‘Mentally Unstable’ Obama Looking To Start A War With China?

Obama Selfie

This week, Barack Obama sent a guided missile destroyer into disputed waters in the South China Sea to see if the Chinese would start shooting at it. Yes, this is what he actually did. Fortunately for us, the Chinese backed down and did not follow through on their threats to take military action. Instead, the Chinese have chosen to respond with very angry words. The Chinese ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, says that what Obama did was “a very serious provocation, politically and militarily.” And as you will see below, a state-run newspaper stated that China “is not frightened to fight a war with the US in the region”. So why in the world would Obama provoke the Chinese like this? Yes, the Chinese claims in the South China Sea are questionable. But there are other ways to resolve things like this. My friend Rick Wiles began his radio broadcast yesterday by suggesting that these kinds of actions show that Barack Obama has become “mentally unstable”, and I would have to agree. You don’t risk military confrontations that could potentially spark World War III unless you have a really good reason to do so.

The Global Times is a Chinese state-run newspaper that has very close ties to the Communist party. After Obama’s provocation in the South China Sea, it published an editorial entitled “After the show, it’s time for US destroyer to leave“. The following is the most alarming portion of that editorial…


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9 years ago

This “creature” is evil incarnate. He’s not human. He is Satan’s minion posing as a man.

His actions are NOT hap hazard, as one would think. They are DELIBERATE. He means to start WWIII and destroy the US, the world, at ALL costs.

Nothing he does is an accident.

People say he’s incompetent -- he’s NOT. On the contrary, he’s quite competent -- albeit EVIL.

What he’s doing was written of thousands of years ago and Scripture is coming to fruition. In effect -- he’s just following orders… (ring a bell?)

9 years ago

You are correct, everything this sodomite islamic does is planned by him and his demonic minions who work for him. This is the man who is the pre-cursor to the man of sin ( satan )entering onto the world stage. Just as Christ had a pre-cursor by the name of John the Baptist, so will Satan. The true children of God know who this evil perverted liar is, it’s the sodomite who has made the white House into the house of sodomy. And along with him he has the False Prophet , the Pope who also represents the false church on the earth and both of them together slander the most high God, they blaspheme the Lord at every evil turn they both make together. The two of these evil people will die a most horrible death at the hands of God, i would not want to be in there shoes when the hammer falls on the two of them together.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Interesting….two things for conversational,purposes come to mind so I’ll toss one out.

Most are aware the GOP handed Obama more authority over trade negotiations. Yes it is just another sign of how we have a single party system but that is another subject so I’ll endeavor to avoid further digressions.

Also most are aware the Trans-Pacific Trade agreement is coming up for approval in the future. What better way to give reluctant citizens encouragement to be in favor of it and politicians cover for passng it than to run a little political theater? After all why else would you send a single warship half way around the world to a piece of sand as some “show of force?” I mean if it is such a large threat to our national security wouldn’t you at least send a battle group as opposed to a single ship?

For my part I would expect the hype over China to continue as well as intensify in the media as a vote on the trade agreement gets closer. After all if China were such a huge threat why wouldn’t we be discussing removing them from most favored nations status. Wouldn’t that be a much larger and more significant threat to Chinemthan one ship?