I don’t ice skate so there is no chance that I can play ice hockey. At least Putin admits we are on the eve of war. The illegal Biden administration has led us to the eve of destruction.
I have always admired Putin.
He is intelligent, brave, patriotic, decisive, and committed. I only WISH we had politicians like him. He put his beliefs and his country first, his people love him! Sucks he isn’t on our side! Its a shame ALL of our politicians are villains and scum out to fleece the country and line their own pockets. Trump was the closest we have come, maybe DeSantis will prove to be this type for America?
Putin is on my side, or, rather, I’m on his. I just hope if he finally decides he must ‘deal’ with DC, that he will simply find a way to decapitate our beast government and leave the rest of us to sort out what comes next. Nuking DC during the state of the union wouldn’t bother me in the least. Clean out the rat’s nest. Just leave the gen pop alone and no boots on the ground here, and we’ll be friends.
gail jansen
2 years ago
I’ll be tapping my toes all day long and laughing. Even if what we are facing is deadly, WHAT AN IDIOT! WHAT AN IDIOT! Thank the Lord I was never an addict but even saying that, I no use for this people who waste their lives away on escapism, especially drugs or alcohol. Hunter should have grown up and left home years ago instead of living in Daddy’s drawers.
I have always admired Putin.
He is intelligent, brave, patriotic, decisive, and committed. I only WISH we had politicians like him. He put his beliefs and his country first, his people love him! Sucks he isn’t on our side! Its a shame ALL of our politicians are villains and scum out to fleece the country and line their own pockets. Trump was the closest we have come, maybe DeSantis will prove to be this type for America?
Putin is on my side, or, rather, I’m on his. I just hope if he finally decides he must ‘deal’ with DC, that he will simply find a way to decapitate our beast government and leave the rest of us to sort out what comes next. Nuking DC during the state of the union wouldn’t bother me in the least. Clean out the rat’s nest. Just leave the gen pop alone and no boots on the ground here, and we’ll be friends.
I’ll be tapping my toes all day long and laughing. Even if what we are facing is deadly, WHAT AN IDIOT! WHAT AN IDIOT! Thank the Lord I was never an addict but even saying that, I no use for this people who waste their lives away on escapism, especially drugs or alcohol. Hunter should have grown up and left home years ago instead of living in Daddy’s drawers.
Burn’em at the stake. Both of them. Publicly.