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- Towasi on Democrat Harpies
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on She’s right!
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Democrat Harpies
- Balanced Rock on Democrat Harpies
- Thexrayboy on Progress? Let’s Hope
The only way a point will get across is when you remove all evil people from power. If they have allowed this to go on or are seriously thinking about it, they are evil and need to be removed. All this stagery if wasted effort and a cover for not having the gumption to remove evil from power.
Agreed they have become beyond reason. Parents and active community participants -- shut it down. School is out, these are our children period. Take notice these buildings will remain closed until further notice. You are fired, please vacate the premises. You have no authority over what we the people bestow and that has been removed. Police? Government? At that point you will come face to face with the true tyranny, exposed and in the light of day.
Let’s not just breeze by. We are looking for things we can do to make a difference, a way to direct our own reset. Schools are a huge problem, messing with children huge problem. Most schools are preparing to close for the extended holidays. Time enough for every parent to begin the home school paperwork process. Community members might chip in by providing a space to hold classes or security or food. Real come together opportunities. By their own system we have the curriculum, opportunity and the right. Let them reopen after the break -- to crickets….use their system and their tactics against them. January global headlines US education system collapses due to lack of participation. 5th generation warfare my friends but you have to participate!! This idea, this opportunity could go viral in no time. Or we can sit here peeing all over our selves like beta puppy dogs.
The Cat Lady has cogent and logical propositions as to why trannies should not be teaching students.
Libtards will hear her but not react. They are brain dead having swallowed the beliefs that what is most important is that their ideas “feel” like the right way to run schools.
Logic, competence, and morality are foreign concepts to Libtards.
The only thing that matters to them is how WOKE they appear to others of their ilk…..
We are here because:The immutable laws of toleration is upon you. You own it… Western Man.
Just a note: You can’t reason with these people.
They will listen to her and not hear. God has given them a reprobate mind