
3 years ago

I’m WFPB vegan for 48 years. No medications for me! No vax.

3 years ago

👏 Bravo! I wish more doctors would speak the truth. I’m being bullied by my work into getting the vaccine. I had Covid and I’ve been far sicker with other viruses in the past. This culture of fear and greed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lpsk or

Patricia Allen
Patricia Allen
3 years ago

Why Vacinate nursing home workers. 20 million people.
If the Vaciene is that bad, why recommend any person get something this dangerous. Aren’t their lives as important as anyones!!!

3 years ago

Finally the truth!

3 years ago

There is no way to hold these companies accountable for so many deaths. But I also know from experience that you can’t get anything from doctors in Alabama. I had neck surgery and the doctor nicked my artery..from Feb. Of 2020 to now..I am still having way to many problems. They should be held accountable.

Megan Knowles
Megan Knowles
3 years ago
Barbara Tucker
Barbara Tucker
3 years ago

Who can stop this?
I have never taken a vaccine because I have reactions to drugs. I don’t take chances in that area. How can I be exempt?

3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Tucker

Barbara here is one excellent advisor who addresses this subject and others related to the vaccines and other matters. His name is Jerry Day. He may still be on YouTube but he has placed a number of videos and has links to the information we all need here on Bitchute:

Last edited 3 years ago by AwakeToTheEvil
Get Real
Get Real
3 years ago

For people worried about Vaccine Enhanced Disease sometimes called Antibody Dependent Enhancement which can be and has been a severe problem with corona virus vaccines and MRNA based vaccines up to now here’s some early warning advice. ADE is said to begin happening anywhere from 3-12 months after the administration of the vaccine. The first people vaccinated were older weaker immune system senior citizens and healthcare workers in all countries starting in December & January.

The Southern Hemisphere which encompasses all of South America, Australia, New Zealand, most of Africa, and some parts of Oceania. The seasons are reversed for them with June, July, and August being the dead of winter and the height of cold & flu season. Watch the news from these areas. At first the PTB will censor and suppress the heck out of anything bad happening. Look for alternative signs and signals that something is going wrong in those areas. Financial news aggregators, AIS ship tracking web sites, ADSB aircraft tracking websites, etc… if you see something weird tell people about it. When you do print the website to an Adobe .pdf file or take screen shots, provide links and references so others can verify it or note that it has been deleted or altered.
Dont assume that it was a false alarm if nothing happens this winter season down below. It just means we have to wait some more. One of the fun facts about ADE is an adversary can genetically engineer a new and totally different pathogen (virus) to deliberately cause an ADE cytokine storm reaction to someone that has been vaccinated with something like one of the COVID-19 vaccines. Don’t take my word for it. Watch some of the dozens of videos by doctors, virologists, and vaccine researchers like that Nobel Prize winning Dr. Montangier(sic?). My guess is someone will wait until their little quantum computer A.I. Program tells them the optimum kill scenario threshold number of vaxxed people has been reached. Oh look! Aliens! Can you say “Look over here at the six legged green doggie wagging his tail” to distract you?

Don’t worry about waiting to long. I figure less than 18 months at the longest before something wicked kicks off in one way or another. A word of warning though. Pay close attention to the vote recount efforts now underway. If it looks like Trump may be legally proved to have won all hell will break loose and I mean every last drop from all four horsemen at once.

Denise Millett Burkhardt
Denise Millett Burkhardt
3 years ago

God bless you, I pray God protects you. Thank you for your honesty! May more join you in your truth.

Teresa Steele
Teresa Steele
3 years ago

Thank you so much for being honest. When instinct tells you there is something else going on here I say trust your instincts, they were given to us by our maker and have been under attack by world leaders for a long time, especially here in England.

Rev J D Ottawa
Rev J D Ottawa
3 years ago

Thank you for your courage and posting this. This is spiritual warfare.

Rodina Schuurkamp
Rodina Schuurkamp
3 years ago

Many people are of the opinion that COVID-19 is a biological weapon designed to depopulate, but in reality, the vaccine is the true biological weapon as we see consistently that the virus itself is not as deadly as the authorities are making it out to be, with a mortality rate as low or lower the the seasonal flu.
Why do they want a needle in every arm? Because the goal is depopulation and the biological weapon, the jab, has to be administered via a needle in order to achieve the end goal.
The stats are being suppressed, and the general public are making their decision based on incomplete and inadequate information. The prominent scientists who are calling for the worldwide halt are being marginalized, maligned, and discredited for simply telling the truth and going against the narrative.
The mark via the jab is what’s motivating many to take it, under the threat that normal life will only return after the jab.

3 years ago

Unbelievable, finally soemeone who makes sense👍

3 years ago

First of speaking just as a human being…..we have to really focus on healing our small disagreements and perceived divisions.
They can do anything to us and convince us when we as a human family are not connected and pissed off cause bob has a different view than Sally.
We are wiser than this. Remember where we’ve come from family!

Farzana Razvi
Farzana Razvi
3 years ago

Was there foreknowledge of the Plandemic



3 years ago

INCREDIBLY POWERFUL MESSAGE -- one of the most impactful of the hundreds Dr. McCullough has provided to bring a voice of reason, medical clarity, sound principles of medical care to a public overwhelmed with deliberately created confusion and fear. A man of courage, fearless in the face of a Machiavellian agenda of medical harm. Bravo!

Larry McIntyre
Larry McIntyre
3 years ago

Great presentation and a physician with true courage and deep moral conviction to his patientsl

3 years ago

Is there a place to get a transcript of this or the full interview? Both are very informative.

Maria B
Maria B
3 years ago

Over 4,000 vaccine deaths and 10,000 hospitalizations from it? OMG why isn’t the media reporting on this?! So scary!

3 years ago




Elizabeth Klym
Elizabeth Klym
3 years ago

people need the freedom to say no, Jesus never forced any one to accept Him as the Messiah and I choose not to get the jab. my husband got the jab. I know others that did not get the jab nor do they want it. But people are so fearful that they tatel tale on people. I agree with the guy.

Lindsay Ashton
Lindsay Ashton
3 years ago

He’s so close to getting it! He said with other vaccines we give to pregnant women, they’ve probably been tested for ten years. He’s a pro-vax doctor and doesn’t even know that NO vaccines have ever been tested on pregnant women!! His assumption (I’m assuming based on the blind faith doctors are told to have in the CDC) is dead wrong. I’ve read the inserts myself on every brand of every shot I could find and they all said they hadn’t ever been tested on pregnancy or for carcinogenic or mutagenic effects.

What they continue to get away with is criminal. Most people just don’t realize that this corruption has always run rampant in the vaccine industrial complex. They want mandates across the board from womb to tomb without liability. They never cared about safety since they’ve never used a double blind inert saline placebos in any of their testing either. There’s no real science happening here now, nor at any time. You’ve all been lied to. Vaccines kill, maim, cause cancer & countless chronic illnesses, & never eradicated any diseases. If you’ve heard differently, it was propaganda, not evidence-based science.

Dr Michael Joseph
Dr Michael Joseph
3 years ago

Excellent article. I am not sure why he still believes in other vaccines but he definitely is not into the Covid one.