Memories, Not Monuments

My first PATCON was at Brock’s first PATCON at Dixieland. While I faithfully attended his PATCONs at Dixieland while I lived in Raleigh, I have only been to one after I moved to Western North Carolina.

I will always remember the food, Cousin John’s blessing of the meal and meeting good people from around the country. I remember the peacock, majestic pecan trees and the speakers.

The sale of Dixieland and the cancellation of what was to be the last PATCON at Dixieland are a loss for the South. All things must pass, but for me the memories and the southern charm of Brock Townsend will always have a special place in my heart.

I am reminded of the epitaph at the end of The Golden Pinnacle: Memories, not Monuments. I thank the Lord for the honor of meeting and knowing Brock Townsend.

David DeGerolamo

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Tragedy of the Commons

Yep, it is a great shock that it came down to this. He was so proud of
Dixieland and was always making plans for its existence.
I never thought he would outlive his ownership of Dixieland.
Brock is broken hearted at its loss. So sad.