Although Israel is not specifically stating that the USA will “invade” Turkey, the threat is made that Erdogan will be overthrown if Turkey supports the impending war in the Middle East.

Some points for consideration:

  1. If Israel is directing the actions of the United States (and other Western nations), the implications of this are nothing less than treason.
  2. Turkey is a member nation of NATO since 1952. An attack on Turkey requires all members of NATO to come to its defense as outlined in article 5 of the NATO charter.
  3. This would destroy the NATO alliance.
  4. This will destroy support for the war in Ukraine.
  5. This would destroy the European Union.
  6. This will destroy the West.

Currently, most Republican and Democrat politicians support Israel. Rep. Thomas Massie has stated that most members of Congress have an Israeli/AIPAC handler. So much for swearing an oath to uphold the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.

So we are to accept the premise that the only Syrian town left in the Golan Heights whose residents have refused to become Israeli citizens was bombed by Hezbollah? The leaders of the West have become so arrogant that they think we will believe anything that we are told.

David DeGerolamo

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago

They’ve suffered zero backlash for any of their previous actions. You have to ask why WOULDN’T they?

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
7 months ago

An invasion of Turkey by the USA? Huh? --insane idea. FYI…. Turkey is no push-over like Saddam Insane. Nope. They have THE MOST powerful non-nuclear military in the region. And Pakistan has pledged to backup Turkey with their nuclear arsenal if need be. Turkey may come into the conflict with Israel should they go all-out in Lebanon, which would trigger a massive middle eastern war FYI (with Iran and others).

Roth Harbard
7 months ago

The Turks would eat the rainbow US military alive. They have real men, a larger army, and a short logistics train. The destruction of the State of Israel, NATO, and the Western governments would be beneficial for mankind. We all know who is at the root of globalism, but few are willing to point them out. If we fear being called names, we’re done.