This phone interview was recorded in 2018. I decided to release it today for a few reasons. One is the consequences of protesting in the United States in relation to the January 6th protests. Solitary confinement in prison without trials for misdemeanors is not a consequence of protesting; it is a consequence of tyrants who illegally took control of Congress and the Executive branch.
What are your opinions of “governance” today in light of the disinformation governance board that is now in place?
David DeGerolamo
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No they are wanting to catagorize people and get lists so they can come after anyone at any time! It is called -- we want total control, and we will come after you whenever we want to! He keeps using the word governance too much, he is not clear in his mind what he is doing and why. This is government obsessed with itself and overly concerned with itself. I guess they are not concerned about Antifa and BLM the ones they should be concerned about -- but NO they are okay because they are WOKE!
They were obviously fishing. What is concerning to me, as just a civilian, is that it occurred when “our guy” was in office. I use quotes because I know the real game being played, it’s us v them. The point though, is how bad is it now with avowed communists in control.
4 years ago they realized the end game was coming, and now it is upon us. Stay alert, as we have all been sold down the river.
Wish I could offer better analysis.
The controlling CABAL have been playing both sides against each other for a long long time. As long as we do not pay attention to the root cause, which is the roots of the controlling group, we are not going to get anywhere. Also, unfortunately the entire legacy news media is in the pocket of the CABAL.
He sure was fishing. You and most of people here are at their radar.
It is clearly the only defense mechanism available to a regime that cannot defend its “ideals” through logic and reason.
J6 is either a regime who is in desperate fear of losing their grip or attempting to bait patriots into an ambush.
J6 is either a regime who is in desperate fear of losing their grip or attempting to bait patriots into an ambush.
BS. J6 is them spitting in your face with a side of bitch slap.
And what is it with this “bait”? It’s like, “Stay home men! It’s a Fed trap!” They certainly have a noose around your necks with the “bait” and “Fed trap”.
The amusing thing is, that within driving distance of the J6 Gulag, there are at the least a million self professing Patriots… but it’s “bait” and a “Fed trap”.
And besides, it’s not them.
They’re definitely spitting in our faces and bitch slapping us…daily.
True Patriots must not exist.
The vote, protest, and redress of grievances is over, this illegal regime that stole the country in the 2020 coup is forcing their will upon the people. There is nothing left of the Republic, it is an authoritarian regime, like any other nation of tyrants. The only redress is with the bullet box, we know it and they know it.
yes sir….that would be the cartridge box, and I hope yours is full, ’cause I’m thinkin’ might be soon, time to vote with ’em.
NWO-USSA democRats & rinoRats are Continuing their Tyrannical Coup World Wide unconvential bankster warfare.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Thank you for posting the article…the coming shutdowns this fall will be horrendous with little food and what is available 200-500% higher than today, high unemployment forcing universal income, most likely digital currency requiring Vax Pass with Social Score and Americans will welcome their New Master!
I did not hear him say what CA unit they were with, so i’m gonna guess that it’s either the 95th Brigade or 83rd BN out of Ft Bragg, becasue they called you, here in NC..
Kinda makes sense to me, but how did they get your number?
Given the fact that all SF candidates do Robin Sage in NC, they would be looking at “groups” to war game on, and Silly Affairs guys integrate w SOF folks to “win the hearts and minds” of local populations….
hmmm..going after amateur radio operations, especially HF, hard to RDF if set up properly, becasue they know it’s gonna be a source of comms and dissemination of info, and his interest in FM broadcasting is telling..someone with a mobile FM broadcasting rig can drive around and broadcast info…
“Smokebomb Hill and/ or JFK Center! And he said he was civil affairs, who’s to say he wasn’t actually from Psywar Ops.
In Japan, one man with a home made firearm, made a statement. His vote can’t be stolen.
Bet we see more of that shortly. When folks lose hope …
Fishing expedition, especially on comms. However, I’d give the non-coms the benefit of the doubt as to purpose. Not so the higher ranks.
Did not sound like military to me. Sounded more like FEMA. Fishing expedition in preparation for an exercise of which they hold many throughout the year on every type of situation they may encounter. They often advertise for volunteers from the local public to role play. Very dangerous for legitimate folks to be involved with. The guy on the other end of your phone not very adept in his capacity as a black ops snoop. He needs more practice or training. Kinda like his first week selling encyclopedias door-to-door. Been there. Done that.