Wes posted this video:
I could easily make the case the Trump is the one person responsible for Operation Warpspeed and the deaths of millions of people. We know there are many people and companies who contributed to this mass genocide, sterilization and debilitating diseases. Are the people who were duped into taking the vaccine responsible for deaths caused by their shedding? Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law is not a valid argument just because the “law” says it is. Laws are made to control people, not protect people. Every one of us breaks at least two laws every day that are classified as felonies.
If I was President, would I have taken the same steps as Trump? Of course not because I had the necessary background in molecular biology to know that Fauci and the CDC were lying. Very few people understood the real science and its consequences because they did not have the education to know that their advisors were culpable and contributing to an even worst scenario.
You can attack Trump for not having the scientific background to know better. You can attack Trump for trusting his advisors. What you really want is a fall guy.
I can fault Trump for not accepting responsibility for the “vaccine” once it became known that it was deadlier than COVID-19. I could say “What difference does it make now” but I will not. It does make a difference and people should be held accountable for their actions, but not their ignorance.
As of today, not one government agency is stating that we have herd immunity as they push their boosters of death. Gain of function research is still being funded covertly around the world by the United States. Pharmaceutical companies are still making huge profits on gene therapies mislabelled as “vaccines”. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments were falsely misrepresented and millions of people died (at least in the United States). Let Trump be the fall guy and take the full brunt of our judicial system. What about the rest of the people who really are responsible?
I understand that there will always be war and pestilence. As much as I want justice, most days I want vengeance on the evil that has taken control of our country and our lives. I ask the Lord for forgiveness and to be a better, just man.
Let’s just be prudent in our actions when those truly responsible are held accountable.
David DeGerolamo
I do hold President Trump responsible for his own decisions, however, I cannot make him a “scape goat” because of the circumstances surrounding his term in the White House. The President clearly thought he was making a lifesaving effort to save people. What we know is that he was being lied to and manipulated by vested, nefarious interests the entire time. Could a normal human be expected to miraculously “see” the depth and breadth of a worldwide Big Pharma-WEF multi-generational plan without expertise or honest research support? Probably not. But that is my real point at which I do hold President Trump accountable. His absolute refusal to listen to his base in picking people for political positions resulted in catastrophic consequences which should have never happened. Just look at his “health advisors and Pence’s” appointment to handle the pandemic. Kamala Harris must be laughing herself silly over that one. If Trump runs again, he needs to provide his base with an intelligent plan for picking appointments. Otherwise, I’m praying for backup.
Gail, I’m thinking that you may not have watched that video, in its entirety.
I say that because the author of it lays out several very important facts that say to me that Trump was not just duped and lied to, although there is plenty of that to go around. In that video, he states that Trump signed an executive order in September, 2019, September that stated, in part:
“President Donald Trump yesterday issued an executive order directing the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to overhaul seasonal flu vaccine production and urge more Americans to be vaccinated.
The executive order, titled “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health,” promotes new vaccine manufacturing technologies to support more robust vaccines and advances the development of vaccines that provide longer lasting coverage against a broad range of flu viruses.”
The rest of the article can be found here:
Trump also accepted $1M from Pfizer during his Presidential campaign, along with more money from the other companies.
Trump appoints a former pharmaceutical agency executive, and lobbyist for Big Pharma to head Health and Human Services (HHS).
Who was the person to call for the health emergency that resulted in the lockdowns? Wait for it…Alex Azar of the HHS.
That is just some of what is in that video and what can be fact checked.
What makes me upset and angry about just this one facet of his presidency is that I voted for Trump twice HOPING that he was not who I had already thought he was. A former democrat (until he ran for office), from New York, with lots of ties to the banking cartel (Wilbur Ross for one).
I get upset when I’m taken for a ride…
I did.
Ha! ha! I remember those propaganda, I mean news conferences with Dumbo. I mean Trumpo and that’s when I packed it it stopped watching TV, started working out hard, started reading more and researching this Jew World Order. He ain’t our savior and this ride is nowhere from over. May the peace of our Jesus the Christ be with us all. PS- the Synagogue of Satan going cashless and gonna turn the lights off. It’s all a COHENcidence.
Trump was played. played like a Stratovarius. He’s vainglorious, bull headed, has a certain naiveté, and is willing to ‘work with what he has’… All it takes is a little sophistication, and boom -- he’s got them right where they want him.
I seem to be missing your point.
He’s a problem solver. In my mind, looking back, this was a trap -- that he would pursue a cure whatever it took. The technical details of the vax were quite secondary to the idea that there was something deliverable to the population. Especially when all the power interests at play were ‘winning’ [pharma, gov’t, industry].
“The real menace of our society is the invisible government, which like a great octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation….the little cotiere of powerful international bankers virtually run the U.S. government for their won selfish purposes.”
NYC Mayor John F. Hyland 1922
It’s the 100 year anniversary of this speech! The mere fact that 99% of Americans who attended public schooling have never heard of this man gives you an idea of the extent of the arms of the banksters.
All wars are banker wars. Donald Trump is just a runner. In the last 100 years, technology has helped the banksters to inflict harm on a greater scale. That’s really the only thing that’s changed.
After 20 years most Americans still believe Muslims that hate us for our freedom carried out 9/11. The real culprits remain hidden.
The banksters simply used the medical industrial complex to carry out Covid. You can chase Donald, Bill, Anthony, Nancy, and Klaus if you like. The folks in limelight are foot soldiers. They are easily replaceable but don’t need to be replaced because the crime bosses at the top are never mentioned.
They all need to pay. There are very few who now say they where wrong. But then you get out there and brag to this day that you are the father of the shot. Then you should be the first to be punished.
The number in the beginning told the truth. There was the Navy ships and the cruise ships. One was full of healthy people and the other full of older less than healthy people. Neither one had a mortality rate higher than the flu. The cruise ships should have been a killing ground the elderly and they where not. This should have raised questions in any reasonable person.
How about the over all mortality rate? It did not go up. In fact the rates for certain “killers” went down or even disappeared. A normal person woudl have seriously questioned that.
Then the mask thing. In May of 2020 the CDC published a study on how masks where ineffective against the influenza virus. Since the influenza virus in some cases is smaller than the COVID virus, how could the masks be effective against it? But they played along with requiring them.
Then the fact that they had a “vaccine” for the “virus” ready less than a year after it was “discovered” did not amaze anyone in power? Then the allow it to be given, oops, I mean tested on humans astounds me. Seriously, they did not even have the time to isolate and “virus” and yet they have and effective “vaccine”?
I could go on. The truth was there for everyone too see they just had to look, listen and think. Very few did. To be honest, there is not much sympathy from me. Everyone can spend all day on Facebook, TikTok, Youtube, etc.. and yet could not spend the time to do a little research on the most deadliest “virus” to ever threaten man kind. Call me what you want, but they all made their bed. Those that pushed it also made their bed. They are murders and deserve God’s punishment for murder.
I get so tired of hearing how great a leader Trump is, and yet he constantly get played. This is the best leader in a life time? Really, played at every corner and still to this day did not know that he was played? Maybe, just maybe, he played all his supporters. There is only one reasonable reason for his actions, he went along with it all. Well, or he has an IQ of 90.
When the Chinese flu started up , the first thing President Trump did was try and shut down people coming in from China. Oh , you can’t do you said every democrat. He probably could have controlled the covid with just that.
Trump has a narrow window of opportunity to extricate himself from this trap and change history, but he seems paralyzed and strangely tied to Pfizer’s interests, unable to criticize the very same pharma company that donated millions to his January, 2017 inauguration ceremony. Per ‘Natural
News’. All about the Benjamins.
The legitimate criminals he pardoned were all mafia types who paid him
a million dollars each for their pardons. The Hell with Assange.
Take the guns and worry about Due Process later. Unbelievable and
unforgettable. He knew better. He seems to have a split personality.
Trump is over and the Florida Gov is not an answer..
To whoever:
And millions of Doofus Boobus Amerikanus Retardus fell for everything, hook-line-sinker, beginning Jan. 2020.
I’m not half as mad at these people as I am of millions of Doofus Boobus Amerikanus Retardus.
“See to it that you are not deceived.”
You’re all the same people…
“…so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark…”
“And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
…who came after me, because I was not deceived.
I can imagine you bending the knee to the beast and its image.
You will see this again on your finale exam.
Well, let’s all bring out our Trumpy Bears and have a group Trumpy Bear hug.
Stop making excuses and f**king own it.
I saw through this crap when it started. So did others.
But go ahead and tell me how stupid Trump is and the rest of you who fell for this crap.
This would have been over as fast as it started except for all the girls peeing their panties. But… but… we were deceived!
Know what is funny? All these “Doctors” of something on board the anti-vax wagon on GETTR. Some of the names you may be familiar with.
Ask them a simple question: How is it possible that the FDA did not have the “specimens” so they “contrived samples” and “contrived specimens” derived and contrived from a bowl of… soup. When there were supposedly thousands getting sick and/or dying of the supposed “specimen” of which supposedly their would be BILLIONS of supposed “specimens” that could have been taking from the supposed sick and/or dying of the supposed “specimen”!
Absolute silence.
And BTW, the CDC says it had a piece of RNA.
A piece of the RNA? Crap… you can “derive” and “contrive” a piece of RNA these days.
FDA: Wink-Wink.
There is a lot to unpack here, both in David’s post and the comments. A recurring theme seems to be “Trump played us”, or “Trump is a globalist”, or “Trump banksters former demoncrat evil”. Another recurring theme is a litany of all the bad things Trump did, like Warp Speed, Take the guns, etc.
It’s amazing how quickly and easily we forget that Trump was persecuted by the groomercrats the entire time, from when he announced he was running to the present day. Endlessly attacked, lied about (provably) and excoriated. Blamed for Jan 6. Russia Russia Russia. An endless barrage of bullshit, all meant to cause us to forget about what he accomplished, and judging by the comments here, extremely effective. Did Trump mess up with the vaccines? As it turns out, yes. However, he (and all of us) were lied to FROM THE BEGINNING OF COVID as to the lethality of the disease (some out there STILL suggest there’s no such thing as covid… don’t waste anyone’s time with that crap) and those lies were supported by the outright murder of tens of thousands of innocent people who were hospitalized then given drugs and put on ventilators that killed them, then those deaths were conveniently blamed on covid.
President Trump is a businessman. Didn’t we want a businessman, for once? Weren’t we tired and disgusted with politicians? Well, we got a businessman, and a damned good one. Not a perfect one, but very good,and the successes of his presidency, of which there were many, despite the endless persecution demonstrate that. A businessman who views the world through the eyes of a businessman, not a politician. Businessmen have blind spots, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. What we’re really mad about is that we have discovered that he’s not perfect, and we really needed perfection.
I can guarantee with absolute certainty that everyone who reads this blog, and everyone who posts to this blog, has some skill, or knowledge, or education that surpasses what President Trump has. David has a background and knowledge in molecular biology that dwarfs what 99.9% of the world has, and that includes President Trump. I have an understanding of cosmology and climate studies that likely dwarfs the same amount. Everyone here has knowledge and skills that are better than nearly everyone else. Yes, most of us here understood, and spoke LOUDLY about the trap Trump was walking into, and the dangers of mRNA vaccines. Why? Because we pay attention to these things. We have morals. We care about our families and our country. Does that make us better than President Trump? Sure, in some ways. Does that mean Trump does NOT care about our families and our country? Of course not. Would ANY of us been able to accomplish an infinitesimal fraction of what Trump accomplished THAT WAS GOOD during his presidency? I find that very, very unlikely.
David is right. What you all want is a fall guy. Trump needs to own his part in this disaster, and he needs to do it RIGHT FUCKING NOW, but his part came from believing narcissistic liars and desperately wanting to save American lives. Everyone seems to forget about what life was like as covid spread, the fear that it caused (in no small part because of the MSM) and that, as time went on, we just wanted our lives back. Guess what. We STILL don’t have our lives back, and now our world is spiraling into darkness at a rate that is beyond breathtaking. Go ahead, blame Trump. It won’t fix it, it won’t change anything, and your blame will be misplaced. Isn’t it interesting that you are blaming the man who had the election stolen from him (and all of us) while the thieves are continuing to massacre Americans and irreparably destroy our economy and our nation.
Hammers Thor, I always appreciate your well thought out comments. And, most of the time we are of the same, general mindset. However, I think the psyop with Trump may be much bigger than most of us can imagine.
It took me almost his entire presidency to come to the conclusion (with no smoking gun) after seeing a plethora of circumstantial evidence, that he was chosen for such a time as this. He has been a major distraction to both the right, and the left, while the global cabal continue to march forward with their agenda. No one before him has created the divide on the right like he has and still does. Too many times in the past, on other posts regarding Trump, I’ve listed the reasons (aside for Operation Warp Speed) that many of his promises were unfulfilled and that he was not the conservative POTUS we were all looking for so, I will not list them again.
If indeed you are correct, and this has all been a psyop, I will be the first to admit it. It would also suggest that the deep state and the traitors are even smarter and more clever than we believe. Right now this is something I’m not ready to accept.
“By deception shalt thou wage war.” Motto of the Mossad
The reason most will never see the psy op is because the never identify who the enemy is. They focus on the puppets.
I can also say… what a brilliant psyops job.
Because I can assure you with 100% accuracy. There are people who absolutely EMOTIONALLY SWOON over Trump.
And when you have this mixture of people, assuming he is re-elected, there will be nothing (Wink-Wink) that he couldn’t get away with.
I am still deeply concerned about this. Any Christian should be able to discern it. And… Who do they plan on taking The Seat in the Temple? No Christian in their right mind would advocate building a Third Temple.
We ARE His Temple. If He lives in us.
it is sad for me to see a man such as this who had to work along with the New York mob to get his construction jobs completed and who had much savvy working with these scum, if not he would have never completed his jobs.He goes off to Washington and surrounds himself with corrupted rinos and demonrats and he could not see thru them, something is really wrong here.
Remember that the mob were businessmen too… they were crooks, but had a code of ethics. The rinos and groomercrats are not businessmen, they are grifters and have no ethics whatsoever, good or bad. This was Trump’s Achilles’ heel. I pray that he has learned from his mistakes, since there is no one, including Desantis (at the moment) that could win in ’24 except Trump.
So, take your choice. Trump, with all his faults, or Biden/Harris/Rice.
Maybe Hillary would have done better than Trump, IDK.
So you are saying, if you are still voting it comes down to the lesser of two evils?
I am not saying that at all. I do not believe President Trump is evil. My comment about Hillary was pure, unadulterated sarcasm.
You are correct because there will be no other choice for us if and when make it to 2024. As for me my conscious dictates not to vote any longer. even if the republicrats win in November do not expect to see any thing change what so ever . It will be business as usual especially with corrupted rinos in power.You need to prepare for the end of this nation and for the protection of your families from these thugs. Remember pelosi is the daughter of a New York mobster family out of New York City and then moved his operation to Baltimore. Need I say anymore. In my younger days she would have been sent to the butcher shop where many of them deserve to go.
The way to fight against this evil is to accept that what is happening is needed , warranted, foretold of. What He wants and needs is us to be and to Stand as His people. The world will go its way, His people will go His way. His Son was our example. He returned as the Holy Spirit. He gave us through the prophets detailed info on what kind of people to become and strive for. How are we doing?
In my life i have noticed, people usually get what they deserve.
If a person took the jab, then it is THEIR fault and no one elses
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
1:19-21 Instead of blaming God under our trials, let us open our ears and hearts to learn what he teaches by them. And if men would govern their tongues, they must govern their passions. The worst thing we can bring to any dispute, is anger. Here is an exhortation to lay apart, and to cast off as a filthy garment, all sinful practices. This must reach to sins of thought and affection, as well as of speech and practice; to every thing corrupt and sinful. We must yield ourselves to the word of God, with humble and teachable minds. Being willing to hear of our faults, taking it not only patiently, but thankfully. It is the design of the word of God to make us wise to salvation; and those who propose any mean or low ends in attending upon it, dishonour the gospel, and disappoint their own souls.
Who are we mad at? This thought has reoccurred to me several times during the last 12 years. Are we like the left who has literally shaken their fist and yelled at the sky? What kind of people are we being called to be? Are we strong enough?
A reoccurring thought:
Are “they” in ‘effect’ attempting to assassinate Donald Trump? His character, his political career ? Will he survive?
Even though my view differs much with Nathans take on certain things, there are many good points and things to be aware of in this post.
The Cult of Trump