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The only scumbags that will be eliminated will be the elitists in the government, the media, and the corporatists. they will all be rounded up and eliminated by hanging. these are treasonous and seditious people and along with this brood of vipers our treasonous military leaders will also be removed by hanging. 85% reduction in people, and what are these fools thinking, the American people will sit idly by and watch there families be decimated by these satanic murderers and not fight back and remove them from there misery.The evil satanic bastards in the illuminati and Bilderbergers will have each bullet with there names on it also and the murderers wont even know when its coming.
Anyone who believes this information without any additional facts should consider running for political office.
So Hans in your humble opinion what is all the big stir about Jade Helm 15 . If i understand you correctly, you don’t agree with the matrix on, so if you don’t believe in what they are stating, then Would I be correct in assuming you don’t believe in the internal military build up of Jade Helm, under the DHS, CIA, FBI, and the other military groups operating illegally as NORTHCOM or what I like to call them NORTHSCUM. just like to know your feelings to get a better grasp on where you are coming from. I am ex military and what i see and hear from the inside, there is a rebellion brewing and it will come to a head. I am getting the heads up on that situation, and when it blows all hell will break lose, all I can tell you is do not trust jade helm or any military group operating under these disguised names internally in the U.S. its not what you think or have grown up to believe.
I posted the link to because, like the commenters, I cannot locate the data and analytic method from which the forecast was produced … nor were any of my friends able to locate same.
No issues about the magnitude or “badness” of Jade Helm … or any of the other unlawful and immoral acts of our FedGov. Satan lives.
Just watching the “dumb-show” from my little patch of still-fertile earth, and enjoying the stunning spring weather while I do my chores.
Keep the faith and your job is to protect your immediate family, things are going to get really worse as we get closer to the 4th quarter of this year, just a heads up.
UPDATE: I think I found the reason for the massive depopulation forecast …
… first-world countries just won’t be making any new people.