NC FIRE Action Alert


Two new Bills introduced in the NC House!

HB141 -DACA Beneficiaries/Drivers License Moratorium

This bill would give the General Assembly the time necessary to determine all the ramifications of issuing licenses to DACA eligible individuals, (a decision that SHOULD be made by the General Assembly and not by an appointed government official). HB141 has the support of the House leadership and the Governor.

HB118 House Bill 118- Consular Documents Not Acceptable as ID

This bill would deny the use of foreign consular documents as acceptable ID in NC. It is now accepted as proof of residency in NC, by the NCDMV when applying for a NCDL and many state agencies when applying for social welfare programs. (How does possessing a foreign ID card prove you live in NC?)

“Approx. 50,000 DACA eligible individuals are expected to register for a NCDL”(

“Along with “lawful presence” comes the chance to apply for a Social Security card and work permit.” ( Those 2 documents, combined with a new NCDL, will enable the DACA eligible individuals to apply for any NC social welfare program or register to vote, just like any legal NC resident can.

NCFIRE urges you to contact your NC State Representatives and NC State Senators. Tell them to act quickly and support these two bills.

NC House-

NC Senate-

James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement

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