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- Snotty Boy on Tillis Has Selected Memories
- Thexrayboy on Joe Biden Forgot to Pardon Himself
- Phil1350 on Pardons Ignored
- Balanced Rock on Tillis Has Selected Memories
- Roth Harbard on Fire the Weasels
Someone really should expose how perverse the NC Constitution became after the Great Rebellion.
Article I sec. 4&5 are clearly not rights, but obligations to a foreign power.
Someone really should expose how perverse the NC Constitution became after the Great Rebellion.
Someone really should expose how perverse the NC Constitution became after the War for Southern Independence. There. Fixed it (lol)!
Seriously, while Lincoln and the North wanted centralization, the South fought to retain the vision of the Founders. We lost everything when we lost that war. It just took a while for the cancer to metastasize.
Agreed, though most publications of the era make reference to ‘the Rebellion’ or ‘the Great Rebellion’. Not aware of how often the term ‘War for Southern Independence’, yet the misleading term CW is to direct searches to the ‘official narrative’ of sophistry.
Pointing out these legal contradictions can go far to enlightening the uninformed. Even today, the US military set up bases on conquered territory as a means of subjugation. Hopefully it will soon backfire, as DOD is REQUIRED to be under LAWFUL civil command or face war crimes. (the queen has been taken out of play, Our symbolism will be their down fall)
ie If we the people can organize under a common armband (a min requirement as per DOD Law of War Manual), we can demand a new form of governance. They have contingency plans in place already, yet we must ask or remain subjugated. Before the mid terms IMO.
People in NC Must Obey the Feral Gov. according to the state constitution. No more rebellion against the Feral Authorities and their Lawz. Such a sad conclusion in 1865 with the 2nd Surrender at the Bennett Place, Durham Station, NC. At least the Duke’s made money selling the Yanks tobacco. Now just look what it has wrought, DU, exceeding the wokeism even of Berkley Univ. in Calyforeignia.