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don’t take the JAB -- a dishonorable discharge for refusing the JAB would be a Badge of Honor.
You DO have a choice! If you take the JAB, you are likely to pay with your Life.
God bless you for taking a stand, when we stand up they go down.
Another thing is if yu do take the jab, you lose all your choices after that, the shots are pure POISON made to a slow death. the non- listed “Graphene Oxide” alone pollutes your blood, thats why now young men are getting heart problems for life, however long that is.Do NOT take the jab !
God bless the few with balls AND brains!
You’d have to be a brainwashed, Yes-man🤔 to take it after all news we have seen. What if they have never seen ANY of these facts that dropped bc MSM will not dare cover. Social media, most peoples news, keeps hiding facts from them.
These poor people being “Dishonorably discharged” i pray one day WE THE PEOPLE,,,MAKE OUR GENERAL’S! We stand one last time and give it all for truth and freedom
If we have a ‘WTP’ left…might be only THEM left.
IF military members refuse to take the jab, and have been given a direct order (only officers give direct orders -- NCO’s give ‘lawful orders’) and lawful order (not merely, ‘legal’), and in fact, a Dishonorable Discharge is the consequence, a few other things must happen first, as a DD is the most serious discharge and is saved for the most egregious offenses (murder, rape, desertion, cowardice, treason, etc). A DD is NOT an administrative discharge -- it is imposed only by a General Court Martial. Period. Not a Summary (which can be judged by any officer) or a Special (which is most common to offenses not required to be tried by a General Court).
Summary Courts don’t have the authority to impose a punitive discharge (either a BCD ‘Bad Conduct Discharge’ or a DD ‘Dishonorable Discharge’). Summary Courts can only impose an ‘administrative discharge’ which is either Honorable or General (under Honorable Conditions) or General under other than Honorable Conditions, aka “UOTHC” -- this discharge is usually reserved for ne’er do well malcontents.
Special Courts may impose a punitive discharge; either a Bad Conduct Discharge for enlisted or a Dismissal for officers.
So, with the DD being reserved for those military offenses which carry either extended prison sentences or the death penalty, if the military is going to impose a DD on the troops for refusing to take the jab, there’s going to be such a bottle neck in the military justice system that it will grind to a halt.
Governing it all is the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which most people are aware exists. They may not be aware that it is a statute, just like any other federal law, and must be enacted by Congress and signed by the president before it has any force. So, if the current administration wants to make a DD a punishment for jab refusal, they’re going to have to have congress pass the changes to the existing edition of the UCMJ, have Brandon (or whomever does his signing now) sign it, and then have it implemented.
Until then, I don’t see DD’s for jab refusal. General UOTHC? Maybe. General. Probably. Honorable -- depending on character of entire service, possibly.
I could be wrong, but DD’s are only imposed after certain conditions are met. My knowledge comes from a 6 year stint as a First Sergeant dealing in military law working with the JAG, ADC, and various commanders.
Stand Strong
Good info from all walks, occupations, beliefs. What is outstanding throughout is that they all responded in a patriotic manner, reflecting the ideals of the founders. Sure these tyranny pushing pedophiles can be taken out. But Who is going to do it, who will be the first, It damn sure can’t be congress, or come from any administration, they are all too weak and spineless. It will be someone, terminally ill, refused medical services because they haven’t been jabbed, has nothing else to loose, and simply has reached the end of their rope, going postal in the process. Invocation of Rule 308 -- Game on.
I’m hanging on for a peaceful roundup of all the treasonous bastards and serious Coming to Jesus awakening. But I’m not holding met breath.
It’s a sad day when our government is controlling its people by using fake science and fear mongering! When our elected officials live by a different set of rules it’s no longer a democracy it’s a Dictatorship! Now they are using Covid to purge our military of conservative thinking men and women so when they order them to turn on it’s own citizens they will without question! History repeating itself from Germany in the 1930s
When the People Lose Everything and Have Nothing left to Lose…They Lose It! We are at a time when we might as well “bite the bullet” and make a stand to fight…Fake Biden has already capitulated Taiwan to China, Guam to China, Australia to China, Singapore to China, Vietnam to China, Philippines to China and rumor has it…Hawaii to China and China is already in Canada, Mexico and California. The Invasion has already started folks! Part of my family escaped Nazi Germany and came here! This is the last bastion of Freedom before World Tyranny takes over…would you rather die on bended knee being guillotined for body parts in a Fema/Concentration Camp or standing on your own 2-feet fighting? As my Dad-Navy Petty Officer Vietnam always said…when the time comes when you have to hide your guns…that Son is the time you need to use them most!
Here is a link to an article that details the numbers of troops who are resisting this illegal coercion to partake in an emergency medical experiment:
It has this pertinent info, including a chart that shows the numbers in each service and the percentage who have been jabbed:
Also, if the President, who is Commander in Chief, says that those who resist the jabs are facing a Dishonorable Discharge, this is what is known as illegal Command Influence. The UCMJ requires individual assessment by each commander up the chain of command in how to handle any criminal charge. (For this purpose I will assume the “order” is legal and that the unjabbed violated that order.) For the highest Commander to state the outcome he wants to see, that is clearly Command Influence to tell his subordinate commanders to enact a punishment dictated by that senior instead of using their own judgment.
Additionally, there is no approved “vaccine” and all that is available anywhere in the USA are those that were issued and are still experimental, under an Emergency Use Authorization. The fake news and even the liars at FDA tried to fraudulently make it look like in August 2021, Pfizer’s jabs were approved for use. What was approved is a new Pfizer shot called Cominarty, which is not available in the US and is still being tested in some foreign countries. It probably won’t be available for nearly another year !!
This is very important: Army regulations state that no military servcemember can be forced to join in or take an experimental drug or shot. They cannot be coerced either (we know that is what this is all about since the Nazis did that to their subjects). Also, the other services have identical restrictions in their regulations against coercion or forcing someone to take an experimental med/shot. However servicemembers can be forced to take finally approved shots that are approved as safe for general use by the public.
So now the worthless Secretary of Defense wants to butt kiss Xao BuyDem’s bum by ordering all to take the new approved shot thinking the FDA approved the shot that they have been administering for seven months when it was the newly unavailable shot that was approved.
Shot-resisting military servicemembers need to know what I have just said. They need to say to their Commander ” Your authority over me, according to Army Regulations, says that i can be ordered to take shots which the FDA has given final approval for use by the general public. I will take the only shot that has been approved, the Cominarty shot when it becomes available”.
Lawyers should be able to get to federal court over these proposed discharges and put a stop to the military’s violation of it own regulations. Such a case has been brought up before and decided against the Dept of Defense concerning the SARs shots in 2002. Presently there are cases are pending in federal court but were brought by those who already had the disease and are arguing that under different regulations, they do not have to take a vaccine if they have naturally acquired immunity. If they win it doesn’t stop those resisting the shots on religious grounds or for other reasons. That is why military shot-resistors must use the military’s own regulations and the FDA’s actual approval letter agains this illegal order and pogrom.
BTW, thus info that I provided might help people being forced from their jobs if they go together and hire an attorney to stop them from being required to take a shot which really isn’t finally approved. The Cominarty shot, when given as finally approved, carries no protection to Pfizer for bad outcomes from the shot. They ony have immunity from lawsuits when the med/shot is given under an Emergency Use Authorization, like thge present batch of shots that they still have on hand…..
Does anyone, now, have ANY doubt when I say: this IS the mark of the beast?
I support them 2000% the idea you have to stop thinking once you join is unrealistic -- After U spend time in the service and U come to realize that most people don’t have a clue what its like — the very thought that they would want to force you to take a jab is unconceivable knowing how bad it is -- I spent 21 yrs in military and if you get covid -you probably would have anyway -- currently the number of those experiencing a reoccurrence is higher if you received the jab already- I hope the first cases ADC is the best attorney on base and they stick it to the Woke officers that support this BS- The puppet senior officer corps started under BAROCK HUSSSIAN OBUMMMER the second worst president in history -- all demorats
Worry not these this must surly come to pass! If you are discharged fear not! we will need you! My oath is still active! When we remove these commies we will reinstate you! give you a commission and a more than honorable discharge when you separate at your convenience. We need you Now!
Stand strong warriors. Your oath is to the Constitution not Biden!!!!
I can’t walk or run but I’m with you, I’ve got my military eyeball left and I locked and loaded I’m in Kentucky !!!!