NC mom says man shot husband, 6-year-old daughter while kids were playing outside

WCNC Charlotte reports Gaston County police said Robert Louis Singletary, 24, is wanted for the double shooting on Grier Street just south of Gastonia.

According to neighbors, it all stemmed from kids playing and a basketball rolling into the suspect’s yard, though police haven’t confirmed those details, citing the ongoing investigation.

Ashley Hilderbrand said her husband and six-year-old daughter were the two people shot, while Hilderbrand was grazed by a bullet.

“It was very scary,” Hilderbrand said. “My daughter actually got to come home last night. She just had a bullet fragment in her cheek. Still, scary, but my husband, he’s still in the hospital. He’s in trauma. I’m doing the best I can. I just wish they’d catch this guy.”


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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

Society is unraveling at the seams. Wait till there are no more pharma drugs available.
I pray for the family and a speedy recovery for them. I hope they bury the suspect…you never hurt children, ever.

1 year ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Especially over a damn basket ball. I’m thankful this was not in my neighborhood. I got a neighbor with 6 that plays basketball and it dont bother me a bit. This totally irrational thinking.

1 year ago

Everyone needs to get on a toxic heavy metal detox daily. If you don’t know what Targeted Individuals are -- look it up. The surveillance and mind control technology works best with people who are full of metal and carry a smart phone -- basically, they are physically mobile receivers and transmitters through their bodies and in sync with what the AI in the Smart Phone is emitting… Look for Mik Anderson for reports and diagrams on how these system works.
This is NO JOKE. The 4G and 5G are pulsing away and when they move via 60 Gigahertz frequency, any human in their path is affected. The human body cannot absorb the oxygen molecules they breath in at that frequency because at that frequency their electrons are moving too fast.
What you get is a high tight non-productive cough… that either stops pretty fast or makes you hack up your left lung. It’s worse if you are chemtrailed all the time. Estimates are that the atmosphere has been so polluted by these military “chemtrail teams” that we are breathing in 20 million nano-particles with every breath.
Because of it’s affect on oxygen molecules, 60 GigaHertz moves through the atmosphere with very little resistance. So the utilities and telecomms love to use it -- even though it causes hypoxia in us. No surprise there.
Most of these shootings are done by people who are TI’s or just pushed over the edge by Mind Control tech that is estimated to be affecting 1-3 million Americans.
Geoengineered Transhumanism by Elana Freeland
Guinea Pigs by Dr. John Hall
Project Soul Catcher by Dr. Robert Duncan
And many, many more.